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一款功能強大的電子郵件程式工具,可用於在一個非常廣泛的環境,這是特別適合網路郵件。-Pegasus Mail 4.61 (2011.02.24)
-RD's Little Windows Backup (2011.02.08)
A small Windows file backup tool written in C#.Net 2.0. Target: a folder mirrors the source folders via hard links (must:NTFS). The files are stored in separate dirs with history. -Long paths supported -Network supported -Multiple settings -Easy to u Long filename support Incremental backups Current backup browsable
-Nagios (2010.10.04)
Nagios is a powerful, enterprise-class host, service, application, and network monitoring program. Designed to be fast, flexible, and rock-solid stable. Nagios runs on *NIX hosts and can monitor Windows, Linux/Unix/BSD, Netware, and network devices
-Open CWorthy (2010.07.28)
Open CWorthy clone for Linux, DOS, and Windows written by Jeffrey Vernon Merkey. This Library resembles the Cworthy Interface deployed with Novell NetWare. This multithreaded library supports VT100, VT220, Linux, and XTerm, Windows and DOS
Netware風格 Linux內核調試,由杰弗裡弗農梅基( Jeffrey Vernon Merkey)攥寫的-Merkey Linux Kernel Debugger (MDB) (2010.07.04)
Netware風格 Linux內核調試,由杰弗裡弗農梅基( Jeffrey Vernon Merkey)攥寫的
您可以搜索和分析網路空間使用:它支援磁碟空間管理(跨Windows),活動目錄,NDS公司的NetWare和UNIX系統-SPACEWatch Pro (Network Edition) 6.0 (2010.01.26)
普樺推出首款三合一企業級NAS機種 (2009.10.02)
普樺科技(Proware Technology)宣佈推出業界首款三合一企業級SAS NAS機種,滿足企業級用戶規劃、建置資料中心。普樺該款產品不僅可視為一NAS,並可針對單純RAID功能做整合,以及針對iSCSI target的伺服器機種提供全方位解決方案
-Merkey's Kernel Debugger MDB (2008.08.05)
Netware style Linux Kernel Debugger written by Jeffrey Vernon Merkey
-Mercury/32 4.52 (2008.04.25)
Mercury/32 is a Windows mail server with special support for the Novell NetWare environment. The program consists of multiple modules that can be activated depending on your needs. Mercury/32 comes with a long list of advanced features and is extremely standards-compliant, supporting the major Internet mail-related protocols and has special features designed for use in dialup environments
FSF考慮干預Novell和微軟的Linux合作協議 (2007.02.05)
Novell和Microsoft先前在Linux開放軟體合作專利協定的默契,已經引發開放原始碼軟體社群及相關業界的負面情緒,擁有Linux核心智財權的自由軟體基金會(Free Software Foundation;FSF)表示,正考慮接受相關業界的建議,禁止Novell發行Linux作業系統
頂沛科技獲Novell Sentinel台灣總經銷 (2006.12.01)
VMWare發表可開啟多項作業系統的虛擬軟體 (2006.08.08)
在Apple WWDC 2006會上,虛擬軟體廠商VMWare展示可適用在Mac、讓OS X作業系統使用者無需重開機的情況下、便可安裝其他作業系統的產品。 VMWare表示,這款虛擬化軟體可使Apple作業系統的用戶同時安裝Linux、Sun的Solaris、Novell的Netware以及Microsoft的XP作業系統
Novell擴大支持Linux作業系統與行銷網絡 (2006.03.21)
根據外電媒體報導,Novell CEO Jack Messman在美國鹽湖城開幕的Brainshare年度大會上,公佈Novell未來發展藍圖,同時推出包括Suse Linux Enterprise 10在內的多款產品。 3月初在德國漢諾威舉行的CeBIT電子產品展上,Novell推出新一代Linux作業系統Suse Linux Enterprise Desktop 10
-Pegasus Mail 4.31 (2006.02.17)
Pegasus Mail is a powerful mail program that can be used in a very wide range of environments, and which is especially well-suited to Internet mail. The program has tons of features, including multiple signatures, HTML support, mailing lists, address books, reply templates and many more
-TurboPower B-Tree Filer 5.57a (2005.12.11)
B-Tree Filer is a fast library of file-based database routines for Borland Turbo Pascal & Delphi. B-Tree Filer supports stand-alone programs or those running on Microsoft-compatible networks including Novell Netware.
-NWSend 5.0 (2005.11.05)
NWSend allows sending and receiving messages between Novell NetWare users that have Client32 installed. The program sends messages using the same protocol as standard NetWare utility does, so users can receive them without any additional software requirements
讓 Unix 使用者透過 SMB 將 Windows 檔案系統連上 Unix-lba-pam-mount 0.9.15-44 (2005.03.22)
讓 Unix 使用者透過 SMB 將 Windows 檔案系統連上 Unix
Novell's reonag6 的 Windows 使用介面-NetWare rconag6 win32 native client 2.5 (2005.03.13)
Novell's reonag6 的 Windows 使用介面
威聯通與群豐策略聯盟 (2004.11.23)
威聯通科技日前與群豐資訊共同合作,以威聯通科技之網路儲存路由伺服器(Router NAS)為國內知名買貴退差價之大型連鎖藥妝店建置POS系統儲存備援機制,成功滿足了連鎖藥妝店於交易資料保存安全及管理便利的需求
微軟「2004年.NET程式設計競賽」今起正式開鑼 (2004.04.02)
台灣微軟公司集結聯合軟體元件社群網站藍色小舖、神達電腦、惠普科技、O2、微軟技術社群暨最有價值專家、中華民國資管學會等單位,共同舉辦「2004年.NET程式設計競賽--- Web、Windows、Mobility 跨平台大決戰」活動

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1 Microchip推出具先進圖形與連接功能SAMA7D65系列微處理器SiP/SoC解決方案
2 意法半導體 VIPower全橋驅動器搭載即時診斷功能 簡化汽車驅動系統的設計與成本
3 凌華科技推出「OSM-MTK510」 高效能、超低功耗、堅固耐用的精巧型工業電腦模組
4 意法半導體發表 STM32U3 微控制器,進一步推動超低功耗創新 適用於遠端、智慧與永續應用
5 意法半導體全新 STM32WBA6 無線微控制器整合更多功能與效能,兼具電源效率
6 貿澤電子即日起供貨ADI邊緣運算平台,可支援自主機器人和自動駕駛車中的機器視覺
7 ROHM的EcoGaN被村田製作所集團旗下Murata Power Solutions的AI伺服器電源所採用
8 Microchip推出多功能MPLAB PICkit Basic除錯器
9 業界領先的低鉗位元電壓TPSMB-L 系列汽車 TVS 二極體
10 Bourns 推出高額定電流 AEC-Q200 認證車規級屏蔽功率電感系列


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