相關物件共 32 筆
AI 扮演智慧家庭要角 (2017.03.24) 智慧家庭是物聯網的重點應用,近年來各大科技廠商投入發展的人工智慧,將以智慧家庭作為重點試驗場,透過人工智慧的導入,智慧家庭系統將有完全不同的面貌。 |
智慧家庭新創業者發展現況及關鍵成功因素分析 (2017.03.13) 智慧家庭商機龐大,除了IT大廠競相投入發展外,也吸引了為數龐大的新創業者,目前已有多起成功案例,透過這些案例可以探討出關鍵成功因素與模式。 |
廚具也走智慧風 烹調不再是煩惱 (2015.04.27) 你想在家就能吃到美味的佳餚,而且是自己動手做的?
現在有機會了。透過智慧廚具,你就是自己家中的名廚! |
Google vs. Apple 智慧家庭再定位 (2014.09.01) 很多人也許很希望能夠像動漫中的魔法師一樣,
只要透過你手上的那一台,智慧手機 |
物聯網整合感知新天地! (2011.01.27) 物聯網就是整合感知層的動態網路。感知層技術涵蓋RFID、二維條碼、ZigBee感測器、NFC、Wi-Fi和MEMS等。重點就是要把各種物體所表現出來的類比和數位訊號,完整而精確地蒐集到位 |
一款 Windows shell 擴展工具,使您可直接從 Windows 資源管理器文件運算。-HashTab 3.0 (2010.09.08) 一款 Windows shell 擴展工具,使您可直接從 Windows 資源管理器文件運算。 |
-Hash Codes (2010.06.19) Program can hash data from keyboard, file or CD/DVD by Adler32, CRC32, CRC64, GOST, HAVAL, MD2, MD4, MD5, MD6, SHA-0, SHA-1, SHA-1-IME, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512, RIPEMD-128, RIPEMD-160, RIPEMD-256, RIPEMD-320, TIGER or Whirlpool algorithm |
-FileVerifier++ (2010.05.23) FileVerifier++ is a Win32 GUI utility for calculating cryptographic hashes on files using a number of different algorithms. Supported hash algorithms include CRC32, MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-224, SHA-384, SHA-512, WHIRLPOOL, and RIPEMD-128/160/256/320 |
-md5deep md5deep-3.4 (2009.06.13) Computes the MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, Tiger, or Whirlpool message digest for any number of files while optionally recursively digging through the directory structure. Can also match input files against lists of known hashes in a variety of formats |
Cypress為惠而浦洗衣機系列打造流暢觸控功能 (2009.04.28) Cypress公司27日宣布其以PSoC為架構的CapSense Plus解決方案已獲得惠而浦公司採用,並運用於控制其AWOE Premium Collection洗衣機系列中的觸控按鍵。此款高彈性解決方案具備優異的抗雜訊干擾與防水功能,能在經常充滿的高度感測干擾的家電產品環境中,發揮不中斷的運作效能 |
工研院與Telcordia公司簽約記者會 (2009.03.03) 在全球經濟不景氣的漩渦中,產業結構重新洗牌,目前全球備受矚目的安全產業有望成為下一個明星產業。行政院科顧組也議定2009年為「安全科技年」。工研院辨識與安全科技中心為強化國際合作,帶領國內產業搶佔全球安全市場商機,與美國知名電通大廠Telcordia CEO Mr |
-Secure Content Management System 0.8.3alpha (2008.07.30) SCMS is a secure content management system written in php.Some of its features are a role-based object-oriented design, session identifier regeneration, account locking, SSL Cookies, Encryption (with MD5, AES, SHA256, SHA512, or WHIRLPOOL), and others |
-FileVerifier++ (2008.07.24) FileVerifier++ is a Win32 GUI utility for calculating cryptographic hashes on files using a number of different algorithms. Supported hash algorithms include CRC32, MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-224, SHA-384, SHA-512, WHIRLPOOL, and RIPEMD-128/160/256/320 |
-md5deep md5deep-3.1 (2008.07.23) Computes the MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, Tiger, or Whirlpool message digest for any number of files while optionally recursively digging through the directory structure. Can also match input files against lists of known hashes in a variety of formats |
-wscrypt 1.0.5a (2008.07.09) This is a more secure file encryption program which uses SERPENT cipher and WHIRLPOOL+SHA-256 hashes in key creation and for integrity checking. |
-md5deep md5deep-3.0 (2008.05.11) Computes the MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, Tiger, or Whirlpool message digest for any number of files while optionally recursively digging through the directory structure. Can also match input files against lists of known hashes in a variety of formats |
-Secure Content Management System alpha version 0.8 (2008.04.30) SCMS is a secure content management system written in php.Some of its features are a role-based object-oriented design, session identifier regeneration, account locking, SSL Cookies, Encryption (with MD5, AES, SHA256, SHA512, or WHIRLPOOL), and others |
Atmel收購電容感測器IP商Quantum Research Group (2008.02.19) 外電消息報導,Atmel已經簽署最終協議,將以約8,800萬美元的現金,確定收購使用者介面應用電容感測器IP與解決方案開發商Quantum Research Group。
Quantum為電容感應器技術的領先者,其觸控墊(touchpad)導航技術被廣泛運用在不同的市場中 |
-md5deep md5deep-2.0 (2007.10.16) Computes the MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, Tiger, or Whirlpool message digest for any number of files while optionally recursively digging through the directory structure. Can also match input files against lists of known hashes in a variety of formats |
-md5deep md5deep-1.13 (2007.08.06) Computes the MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, Tiger, or Whirlpool message digest for any number of files while optionally recursively digging through the directory structure. Can also match input files against lists of known hashes in a variety of formats |