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Broadcom完成NetLogic Microsystems的收購 (2012.03.20)
Broadcom (博通)日前宣布完成$37億美元NetLogic Microsystems收購案,NetLogic是業界新一代網路高效能智慧型半導體解決方案的廠商。 透過這個併購案,Broadcom公司可以提供客戶業界最佳且完美整合的網路基礎架構平台,以縮短產品上市時間與降低研發成本
一款網路測試工具套件 : 可以連接優化,調整,測試速度。-TweakMASTER Pro 3.12 (2010.09.02)
一款網路測試工具套件 : 可以連接優化,調整,測試速度。
測量線上流量上傳/下載及追蹤歷史資料的工具,包括一個圖形化的即時分析器。-OnlineEye Pro 2.3.0 (2010.01.08)
一款網路測試速度工具軟體-TweakMASTER 3.0 (2009.08.11)
一款能監督網路流量的工具-LANView 3.1.0 (2009.05.21)
-Infiltrator Network Security Scanner 4.0 (2009.02.14)
Infiltrator is a network security scanner that can quickly audit your network computers for possible vulnerabilities, exploits, and information enumerations. It comes with a built-in database of known vulnerabilities, that can be updated online and allows you to select the items to scan for or to add custom entries to be included
-GEO Spider 3.3 (2008.12.20)
GEO Spider enables you to automatically trace all network activity on a world map display. It automatically monitors all network applications including browsers, FTP and email and resolves the IP address to the geographical location down to the city level, which is then marked on a world map display
-GEO Spider 3.0 (2008.09.25)
GEO Spider enables you to automatically trace all network activity on a world map display. It automatically monitors all network applications including browsers, FTP and email and resolves the IP address to the geographical location down to the city level, which is then marked on a world map display
測量線上流量上傳/下載及追蹤歷史資料的工具,包括一個圖形化的即時分析器。-OnlineEye Pro 2.1.7 (2008.05.12)
-GEO Spider 2.9 (2008.04.27)
GEO Spider enables you to automatically trace all network activity on a world map display. It automatically monitors all network applications including browsers, FTP and email and resolves the IP address to the geographical location down to the city level, which is then marked on a world map display
測量線上流量上傳/下載及追蹤歷史資料的工具,包括一個圖形化的即時分析器。-OnlineEye Pro 2.1.0 (2008.02.10)
商用網格運算的導入困難與挑戰 (2007.01.26)
「網格運算(Grid Computing)」的發明,號稱是第三次的資訊革命。然而,時至今日,網格運算卻依然停留在學術殿堂,僅僅需要龐大計算資源的大型研究計畫採用外,甚少企業願意部署這「俗閣大碗」的技術
Juniper 推出AAA 及 802.1X 網路存取安全產品 (2006.07.25)
Juniper Networks (瞻博網路) 19日發表新的 Odyssey Access Client (OAC) 4.5 及 Steel-Belted Radius (SBR) 5.4 軟體方案。提供使用者符合開放標準且確保安全和頻寬的網路方案,以便提升實用性,及減少維護、支援和建置的成本
-GEO Spider 2.7 (2006.07.12)
GEO Spider enables you to automatically trace all network activity on a world map display. It automatically monitors all network applications including browsers, FTP and email and resolves the IP address to the geographical location down to the city level, which is then marked on a world map display
-GEO Spider 2.6 (2006.05.12)
GEO Spider enables you to automatically trace all network activity on a world map display. It automatically monitors all network applications including browsers, FTP and email and resolves the IP address to the geographical location down to the city level, which is then marked on a world map display
測量線上流量上傳/下載及追蹤歷史資料的工具,包括一個圖形化的即時分析器。-OnlineEye Pro 1.6.0 (2006.04.18)
-Ping Utilities .NET Framwork 2.0 Redist (2006.04.09)
Graphical network utilities to aid systems administrators in maintaining network attached devices.
-Browser PA 1.4 (2006.02.06)
Browser PA is a personal assistant, that provides features, shortcuts and Internet links to various Internet related tasks. It includes web search forms to access popular search engines, web services (currency conversion, maps, addresses etc
-Infiltrator Network Security Scanner 3.0 (2006.01.05)
Infiltrator is a network security scanner that can quickly audit your network computers for possible vulnerabilities, exploits, and information enumerations. It comes with a built-in database of known vulnerabilities, that can be updated online and allows you to select the items to scan for or to add custom entries to be included
-MultiServe Version 0.1 Development (2006.01.02)
Multiserve is a multipurpose server application. Including support for HTTP, FTP, and much more, MultiServe was built in Java, and is tested to ensure cross-platform compatability. In addition, this project includes a few other network utilities

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1 捷揚光電首款雙鏡頭聲像追蹤 PTZ 攝影機上市
2 英飛凌全新邊緣AI綜合評估套件加速機器學習應用開發
3 意法半導體新車規單晶片同步降壓轉換器讓應用設計更彈性化
4 ROHM推出車電Nch MOSFET 適用於車門座椅等多種馬達及LED頭燈應用
5 恩智浦新一代JCOP Pay提供支付卡客製化服務
6 Cincoze德承全新基礎型工業電腦DV-1100適用於邊緣運算高效能需求
7 意法半導體新款車規直流馬達預驅動器可簡化EMI優化設計
8 Diodes新款10Gbps符合車規的主動交叉多工器可簡化智慧座艙連接功能
9 宜鼎率先量產CXL記憶體模組 為AI伺服器與資料中心三合一升級
10 Diodes新款12通道LED驅動器可提升數位看板和顯示器效能


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