英飞凌与Vodafone合作新一代GSM及EDGE技术 (2010.03.03) 英飞凌科技宣布与Vodafone Group Plc合作,扩大双方策略合作伙伴关系,透过充分运用英飞凌行动平台成本优化的优势,协助Vodafone以自家品牌产品进军行动网络装置(MID)市场,提升新兴市场的网络用户体验 |
瑞萨新款flash MCU提供最低耗电量及改良功能 (2010.03.02) 瑞萨科技宣布推出芯片内建内存(flash MCU)R8C/Mx系列低脚位数MCU,提供业界最低耗电量及改良的功能,包括需要低耗电应用之定时器,例如电动刮胡刀、电动牙刷,及其他小型家用电子装置 |
浅谈高密度闪存效能与可靠性提升之管理机制 (2010.03.02) 成本一向是闪存发展的重要驱动力,也因此驱动闪存制程密度的快速提升。然而,高密度闪存除了导致数据存取的效能下降外,数据错误率也大幅上升。本文介绍一个「提交式管理机制」来解决高密度闪存效能与可靠性的问题,同时也改善系统初始化及当机回复的效能 |
GSA将在台湾举办Memory Conference (2010.03.02) 全球半导体联盟(GSA)正式宣布,GSA Memory Conference将于2010年3月16日星期二于台北晶华酒店盛大举行。本活动为业界首次以结合Memory及Logic IC达到更佳系统效能为活动主轴的研讨会 |
瑞萨新款32位MCU适用于先进驾驶辅助系统 (2010.03.01) 瑞萨科技近日宣布,推出适用于先进驾驶辅助系统之SH74552及SH74562两款32位MCU,可为汽车「主动安全系统(Active safety)」提供障碍物侦测、危险回避等功能,并采用小尺寸13 mm × 13 mm封装、160 MHz高速运作频率、1 MB高速芯片内建闪存,及芯片内建功能如4信道CAN |
Blackfin Development Tools Bundle (2010.03.01) For a limited time, you can begin your Blackfin processor design at a discounted rate, over 70% off the regular price. This offer is available from March 1st to May 28th , so order your bundle today to get started. |
Atmel单键电容式触控控制器问世 (2010.03.01) 爱特梅尔(Atmel)今(1)日宣布,推出以可携式设备市场为目标的全新单键式触控控制器产品系列。新产品可使下
一代可携式触控设备(包括电源按钮、助听设备、玩具和邻近传感器)的耗电量降到17 µA以下,其中的嵌入式低功耗
功能还有助于延长这些可携式设备的电池寿命 |
BLACKFIN USB-LAN EZ-EXTENDER (2010.03.01) The Blackfin® USB-LAN EZ-Extender daughter board allows developers to connect to the Asynchronous Memory Bus on the ADSP-BF533 EZ-KIT Lite, ADSP-BF537 EZ-KIT Lite and ADSP-BF561 EZ-KIT Lite.
The EZ-Extender has peripherals that support USB 2 |
BLACKFIN EZ-EXTENDER (2010.03.01) The Blackfin EZ-Extender daughter board allows developers to connect the Parallel Peripheral Interface (PPI) on the ADSP-BF533 EZ-KIT Lite and the ADSP-BF561 EZ-KIT Lite to a number of Analog Devices High Speed Converter (HSC) evaluation boards (ADC, mix signal, and DAC), the OV6630 OmniVision camera evaluation board, and an external LCD display |
英飞凌推出Android入门级手机平台 (2010.03.01) 英飞凌科技近日宣布,推出XMM 6181–Android入门级智能型手机平台,以满足主流消费市场的需求。XMM 6181利用高度整合系统解决方案支持Android开放式操作系统,有助于将行动社交网络推向大众市场 |
LABVIEW EMBEDDED MODULE FOR ANALOG DEVICES BLACKFIN PROCESSORS (2010.03.01) The National Instruments LabVIEW™ Embedded Module for Analog Devices Blackfin® Processors is a comprehensive graphical development environment for embedded design. Jointly developed by ADI and NI, this module seamlessly integrates the LabVIEW Development Environment and Blackfin Embedded Processors |
LABVIEW EMBEDDED MODULE FOR ANALOG DEVICES BLACKFIN PROCESSORS (2010.03.01) The National Instruments LabVIEW™ Embedded Module for Analog Devices Blackfin® Processors is a comprehensive graphical development environment for embedded design. Jointly developed by ADI and NI, this module seamlessly integrates the LabVIEW Development Environment and Blackfin Embedded Processors |
CISSOID引入新系列P信道高温功率MOSFET晶体管 (2010.03.01) 高温半导体解决方案的CISSOID,引进VENUS的新系列高温30V的P信道功率MOSFET晶体管,其保证操作在摄氐负55度到225度之间。P信道功率MOSFETs的VENUS系列命名为CHT-PMOS3002,CHT-PMOS3004及CHT-PMOS3008,其最大漏电流额定分别为2A、4A及8A |
EZ-KIT LITE EVALUATION KIT FOR ADSP-BF561 BLACKFIN PROCESSOR (2010.03.01) The ADSP-BF561 EZ-KIT Lite® provides developers with a cost-effective method for initial evaluation of the ADSP-BF561 Blackfin® Processor for audio and video applications via a USB-based PC-hosted tool set. Evaluation of analog audio applications is achieved through the use of the AD1836 multichannel 96 kHz audio codec |
EZ-KIT LITE FOR ANALOG DEVICES ADSP-BF537 BLACKFIN PROCESSOR (2010.03.01) The ADSP-BF537 EZ-KIT Lite® provides developers with a cost-effective method for evaluation of the ADSP-BF537 Blackfin® Processor and its rich set of system peripherals, including the IEEE 802.3 10/100 Ethernet MAC and CAN 2 |
EZ-KIT LITE FOR THE ADSP-BF533, BF532, BF531 (2010.03.01) The ADSP-BF533 EZ-KIT Lite provides developers with a cost-effective method for initial evaluation of the ADSP-BF533 Blackfin Processor for a wide range of applications including audio and video processing. The EZ-KIT Lite includes an ADSP-BF533 desktop evaluation board and fundamental debugging software to facilitate architecture evaluations via a USB-based PC-hosted tool set |
BF506F EZ-KIT LITE (2010.03.01) The ADSP-BF506F EZ-KIT Lite® provides developers with a cost-effective method for initial evaluation of the ADSP-BF504/F and BF506F Blackfin® Processors via a USB-based, PC-hosted tool set. With this EZ-KIT Lite, users can learn more about the Analog Devices (ADI) ADSP-BF506F hardware and software development, and quickly prototype a wide range of applications |
ADSP-BF527 EZ-KIT LITE EVALUATION KIT (2010.03.01) The ADSP-BF527 EZ-KIT Lite® provides developers with a cost-effective method for initial evaluation of the ADSP-BF527 Blackfin® Processors via a USB-based, PC-hosted tool set. With this EZ-KIT Lite, users can learn more about the Analog Devices (ADI) ADSP-BF527 hardware and software development, and quickly prototype a wide range of applications |
诺发系统宣告售出第1000台化学气相沉积系统 (2010.02.28) 诺发系统日前宣布,已卖出第1000台化学气相沉积系统给新加坡GLOBALFOUNDRIES Fab 7, GLOBALFOUNDRIES为半导体制造技术之供应者,近期并与Chartered Semiconductor Manufacturing进行整合,Fab 7亦会将12吋VECTOR Express应用于65奈米及更先进技术的大量生产 |
软性MEMS有着落! (2010.02.27) 传统MEMS组件很难应用在曲线与不规则表面上,且制造过程中,会产生庞大的热与化学污染,生产成本昂贵。对此,麻省理工学院的科学家,研发出一种印制的MEMS生产技术,将MEMS组件印在(stamp)塑料薄膜上,不但生产出软性的MEMS组件,同时制造成本也大幅降低 |