相關物件共 39
掌握機聯網關鍵設計 打造工業物聯網基礎 (2019.09.24)
工具提供單一的界面配置,需要之前使用Linux系統,鏈接,內置程式和系統任務。-Initial Configuration Tool Linux-Ubuntu (2011.07.03)
性能超優之PPTP/PPPoE/L2TP伺服器。高性能的PPTP客戶端軟體工具。-ACCEL-PPTP (2010.10.30)
雲端服務運用於居家安全能源管理 (2010.03.10)
藍眼推出最新款紅外線PoE防暴半球型網路攝影機 (2010.01.05)
藍眼科技昨日(1/4)發表2010年系列新款紅外線PoE防暴半球型網路攝影機-BE-3202。此機種採用日本原裝進口1/3吋Sony Super HAD CCD影像感應器,內建機械式紅外線濾片(IR cut),可自動感應光源並做切換
網路通訊用IC的設計技巧(下) (2008.06.17)
So-net推出光纖上網「1固定+7浮動IP」新服務 (2008.06.05)
-Auto PPP v0.3 hardy and gutsy all architectures (2008.05.06)
Automatic PPPoE connection Management script
網路通訊用IC的設計技巧(上) (2008.05.02)
-rfc4938 1.00 (2008.04.09)
An open source (GPLv2) implementation of rfc4938, ?PP Over Ethernet (PPPoE) Extensions for Credit Flow and Link Metrics??and draft-bberry-pppoe-scaled-credits-metrics-01.txt for the PPPoE client.
-MPD: FreeBSD PPP daemon Mpd-5.1 (2008.04.08)
Mpd is a netgraph based PPP implementation for FreeBSD. Mpd supports thousands of Sync, Async, PPTP, L2TP, PPPoE, TCP and UDP links in client, server and access concentrator (LAC/PAC/TSA) modes. It is very fast and functional
-Network Configuration tool for Linux 0.1.2 (2008.03.12)
Now the project is just a ppp-manager, as NetworkManager takes care about wired and wireless, but not about PPPoE, PPTP, GPRS including bluetooth. I hope someday the project will die when NM will take care about all this stuff
-MPD: FreeBSD PPP daemon Mpd-5.0b3 (2007.11.19)
Mpd is a netgraph based PPP implementation for FreeBSD. Mpd supports thousands of Sync, Async, PPTP, L2TP, PPPoE, TCP and UDP links in client, server and access concentrator (LAC/PAC/TSA) modes. It is very fast and functional
-MPD: FreeBSD PPP daemon Mpd-4.3 (2007.08.30)
Mpd is a netgraph based PPP implementation for FreeBSD. Mpd supports thousands of Sync, Async, PPTP, L2TP, PPPoE, TCP and UDP links in client, server and access concentrator (LAC/PAC) modes. It is very fast, functional and flexible
-Network Configuration tool for Linux 0.1 (2007.06.18)
User-level tool that makes network profile configuration easy. It supports most modern network types such as ethernet, wifi, pptp, pppoe, dialup. It has gtk+ and command line user interface. NetCfg2 manage network profiles and tracks their state
-Network Configuration tool for Linux 0.1.8 (2006.07.10)
User-level tool that makes network profile configuration easy. It supports most modern network types such as ethernet, wifi, pptp, pppoe, dialup. It has gtk+ and command line user interface. NetCfg2 manage network profiles and tracks their state
-phpRADmin phpradmin-0.01-pre-alpha1 (2006.06.30)
phpRADmin is a web tool written in PHP to allow configuration, administration and provisioning of RADIUS server (FreeRADIUS), clients (NAS, AP, etc) and users (PPP, PPPoE, EAP, etc) with MySQL as backend.
-Network Configuration tool for Linux 0.1.5 (2006.02.25)
User-level tool that makes network profile configuration easy. It supports most modern network types such as ethernet, wifi, pptp, pppoe, dialup. It has gtk+ and command line user interface. NetCfg2 manage network profiles and tracks their state
ADSL2+數據機技術介紹 (2006.01.05)
-BeFaster 3.6 (2005.11.21)
BeFaster is an internet speed up toolkit that supports AOL, Symantec PcAnyWhere, Opera, Dial-up modem, Lan, Cable Modem, xDSL, ISDN, T1, DirectPc and Cable/DSL running PPPoE. You can configure settings manually or the program can automatically configure them for you

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