相信香爐在我們的精神生活中,還是有著一定的重要意義的。當我們點燃那一支支香的時候,它們燃燒著自身,流露出來的更多的是和平與寧靜,甚至給人們帶來了希望和信念。 設計師從香的燃燒中受到了啟發,將這種傳統的東西賦予了現代的面貌。他們就設計了這麼一款香爐夜燈,讓人頗為稱讚。 這款夜燈的香爐既是燈的底座,也是充電器,可將多支爐香一同插放於之上,即代表了燒香的儀式,也是在為這爐香充電。而且,這爐香是可以單獨拿出來使用的,只要輕壓一下底部,它便會微微的亮起,多拿幾隻組成一束便更有效果,用起來也很安全,也很有氣氛。 設計師Kyu Hyun Lee & Hae Won Jo的這一設計最終是獲得了KOIZUMI國際燈具設計獎的銀獎。
Vancouver Aims Title of Greenest City in 2020 with Cisco and Pulse Energy
In a partnership with Cisco and Vancouver-based energy management system company Pulse Energy, Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson announced at the Shanghai World Expo its plans to become the greenest city in the world by 2020.
GreenTechGrid blog reports that to reduce its carbon footprint by 2020, Vancouver wants to monitor the efficiency of buildings and give people a way to watch their energy consumption in real time.
Cisco on the other hand aims to help the city through its Cisco Home Energy Management system which is basically a dashboard to monitor energy consumption in real-time. The company, known for its Linksys routers and other networking hardware, explains that customers could reduce their consumption anywhere from 4 percent to 15 percent if they got real time monitoring. Cisco also has an internet-based tool called Urban EcoMap which further helps people with tips on reducing reducing their carbon footprints and a look at climate change information.
At the south west coast of Britain ten miles off the town of Hayle, 180 feet deep below the sea, are fishes. And four huge yellow plugs creating energy. Aptly called the Wave Hub, these 12 ton plugs costing $64 million to build and install, can have four 5MW marine power devices connected to it at a single time and connected to the main national grid by a 15 mile cable.
5MW may be a little for now compared to other marine power installations but the catch here is, the world’s largest tidal power generator could generate a staggering 187,000 MWh/year. The Wave Hub may just be a test bed for marine energy developers but this looks like a truly a promising development.
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2010.09.14 11:59:40 AM
Re: Google綠能投資 首購風力發電廠
Life Sack Is Not Your Ordinary Grain Sack
The main problem of third world’s crisis is to get food and fresh water supply. World wide charities such as World Vision have sent common supplies such as grain, packed in sacks. Based on this information, three Korean industrial designers have ingenious idea to redesign the sack. Life Sack is a sack that can also work as a water purifier kit. After grain is stored, they can reuse the sacks to purify water. Life Sack uses SODIS (Solar Water Disinfection Process) technology to filter contaminated water. The UV-A-radiation and thermal treatment will kill deadly microorganisms and bacteria in water. It is hoped that this design can help providing more sufficient amount of clean water for the people in Africa.
Designer : Jung Uk Park, Myeong Hoon Lee, and Dae Youl Lee
Open this chart and look closely. After you get over the sudden nausea and dizziness caused by your eyes and brain trying to adjust to it, try to get deeper into it. Repeat until something, anything, makes sense.
If you can't make any sense out of it, don't worry. The only more difficult thing would be to interpret cuneiform tablets using your toes after walking your way from New York to San Francisco and back. Barefoot.
This soup of pastel colored noodles is the Pentagon's "Integrated Defense Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics Life Cycle Management System," a workflow chart that details the entire process of proposing, contracting (or not), researching (or not), developing (or not), manufacturing (or not), deploying (or not), and maintaining (or not) weapons, vehicles, gear and all kinds of technology for the US armed forces (or not).
Now you know why the Federal Budget has such a huge pie dedicated to feed the most advanced and powerful military force in the History of Humanity.
The solar energy lamp, aside from the obvious purpose of illuminating our city streets also serves as a charging station to juice up mobile phones and other electronic devices. The leaves can be tilted towards the sun to effectively gather sunlight through embedded solar panels which store solar energy. Described at the designer’s blog as “[a motive] that stands in contrast to the urban environment and symbolizes something peaceful and poetic” the flower lamp’s roots can also serve as benches.