-GFI FAXmaker for Exchange 14 (2007.10.13) GFI FAXmaker for Exchange makes sending and receiving faxes an efficient, simple and cheaper process and allows users to receive and send faxes directly from their email client (Exchange Server, Lotus and SMTP/POP3 servers). Less time is spent on sending, collecting and distributing faxes, saving your company noticeable costs
TI推Solution Density高線路密度閘道器解決方案 (2001.04.07) 德州儀器(TI)於三月份在鳳凰城市所舉辦的「網路音訊應用展覽」(Voice on the Net tradeshow)會場上,展示了一套以TNETV3000處理器為基礎的高線路密度閘道器解決方案,提供了一項非常重要的效能指標,稱為「Solution Density」;所謂Solution Density是指通訊頻道密度、電源、架構、功能整合以及其它特色的組合
懇懋推出PhiZ-neXus電信等級網路客服系統 (2000.11.08) 懇懋科技於昨日發表一套電信等級的網路客服系統 - PhiZ-neXus。懇懋表示:PhiZ-neXus有別於其他網際網路客服系統採用自行開發ICC主要元件- VoIP Gateway的作法,懇懋科技的PhiZ-neXus架構在 Lucent MAX VoIP Gateway(閘道器)及Gatekeeper之上