甲骨文發佈Oracle雲端基礎設施的硬體和運算產品藍圖 (2020.10.06) 甲骨文公佈最新運算服務藍圖,滿足基礎設施客戶對於高效能解決方案的期望,讓企業享有超強效能的本地部署系統,以及雲端解決方案的靈活性和彈性,同時以極具競爭力的價格按使用付費(pay-per-use),為企業提供兩全其美的解決方案 |
DMTCP(分散式多線程檢查點工具)檢查狀態集中或分散式運算。-Distributed MultiThreaded Checkpointing (2011.07.23) DMTCP(分散式多線程檢查點工具)檢查狀態集中或分散式運算。 |
改進的檢查點/重啟使用固態磁碟驅動器-改進的檢查點/重啟使用固態磁碟驅動器 (2011.06.02) 改進的檢查點/重啟使用固態磁碟驅動器 |
-Regexp Testing Tool (2010.10.01) Regexp testing tool allows to apply group of regexps to huge arrays of data (millions or so) in order to investigate search or search/replacement possibilities of regexp group.
Works fast on huge arrays of data (millions o |
-nipper - network infrastructure parser Nipper 0.11.10 (2008.08.16) Nipper processes network device configuration files, performs a security audit and outputs a security report with recommendations and a configuration report. Nipper supports a variety of devices from Cisco, Juniper, CheckPoint, Nortel and SonicWALL |
-nipper - network infrastructure parser Nipper 0.11.9 (2008.07.29) Nipper processes network device configuration files, performs a security audit and outputs a security report with recommendations and a configuration report. Nipper supports a variety of devices from Cisco, Juniper, CheckPoint, Nortel and SonicWALL |
-nipper - network infrastructure parser Nipper 0.11.7 (2008.05.11) Nipper processes network device configuration files, performs a security audit and outputs a security report with recommendations and a configuration report. Nipper supports a variety of devices from Cisco, Juniper, CheckPoint, Nortel and SonicWALL |
-nipper - network infrastructure parser Nipper 0.11.4 (2008.02.21) Nipper processes network device configuration files, performs a security audit and outputs a security report with recommendations and a configuration report. Nipper supports a variety of devices from Cisco, Juniper, CheckPoint, Nortel and SonicWALL |
-Content Inspection library Release 1.0 (2007.09.13) The library implements generic content inspection protocol API compatible with Sendmail Milter, thus allowing various applications and proxies to use Milter-compatible filters without running sendmail itself. It is here to re |
-Checkpoint Commander 6.0.1 (2007.06.09) Protect your data from prying eyes! Use Checkpoint Commander, our cross-platform Java tool, to manage and view your data while it is stored in secure archives using 256-bit AES encryption (AES-CBC-HMAC-SHA1). Full documentation is on the project website |
TI晶片已由10家鑲嵌片製造商採用 (2007.04.02) 德州儀器(TI)宣佈,已有10家鑲嵌片(inlay)製造商採用TI無線射頻辨識(FRID)晶片開發一系列電子標籤,支援零售供應鏈、資產追蹤和驗證應用。這些客戶包括北美、歐洲及亞洲的老牌廠商和新的RFID鑲嵌片供應商,皆使用TI以卷帶 (strap) 和晶圓形式供應的EPC Generation 2(Gen 2)極高頻(UHF)晶片,以及TI的高頻(HF)ISO/IEC 15693晶片 |
TI與10家標籤廠商合作應用新款高頻RFID技術 (2007.03.30) 來自北美、歐洲與亞洲地區頗具規模的10家標籤嵌入式軟硬體製造商,日前共同選擇德州儀器(TI)的射頻識別(RFID)晶片技術,應用於本身最新款的標籤產品系列,以滿足零售與物流的供應鏈、貨物追蹤與認證辨識服務等應用需求 |
-Checkpoint Commander 5.7.1 (2006.04.09) Checkpoint Commander is a cross-platform file management, viewing, and archiving / security tool written in Java. Includes optional archive encryption using AES (AES-CBC-HMAC-SHA1). |
電子商務帶動網路資安,組合國際由伺服器下手 (2006.01.13) 隨電子商務逐漸普及,各式線上消費機制大增也進一步提升Web應用風險,包括各式線上購物、政府推動的eGov線上政務查詢機制,以及日前啟動以電子化政府平台為基礎的線上繳交學雜費機制等,也一併帶起了覬覦線上金流交易頻繁,伺機而動的駭客攻擊行為,彰顯了Web應用安全防護議題之重要性 |
-Checkpoint Commander 5.7.0 (2006.01.07) Checkpoint Commander is a cross-platform file management, viewing, and archiving / security tool written in Java. Includes optional archive encryption using AES (AES-CBC-HMAC-SHA1). |
-netfilter tracker prealpha-0.0.1 (2005.12.31) Netfilter tracker is a tracking tool for iptables logs, similar to Checkpoint(tm) smartviewer tracker. Includes storage in an embedded SQL database and a graphical application (viewer) to access filtered data. |
Check Point全線安全產品採納入侵預防系統 (2005.11.28) 近年來快速蔓延的網路攻擊行為,打得被動式防禦機制越來越難以招架,安全軟體廠商Check Point計畫將在全產品線加入入侵預防功能,所謂IPS(Intrusion Prevention System,入侵預防系統),主要是做為偵測網路上不正常流量行為,以得知並預防網路攻擊事件的發生,提供主動式的攔截功能,使電腦具備主動式防護能力 |
-Checkpoint Commander 5.6.0 (2005.10.26) Checkpoint Commander is a cross-platform file management, viewing, and archiving / security tool written in Java. Includes optional archive encryption using AES (AES-CBC-HMAC-SHA1). |
影響重大的RFID安全性問題 (2005.08.05) @內文:RFID是一個充滿創意的發明,它將小小的晶片之中,藏入了天線的功能,能夠不需要電能的支援,不經接觸就可以傳出隱藏其中的資訊,這樣的特性可以導入許多新的應用 |
-AuRoRa BETA (2005.07.17) AuRoRa ist eine elektronische Variante des eraus coolen Brettspiels RoboRally. Ein kleiner Roboter muss so programmiert werden, dass er m鐷lichst schnell von einem Checkpoint zum anderen kommt. |