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新款WinZip(R) Mac 3簡化雲共用和隱私保護 (2014.04.22)
WinZip公司今天推出一款全新的檔共用應用WinZip Mac 3,可輕鬆管理、保護和分享電子郵件檔和雲檔。憑藉對Dropbox和Google Drive的直接支援、強大的檔案保護功能和傳奇式的Zip引擎,WinZip Mac 3是一款滿足所有檔共用需求的必不可少的產品
一款系統實用工具套件,捆綁20多個系統實用工具,可幫助您調整和修復您的電腦。-WinZip System Utilities Suite 1.0 (2011.10.06)
WinZip允許您快速,輕鬆地壓縮和解壓文件(夾)和整個文件夾樹的工具。-WinZip 15.0.9411 (2011.03.26)
只要按一個鍵就可清除網際網路存取紀錄以及活動資訊,協助保密以防資訊外漏的有用工具。-Anti Tracks 7.5.1 (2011.01.13)
可以讓您使用 Outlook 時可以將要夾帶的檔案自動壓縮之工具。-WinZip Courier 3.0.9306 (2010.12.17)
可以讓您使用 Outlook 時可以將要夾帶的檔案自動壓縮之工具。
WinZip是目前最流行的快速壓縮和解壓文件,文件夾的工具軟體,以節省存儲空間及電子郵件傳輸時間等-WinZip 15.0.9302 (2010.11.07)
可遠端裝卸載應用軟體(applications)的工具程式,相當好用!!-EMCO Remote Deployment Kit 5.3.15 (2010.10.03)
一款讓您輕鬆地壓縮和加密電子郵件附件於可傳出的電子郵件工具軟體。-WinZip E-Mail Companion 3.0 (2010.09.24)
用以刪除瀏覽器與暫存區無用的歷史資料的工具程式-Tracks Eraser Pro 8.1 (2010.05.13)
相當好用的密碼恢復工具:包括Excel, Access, Outlook, Word, WinZip...等-Passware Kit Enterprise 9.3 (2009.08.06)
相當好用的密碼恢復工具:包括Excel, Access, Outlook, Word, WinZip...等
-Advanced Archive Password Recovery 4.53 (2009.04.21)
Advanced Archive Password Recovery (ARCHPR) is a program for recovering lost or forgotten passwords for ZIP/PKZip/WinZip, ARJ/WinArj, RAR/WinRAR and ACE/WinACE archives. Supports the customizable brute-force attack and is effectively optimized for speed (up to fifteen million passwords per second for ZIP)
所有軌道系統和網路資料清理工具,以保護您的隱私。-System & Internet Washer Pro 4.20 (2009.02.17)
-Monkeys Audio 4.05 (2009.02.11)
Monkeys Audio is a fast and easy way to compress digital music. Unlike traditional methods such as mp3, ogg, or lqt that permanently discard quality to save space, Monkeys Audio only makes perfect, bit-for-bit copies of your music
-Advanced Archive Password Recovery 4.51 (2009.01.13)
Advanced Archive Password Recovery (ARCHPR) is a program for recovering lost or forgotten passwords for ZIP/PKZip/WinZip, ARJ/WinArj, RAR/WinRAR and ACE/WinACE archives. Supports the customizable brute-force attack and is effectively optimized for speed (up to fifteen million passwords per second for ZIP)
-ZipPassword COMEBACK 3.0 (2008.12.03)
ZipPassword COMEBACK enables you to recover your lost or forgotten password for ZIP, PKZip and WinZip archives. Depending on the complexity of the password, you can choose from Brute-force, Dictionary or Mask recovery methods
-DirectXchange for Outlook 1.1.0 (2008.11.24)
DirectXchange for Outlook is an add-on for MS Outlook that assists you in sending large files as attachments. The program first compresses your attachment(s) into a zip file, and if they exceed a user defined size (default is 10mb), it will automatically split the zip file into multiple chunks (e
-Advanced Archive Password Recovery 4.12 (2008.10.03)
Advanced Archive Password Recovery (ARCHPR) is a program for recovering lost or forgotten passwords for ZIP/PKZip/WinZip, ARJ/WinArj, RAR/WinRAR and ACE/WinACE archives. Supports the customizable brute-force attack and is effectively optimized for speed (up to fifteen million passwords per second for ZIP)
-System & Internet Washer Pro 4.17 (2008.06.24)
System & Internet Washer (formerly Windows & Internet Washer)protects your privacy by cleaning up all the tracks of your Internet activities. The Quick Erase feature enables you to erase the IE browser cache, history, cookies, typed URLs, auto-complete list and many other items with a single click
一個簡單使用的檔案編碼與解碼(軍規256bit編碼)工具程式,可配合WinZip在壓縮時同步編碼保護。-EncryptOnClick (2008.05.21)
-Advanced Archive Password Recovery 4.0 (2008.02.17)
Advanced Archive Password Recovery (ARCHPR) is a program for recovering lost or forgotten passwords for ZIP/PKZip/WinZip, ARJ/WinArj, RAR/WinRAR and ACE/WinACE archives. Supports the customizable brute-force attack and is effectively optimized for speed (up to fifteen million passwords per second for ZIP)

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5 Bourns 全新推出 500 安培系列數位分流傳感器
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8 凌華科技攜手銳能智慧科技 打造電動車社區充電最佳EMS能源管理系統
9 施耐德電機TeSys馬達控制與保護產品系列不斷創新 見證台灣工業自動化邁向智慧製造與永續發展
10 意法半導體推出的安全防護比較器具備穩定啟動時間設計 提升系統可靠性並降低電力消耗


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