相關物件共 32
紅帽JBoss EAP 7為混合雲應用環境提供更穩定的基礎 (2016.07.05)
世界開放原始碼軟體解決方案供應商紅帽公司發布與Java EE 7相容的企業級應用程式平台7(Enterprise Application Platform 7, EAP 7)開放原始碼應用伺服器,並導入JBoss Core Services Collection,為客戶提供通用的基礎應用元件
甲骨文Java平台未來展望 展示Java技術最新成果 (2013.09.27)
於舊金山舉辦的2013年JavaOne大會主題演說中,甲骨文Java開發團隊主管勾勒Java平臺的未來展望,同時展示最新的Java技術創新成果,並推出開放原始碼的Project Avatar。 Java技術展示的重點方向 ‧ Java SE (Java Platform Standard Edition, Java平台標準版)的重要發佈
一款 Java 開發工具,包含JDK、JavaFX、NetBeans、Java EE、說明文件...等。-Java SE 工具 (2012.05.24)
一款 Java 開發工具,包含JDK、JavaFX、NetBeans、Java EE、說明文件...等。
-StarMX (2010.11.18)
A framework to support dynamic adaptation behavior in Java EE enterprise systems and to develop self-managing applications. StarMX utilizes JMX features and can be integrated with different policy/rule engines to enable self-management capabilities
-HPC Portal Development Platform (2010.10.27)
HPC Portal Development Platform provides the well-designed portal development platform for Java/Java EE developers in the fields of high performance computing and E-Business. It can also be the education or other kind of portal development platform
-CincoSecurity Module (2010.08.09)
CincoSecurity module offers big flexibility to protect EJB3 methods, and JSF page elements.It associates a role to each EJB method (fine role) defining a security profile as a set of roles; its use cases manage security profiles and users
-Perf4j integration for CDI (JSR-299) (2010.07.30)
An add-on package for implementations of Contexts and Dependency Injection for the Java EE platform (CDI - JSR-299) providing convenient integration with Perf4j - performance monitoring library for Java applications.
-Broadleaf Commerce (2010.06.23)
Broadleaf Commerce is an open source Java EE eCommerce platform based on the Spring Framework. Broadleaf Commerce uses a robust, extensible architecture that enables deep customization and rapid development.
-jGenUI (2010.05.26)
Agile development with Java. JAVA EE Rich Internet Application Generator for jBoss Seam Framework. jGenUI produces java code integrated with Seam, Richfaces and Hibernate. More information at http://www.jgenui.org Fastest development cycle ever seen Java code generator
昇陽新Java EE 6導入了可增加平台彈性的新功能 (2009.12.31)
昇陽電腦(Sun Microsystems)於日前宣佈,推出Java Platform Enterprise Edition 6 (Java EE 6),並表示目前Java技術授權也獲得Caucho、IBM、Oracle與Red Hat等知名大型企業支持。 Java EE 6導入了可增加平台彈性的新功能,並且可讓企業使用於完整企業平台之外的特定應用環境,以滿足企業不同應用案例的需求
[fleXive]是提供企業水準安全引擎和versioning的Java EE 5 SQL(查詢語言)的框架-[fleXive] [fleXive] 3.0.3 (2009.06.26)
[fleXive]是提供企業水準安全引擎和versioning的Java EE 5 SQL(查詢語言)的框架
昇陽電腦發佈GlassFish Portfolio加強版 (2009.06.23)
昇陽電腦(Sun Microsystems)日前發佈了Sun GlassFish Portfolio幾項技術更新。GlassFish Portfolio是最完整、開放原始碼、高效能的網頁應用程式平台,由OpenESB、OpenMQ、Liferay Portal、Sun GlassFish Web Stack與業界最常被下載的應用程式伺服器GlassFish等開放原始碼技術所構成
-[fleXive] Release Candidate 2 (2008.07.19)
[fleXive] is a Java EE 5 framework that provides an enterprise-level persistence engine with security and versioning, a SQL-like query language, a JSF-based web administration and reusable JSF components for integration into existing applications
-jVantage jvantage-ce-1.rc2.2 (2008.05.06)
jVantage is a visual web development tool that provides rapid application development (RAD) capabilities, based on a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and the Java EE (J2EE) platform
-[fleXive] Release Candidate 1 (2008.04.23)
[fleXive] is a Java EE 5 framework that provides an enterprise-level persistence engine with security and versioning, a SQL-like query language, a JSF-based web administration and reusable JSF components for integration into existing applications
-jcompany jCompany-Community-0.9 (2008.04.20)
jCompany Full-Stack Framework - Community Version. Hyper-produtive Full Stack Solution for Java EE Open Source Development.
-bugtime bugtime v0.1 (2008.04.08)
BugTime is an open source bug tracking system written in Java EE 5 that can be deployed to JBoss and other Java EE 5 application servers.
-Pebble 2.3 (2008.03.08)
Pebble is a lightweight, open source, Java EE blogging tool. It's small, fast and feature-rich with unrivalled ease of installation and use. Blog content is stored as XML files on disk and served up dynamically, so there's no
-ASGMemProf 1.0 (2008.02.27)
ASGMemProf is an exact, bytecode instrumenting memory profiler for Java EE, relying on a novel scheme - memory accounts.
-Security Annotation Framework safr-0.8.2 (2008.01.13)
The Security Annotation Framework (SAF) is an instance-level access control framework driven by Java 5 annotations. It complements Java EE security concepts by introducing declarative permission checks on the level of domain object instances

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1 捷揚光電首款雙鏡頭聲像追蹤 PTZ 攝影機上市
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4 ROHM推出車電Nch MOSFET 適用於車門座椅等多種馬達及LED頭燈應用
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6 意法半導體新款車規直流馬達預驅動器可簡化EMI優化設計
7 宜鼎率先量產CXL記憶體模組 為AI伺服器與資料中心三合一升級
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