鯧뎅꿥ꆱ藥 16
益莱储2022展望:最大的成就别人就是做好自己 (2022.01.06)
面对复杂多变的后疫情时代,在测试量测行业和资产管理领域,益莱储/Electro Rent在租赁服务及测试资产优化管理方面为客户提供更大价值、更高灵活性...
看好5G布建需求 益莱储再增资5G建设部署测试设备 (2021.07.05)
益莱储/Electro Rent 宣布对新产品进行大量额外投资,以支持 5G 基础设施的建设和部署。这是继一年多前益莱储扩充用于5G商业部署测试设备后的,又一次追加投入。 益莱储投资了来自世界一流设备制造商的测试设备,包括 VIAVI、EXFO、是德科技、安立、罗德与施瓦茨、PCTEL和Fujikura (AFL)
公路照明:进阶光电子技术展示在汽车行业之价值 (2019.09.19)
大联大品隹推出安森美半导体NCV78247的汽车矩阵式大灯系统 (2019.08.15)
零组件通路商大联大控股今日宣布,旗下品隹集团将推出以安森美半导体(ON Semiconductor)NCV78247为基础的汽车矩阵式大灯系统。 大联大品隹集团所推出的本方案是以安森美半导体新一代电源控制晶片为基础的汽车自动调整大灯系统ADB(Adaptive Driving Beam Lighting System)方案
一款在澳大利亚橄榄球联盟(AFL)协助用户分析的工具。-FFGenie (2011.03.28)
-FFGenie R3 (2008.04.08)
Assists users to analyse and select players in Australian Football League (AFL) based football fantasy competitions. Displayed in a Java Swing GUI, users can sort and filter players based on many statistical categories.
-FFGenie R19 (2007.08.13)
Assists users to analyse and select players in Australian Football League (AFL) based football fantasy competitions. Displayed in a Java Swing GUI, users can sort and filter players based on many statistical categories.
-FFGenie R11 (2007.06.12)
Assists users to analyse and select players in Australian Football League (AFL) based football fantasy competitions. Displayed in a Java Swing GUI, users can sort and filter players based on many statistical categories.
-FFGenie R2 (2007.04.12)
Assists users to analyse and select players in Australian Football League (AFL) based football fantasy competitions. Displayed in a Java Swing GUI, users can sort and filter players based on many statistical categories.
-AFL Tipping - ECTIP 6 (2007.02.17)
A Web-Based AFL Footy Tipping application using a system of points allocation between 1-8 for each match of the round.
-Field Representation Project 0.4.2 (2006.12.26)
The field representation projectis based on the Field Representation Language (FRL) and associated tools. Primarily this means the Abstract Field Layer (AFL) - a C++ API for reading, manipulating and writing FRL files.
-Field Representation Project 0.4.1 (2006.10.25)
The field representation projectis based on the Field Representation Language (FRL) and associated tools. Primarily this means the Abstract Field Layer (AFL) - a C++ API for reading, manipulating and writing FRL files.
-AFL Tipping - ECTIP 4 (2006.09.23)
A Web-Based AFL Footy Tipping application using a system of points allocation between 1-8 for each match of the round.
-AFL Tipping - ECTIP v1 (2006.07.15)
A Web-Based AFL Footy Tipping application using a system of points allocation between 1-8 for each match of the round.
-FFGenie FFGenie-0.1 (2006.06.26)
Assists users to analyse and select players in Australian Football League (AFL) based football fantasy competitions. Displayed in a Java Swing GUI, users can sort and filter players based on many statistical categories.
VISHAY (2000.07.25)
Global Industry Leader Vishay is one of the world's largest manufacturers of discrete semiconductors and passive electronic components. These components are used in virtually all types of electronic devices and equipment, in the industrial, computing, automotive, consumer, telecommunications, military, aerospace, and medical markets

1 Bourns全新薄型高爬电距离隔离变压器适用於闸极驱动和高压电池管理系统
2 Basler全新小型高速线扫描相机适合主流应用
3 宇瞻智慧物联展示ESG监控管理与机联网创新方案
4 Littelfuse推出首款用於SiC MOSFET栅极保护的非对称瞬态抑制二极体系列
5 SCIVAX与Shin-Etsu Chemical联合开发全球最小的3D感测光源装置
6 宜鼎推出DDR5 6400记忆体,具备同级最大64GB容量及全新CKD元件,助力生成式AI应用稳定扎根
7 瑞萨与英特尔合作为新款Intel Core Ultra 200V系列处理器提供最隹化电源管理
8 Bourns SA2-A系列GDT高浪涌电流等级提升电气性能和浪涌保护
9 三菱电机新型MelDIR品牌80×60像素热二极管红外线感测器
10 意法半导体新款750W马达驱动叁考板适用於家用和工业设备


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