GLOBALPRESS矽谷參訪報導2 (2015.02.06) 在談完了FPGA、穿戴式電子與無線充電等領域之後,
不難看出美國矽谷的設計能量與實力展現了多元紛呈的一面 |
設計服務走前端 Synapse Design滿足SOC設計最佳化 (2014.10.09) 隨著晶片設計愈趨困難,過去半導體產業興起了一個次產業為「設計服務」,其主要任務是要協助晶片業者減少設計時間與成本,以便在適當的時間點推出產品來因應市場需求 |
無線感測網路將驅動物聯網發展 (2012.04.10) 結合無數具IP功能的設備、RFID標籤、無線感測網路、機器對機器(M2M)通訊、iPhone手機應用程式、空白電視頻段及雲端運算,便能夠具體實現物聯網(IoT, Internet of Things) |
<CES>Logitech、Razer 創新滑鼠新概念 (2012.01.15) 今年CES中Logitech與Razer兩家廠商對於滑鼠均有新的構思與概念。Logitech研發集滑鼠、簡報、遙控於一身的掌中精靈(Logitech Cube),首度於CES亮相,顛覆了使用者對於滑鼠的想像,並榮獲本年度最佳創新獎;高階精密遊戲與生活型態周邊裝置開發製造商Razer於CES發表Razer Naga Hex電競滑鼠,結合滑鼠與遊戲機功能,令人驚豔 |
Synapse和Silicon Labs共推無線網狀網路解決方案 (2010.05.04) Synapse Wireless和 Silicon Laboratories日前推出共同開發的無線網狀網路(wireless mesh networking)方案,其結合了Synapse SNAP獲得獎項肯定的網路作業系統,以及Silicon Labs的Si1000無線微控制器(MCU) |
-iqr large-scale neural systems simulator 1.1-1 (2008.08.03) iqr is a simulation software to graphically design and control large-scale neuronal models. Simulations in iqr can control real-world devices in real-time. iqr can be extended by new neuron, and synapse types, and custom interfaces to hardware |
-iqr large-scale neural systems simulator 1.0-4 (2008.04.20) iqr is a simulation software to graphically design and control large-scale neuronal models. Simulations in iqr can control real-world devices in real-time. iqr can be extended by new neuron, and synapse types, and custom interfaces to hardware |
-iqr large-scale neural systems simulator 1.0-1 (2007.03.05) iqr is a simulation software to graphically design and control large-scale neuronal models. Simulations in iqr can control real-world devices in real-time. iqr can be extended by new neuron, and synapse types, and custom interfaces to hardware |