相關物件共 8 筆
筆電綁無線寬頻優惠  AT&T開始主攻Netbook市場 (2009.04.02) 根據國外媒體報導,美國電信巨頭AT&T宣布將在美國亞特蘭大和費城的直營門市,銷售支援無線寬頻傳輸功能的筆記型電腦產品。這意味著AT&T跨足既有手機市場以外的筆記型電腦和Netbook領域 |
-PL2303 USB to Serial Driver for Mac OS X 0.3.1 (2008.02.04) PL2303 USB to Serial Driver for Mac OS X. It supports different manufacturers of PL2303 based USB to serial dongles like ATEN, IOData, Elcom, Itegno, Ma620, Ratoc, Tripp, Radioshack, Dcu10, SiteCom, Alcatel, Samsung, Siemens, Syntech |
-PL2303 USB to Serial Driver for Mac OS X 0.3.0 (2007.08.12) PL2303 USB to Serial Driver for Mac OS X. It supports different manufacturers of PL2303 based USB to serial dongles like ATEN, IOData, Elcom, Itegno, Ma620, Ratoc, Tripp, Radioshack, Dcu10, SiteCom, Alcatel, Samsung, Siemens, Syntech |
-PL2303 USB to Serial Driver for Mac OS X 0.2 (2006.05.28) PL2303 USB to Serial Driver for Mac OS X. Driver supports different manufacturers of USB to serial dongles: ATEN, Prolific, IOData, Elcom, Itegno, Ma620, Ratoc, Tripp, Radioshack, Dcu10, SiteCom, Alcatel, Samsung, Siemens, Syntech |
-PL2303 USB to Serial Driver for Mac OS X 0.1 (2006.02.25) PL2303 USB to Serial Driver for Mac OS X. Driver supports different manufacturers of USB to serial dongles: ATEN, Profilic, IOData, Elcom, Itegno, Ma620, Ratoc, Tripp, Radioshack, Dcu10, SiteCom, Alcatel, Samsung, Siemens, Syntech and Nokia |
Entropic採用MIPS處理器核心推出晶片組 (2004.03.16) 業界標準處理器架構與數位消費性及商業系統應用核心方案供應商MIPS Technologies(荷商美普思科技)近日宣布Entropic Communications推出一款採用MIPS32 4KEm處理器核心的革命性晶片組c.LINK-270,使消費者能運用現有的同軸電纜在住家環境中架設高速多媒體網路,並以此網路分享影片與文字資料 |
手動式充電器獲青睞 (2003.10.02) 據工商時報的報導,由於全球各國大停電的消息頻傳,手動式發電機已成為熱門商品。手動式發電科技最早被軍方應用於通訊設備上,現在則有業者看好手動式發電電器的前景,陸續推出手動式手機充電器與備用發電機 |
RadioShack將出售微軟之MSN DSL服務 (2000.09.29) 消費性電子供應商RadioShack 27日宣佈,將立刻在其位於全美5,800個商店中出售微軟(Microsoft)的MSN DSL服務,而在十月底,將會銷售MSN的雙向寬頻衛星網路存取服務。據RadioShack及微軟表示,這個交易為其將近一年的合作關係劃下了一個重要的里程碑 |