CeBIT:智慧手機AMOLED結合觸控顯示吸睛 (2010.03.02) 一年一度的德國漢諾威(CeBIT 2010)大展已經熱烈展開,會中正展示各種令人目不暇給的行動裝置和智慧型手機,其中也揭示出備受矚目的技術發展動向,值得注意的是,AMOLED顯示結合觸控功能的螢幕設計成為焦點,Android手機正在發光發熱,而微軟也會展示其首款Windows Phone 7作業系統的智慧型手機 |
亞信電子將於IIC-China 2010展出新嵌入式網路晶片 (2010.03.02) 亞信電子於日前宣佈,將在2010年 IIC-China展出多項新產品。包括「普遍應用於Nintendo Wii、Apple MacBook Air、HP Envy 13、UMPC、MID及Netbook等平台的低功耗高速USB 2.0轉10/100M高速乙太網路控制器」、「低功耗 SPI或 Non-PCI乙太網路控制器」等產品 |
瑞薩新款32位元MCU適用於先進駕駛輔助系統 (2010.03.01) 瑞薩科技近日宣佈,推出適用於先進駕駛輔助系統之SH74552及SH74562兩款32位元MCU,可為汽車「主動安全系統(Active safety)」提供障礙物偵測、危險迴避等功能,並採用小尺寸13 mm × 13 mm封裝、160 MHz高速運作時脈、1 MB高速晶片內建快閃記憶體,及晶片內建功能如4通道CAN |
Blackfin Development Tools Bundle (2010.03.01) For a limited time, you can begin your Blackfin processor design at a discounted rate, over 70% off the regular price. This offer is available from March 1st to May 28th , so order your bundle today to get started. |
BLACKFIN USB-LAN EZ-EXTENDER (2010.03.01) The Blackfin® USB-LAN EZ-Extender daughter board allows developers to connect to the Asynchronous Memory Bus on the ADSP-BF533 EZ-KIT Lite, ADSP-BF537 EZ-KIT Lite and ADSP-BF561 EZ-KIT Lite.
The EZ-Extender has peripherals that support USB 2 |
BLACKFIN EZ-EXTENDER (2010.03.01) The Blackfin EZ-Extender daughter board allows developers to connect the Parallel Peripheral Interface (PPI) on the ADSP-BF533 EZ-KIT Lite and the ADSP-BF561 EZ-KIT Lite to a number of Analog Devices High Speed Converter (HSC) evaluation boards (ADC, mix signal, and DAC), the OV6630 OmniVision camera evaluation board, and an external LCD display |
英飛凌推出Android入門級手機平台 (2010.03.01) 英飛凌科技近日宣佈,推出XMM 6181–Android入門級智慧型手機平台,以滿足主流消費市場的需求。XMM 6181利用高度整合系統解決方案支援Android開放式作業系統,有助於將行動社交網路推向大眾市場 |
LABVIEW EMBEDDED MODULE FOR ANALOG DEVICES BLACKFIN PROCESSORS (2010.03.01) The National Instruments LabVIEW™ Embedded Module for Analog Devices Blackfin® Processors is a comprehensive graphical development environment for embedded design. Jointly developed by ADI and NI, this module seamlessly integrates the LabVIEW Development Environment and Blackfin Embedded Processors |
LABVIEW EMBEDDED MODULE FOR ANALOG DEVICES BLACKFIN PROCESSORS (2010.03.01) The National Instruments LabVIEW™ Embedded Module for Analog Devices Blackfin® Processors is a comprehensive graphical development environment for embedded design. Jointly developed by ADI and NI, this module seamlessly integrates the LabVIEW Development Environment and Blackfin Embedded Processors |
EZ-KIT LITE EVALUATION KIT FOR ADSP-BF561 BLACKFIN PROCESSOR (2010.03.01) The ADSP-BF561 EZ-KIT Lite® provides developers with a cost-effective method for initial evaluation of the ADSP-BF561 Blackfin® Processor for audio and video applications via a USB-based PC-hosted tool set. Evaluation of analog audio applications is achieved through the use of the AD1836 multichannel 96 kHz audio codec |
EZ-KIT LITE FOR ANALOG DEVICES ADSP-BF537 BLACKFIN PROCESSOR (2010.03.01) The ADSP-BF537 EZ-KIT Lite® provides developers with a cost-effective method for evaluation of the ADSP-BF537 Blackfin® Processor and its rich set of system peripherals, including the IEEE 802.3 10/100 Ethernet MAC and CAN 2 |
EZ-KIT LITE FOR THE ADSP-BF533, BF532, BF531 (2010.03.01) The ADSP-BF533 EZ-KIT Lite provides developers with a cost-effective method for initial evaluation of the ADSP-BF533 Blackfin Processor for a wide range of applications including audio and video processing. The EZ-KIT Lite includes an ADSP-BF533 desktop evaluation board and fundamental debugging software to facilitate architecture evaluations via a USB-based PC-hosted tool set |
BF506F EZ-KIT LITE (2010.03.01) The ADSP-BF506F EZ-KIT Lite® provides developers with a cost-effective method for initial evaluation of the ADSP-BF504/F and BF506F Blackfin® Processors via a USB-based, PC-hosted tool set. With this EZ-KIT Lite, users can learn more about the Analog Devices (ADI) ADSP-BF506F hardware and software development, and quickly prototype a wide range of applications |
ADSP-BF527 EZ-KIT LITE EVALUATION KIT (2010.03.01) The ADSP-BF527 EZ-KIT Lite® provides developers with a cost-effective method for initial evaluation of the ADSP-BF527 Blackfin® Processors via a USB-based, PC-hosted tool set. With this EZ-KIT Lite, users can learn more about the Analog Devices (ADI) ADSP-BF527 hardware and software development, and quickly prototype a wide range of applications |
Altair及Aeroflex宣佈針對LTE的協同合作 (2010.03.01) Altair及Aeroflex近日宣佈針對LTE的協同合作,透過此項合作,Altair和Aeroflex將進行兼容性功能測試(IOT),以共同進行客戶開發和針對預測試和已認證的用戶設備(UE)測試設定進行測試 |
RAYSPAN發佈用於LTE的突破性天線解決方案 (2010.02.26) RAYSPAN昨日(2/25)宣佈針對長期演進(LTE)推出RAYSPAN MTM-E解決方案。MTM-E可以支持低頻段698-960 MHz,以及高頻段1710-2170 MHz與2.6 GHz 的6個或6個以上頻段,且無需任何開關元件或匹配電路的天線解決方案 |
LSI推出全新Axxia通訊處理器 (2010.02.25) LSI日前宣佈,推出針對無線基礎架構應用所設計的Axxia系列通訊處理器。Axxia通訊處理器採用LSI Virtual Pipeline訊息傳遞技術,可滿足無線應用之要求,提供更快速、更精準的效能,包括視訊串流、網路瀏覽及高品質數位語音等 |
ST新款加速度計突破尺寸和功耗極限 (2010.02.25) 意法半導體(ST)今(25)日發佈,新系列三軸數位加速度計產品。新產品擁有最小的占板面積、大幅降低的電流消耗以及強化的功能。
意法半導體在加速度計設計方面,將感測器尺寸縮小到2 x 2mm,並將100Hz取樣頻率時的功耗降至10微安培以下(Microampere) |
節省空間 英飛凌3G平台加入高階HSPA+功能 (2010.02.25) 英飛凌科技近日宣佈,為其3G輕薄型數據機家族系列推出最新一代平台XMM 6260。XMM 6260平台是專為智慧型手機架構最佳化的輕薄型數據機,除了搭載應用程式處理器,也可單獨作為PC數據機及數據卡解決方案 |
MWC:LTE將修成正果 VoLTE整合突飛猛進 (2010.02.25) 2月15~18日在西班牙巴賽隆納所舉辦的世界行動通訊大展(MWC 2010)已經順利結束。LTE(Long Term Evolution)依舊是會場上矚目的焦點話題。在此次展會上,LTE在高速寬頻的技術應用上有更進一步的革新,對於LTE的商業化進程也有更為深入的探討 |