完美世界成為中國Enlighten全域光照技術授權的遊戲開發商 (2015.12.09) ARM旗下公司,Geomerics日前宣佈將授權中國遊戲開發商?完美世界Enlighten先進全域光照技術,為其手機遊戲提供更豐富的圖像體驗。
完美世界為中國行動遊戲開發商,曾推出《完美世界》和《武林外傳》等暢銷遊戲 |
微軟正計畫將Xbox遊戲整合到Windows Mobile (2010.01.03) 外電消息報導,微軟可能將其Xbox線上遊戲整合到Windows Mobile平台上,讓Xbox 360的線上遊戲玩家可以在行動中繼續使用。
據報導,微軟已刊登廣告招聘能把Xbox Live遊戲引進到Windows Mobile平台的專案經理 |
Xbox 720和PS4可能在2011年或2012年推出 (2008.08.25) 外電消息報導,德國知名遊戲開發商Crytek執行長Cevat Yerli日前透露,下一代的微軟與新力遊戲機,將於2011年或2012年上市。
Cevat Yerli對媒體表示,根據彼此的合作進程推斷,預計微軟的Xbox 720和新力的PS4遊戲機,最快將於2011年或2012年時上市 |
-tjger - the java game engine to reuse Trap the Wizard 0.10 (2006.07.27) Framework to implement board and card games easier. Typical elements of such games are offered by the framework. So game developer have to take care just on the essential aspects that differs game by game. Games created with tjger are also hosted |
-Elrador Engine 0.6.1 (2006.07.01) Elrador Engine is a game engine targeted at online games. It aims to provide the technical infrastructure that a game developer needs, letting him concentrate on more enjoyable things like game logic and user experience. |
-Elrador Engine 0.5.2 (2006.02.10) Elrador Engine is a game engine targeted at online games. It aims to provide the technical infrastructure that a game developer needs, letting him concentrate on more enjoyable things like game logic and user experience. |
-Elrador Engine 0.5.1 (2005.12.11) Elrador Engine is a game engine targeted at online games. It aims to provide the technical infrastructure that a game developer needs, letting him concentrate on more enjoyable things like game logic and user experience. |
-Game Developer Man version-0.1 (2005.02.18) Game Developer Man was once only about a sidescroller, but now is a series of experimental technologies that should make GBA and SNES development a little easier, while still having the code look impressive. This is in a very experimental state |
Maya 3D超世代電玩遊戲設計技術研討會 (2000.07.10) Alias Wavefront Maya 3D動畫軟體代理商將於7月18日舉辦「電腦動畫應用新觀念暨Maya 3產品發表會」,會中邀請名家以實例個案分享動畫應用新觀念的流程變更,如何以創新改善動畫製作的績效和成果,並請西基動畫公司及影響行銷管理顧問公司,以3D虛擬角色「e-Mar」說明未來趨勢及品牌生命力之創造 |