相關物件共 16
益萊儲2022展望:最大的成就別人就是做好自己 (2022.01.06)
面對複雜多變的後疫情時代,在測試量測行業和資產管理領域,益萊儲/Electro Rent在租賃服務及測試資產優化管理方面為客戶提供更大價值、更高靈活性...
看好5G布建需求 益萊儲再增資5G建設部署測試設備 (2021.07.05)
益萊儲/Electro Rent 宣佈對新產品進行大量額外投資,以支持 5G 基礎設施的建設和部署。這是繼一年多前益萊儲擴充用於5G商業部署測試設備後的,又一次追加投入。 益萊儲投資了來自世界一流設備製造商的測試設備,包括 VIAVI、EXFO、是德科技、安立、羅德與施瓦茨、PCTEL和Fujikura (AFL)
公路照明:進階光電子技術展示在汽車行業之價值 (2019.09.19)
大聯大品佳推出安森美半導體NCV78247的汽車矩陣式大燈系統 (2019.08.15)
零組件通路商大聯大控股今日宣佈,旗下品佳集團將推出以安森美半導體(ON Semiconductor)NCV78247為基礎的汽車矩陣式大燈系統。 大聯大品佳集團所推出的本方案是以安森美半導體新一代電源控制晶片為基礎的汽車自動調整大燈系統ADB(Adaptive Driving Beam Lighting System)方案
一款在澳大利亞橄欖球聯盟(AFL)協助使用者分析的工具。-FFGenie (2011.03.28)
-FFGenie R3 (2008.04.08)
Assists users to analyse and select players in Australian Football League (AFL) based football fantasy competitions. Displayed in a Java Swing GUI, users can sort and filter players based on many statistical categories.
-FFGenie R19 (2007.08.13)
Assists users to analyse and select players in Australian Football League (AFL) based football fantasy competitions. Displayed in a Java Swing GUI, users can sort and filter players based on many statistical categories.
-FFGenie R11 (2007.06.12)
Assists users to analyse and select players in Australian Football League (AFL) based football fantasy competitions. Displayed in a Java Swing GUI, users can sort and filter players based on many statistical categories.
-FFGenie R2 (2007.04.12)
Assists users to analyse and select players in Australian Football League (AFL) based football fantasy competitions. Displayed in a Java Swing GUI, users can sort and filter players based on many statistical categories.
-AFL Tipping - ECTIP 6 (2007.02.17)
A Web-Based AFL Footy Tipping application using a system of points allocation between 1-8 for each match of the round.
-Field Representation Project 0.4.2 (2006.12.26)
The field representation projectis based on the Field Representation Language (FRL) and associated tools. Primarily this means the Abstract Field Layer (AFL) - a C++ API for reading, manipulating and writing FRL files.
-Field Representation Project 0.4.1 (2006.10.25)
The field representation projectis based on the Field Representation Language (FRL) and associated tools. Primarily this means the Abstract Field Layer (AFL) - a C++ API for reading, manipulating and writing FRL files.
-AFL Tipping - ECTIP 4 (2006.09.23)
A Web-Based AFL Footy Tipping application using a system of points allocation between 1-8 for each match of the round.
-AFL Tipping - ECTIP v1 (2006.07.15)
A Web-Based AFL Footy Tipping application using a system of points allocation between 1-8 for each match of the round.
-FFGenie FFGenie-0.1 (2006.06.26)
Assists users to analyse and select players in Australian Football League (AFL) based football fantasy competitions. Displayed in a Java Swing GUI, users can sort and filter players based on many statistical categories.
VISHAY (2000.07.25)
Global Industry Leader Vishay is one of the world’s largest manufacturers of discrete semiconductors and passive electronic components. These components are used in virtually all types of electronic devices and equipment, in the industrial, computing, automotive, consumer, telecommunications, military, aerospace, and medical markets

1 Bourns全新薄型高爬電距離隔離變壓器適用於閘極驅動和高壓電池管理系統
2 Basler全新小型高速線掃描相機適合主流應用
3 宇瞻智慧物聯展示ESG監控管理與機聯網創新方案
4 Littelfuse推出首款用於SiC MOSFET柵極保護的非對稱瞬態抑制二極體系列
5 宜鼎推出DDR5 6400記憶體 同級最大64GB容量及全新CKD元件
6 SCIVAX與Shin-Etsu Chemical聯合開發全球最小的3D感測光源裝置
7 瑞薩與英特爾合作為新款Intel Core Ultra 200V系列處理器提供最佳化電源管理
8 Bourns SA2-A系列高壓氣體放電管新品符合AEC-Q200標準
9 Pilz開放式模組化工業電腦適用於自動化及傳動技術
10 意法半導體新款750W馬達驅動參考板適用於家用和工業設備


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