相關物件共 18
-Fomine Net Send GUI 2.7 (2008.02.26)
Fomine Net Send GUI is a simple alternative for the Windows Net Send functionality. It automatically presents a list with all online users, and you can select which one(s) to send a message to. Fomine Net Send GUI uses it`s own own TCP/IP protocol, and while it is fully compatible with Winpopup LAN Messenger and OfficePopup, it does not require the Messenger Service to be running
-Fomine Net Send GUI 2.5 (2007.09.21)
Fomine Net Send GUI is a simple alternative for the Windows Net Send functionality. It automatically presents a list with all online users, and you can select which one(s) to send a message to. Fomine Net Send GUI uses it`s own own TCP/IP protocol, and while it is fully compatible with Winpopup LAN Messenger and OfficePopup, it does not require the Messenger Service to be running
-Fomine Net Send GUI 2.4 (2006.10.19)
Fomine Net Send GUI is a simple alternative for the Windows Net Send functionality. It automatically presents a list with all online users, and you can select which one(s) to send a message to. Fomine Net Send GUI uses it`s own own TCP/IP protocol, and while it is fully compatible with Winpopup LAN Messenger and OfficePopup, it does not require the Messenger Service to be running
-T(a)S(hi)K(ai) Instant Messenger descriptions (2006.04.03)
tskIM is an Instant Messenger service which will supply fully encrypted communications either over a server or via direct peer-to-peer connections.
-RealPopup 2.6 (2005.06.28)
RealPopup is a replacement for WinPopup and is fully compatible with Windows Messenger Service, NetSend across versions of Windows. It is very similar to the original Winpopup application, however comes with several enhancements, including features to browse received messages, delete, reply or compose new one, hyperlink support, message saving, customizable fonts, integrated network browser and more
-Mac Messenger Mac Messenger 3.5.3 source (2005.05.26)
Mac Messenger is a MacOS 8/9/X client for Microsoft's MSN Messenger Service. It features full contact management, single and group chat, emoticons, fonts and colors. It includes many other features to make your chat experience even more enjoyable
-Mac Messenger Mac Messenger Source 3.5.2 (2005.03.01)
Mac Messenger is a MacOS 8/9/X client for Microsoft's MSN Messenger Service. It features full contact management, single and group chat, emoticons, fonts and colors. It includes many other features to make your chat experience even more enjoyable
提供連結MSN Messenger的完整文件資料-Libmsn 3.2 (2005.02.07)
提供連結MSN Messenger的完整文件資料
一個 p2p 的線上即時交談軟體-NetSend P2P IM 1.5 (2004.05.13)
一個 p2p 的線上即時交談軟體
駭客可能利用Messenger Service缺陷再度攻擊 (2003.10.24)
據大陸媒體報導,安全專家於上週指出,有個程式可能成為微軟Messenger Service中的缺陷,讓使用Windows作業系統的電腦當機,而這個缺陷也幾乎存在於當前所有微軟Windows系統,安全專家們擔心,這種情形將使駭客很快找出利用此缺陷來控制大部分電腦的方法,可能會給那些尚未修復系統的公司造成麻煩
MSN與Mobileway合作,提供亞洲區行動通訊業者MSN Hotmail服務 (2002.05.27)
MSN於23日表示,與Mobileway Inc共同宣佈針對亞洲地區進行一項行動通訊服務策略聯盟。MSN指出,Mobileway是全球行動通訊交易解決方案的領導廠商,將與MSN共同協助亞洲地區的行動通訊業者利用雙向式簡訊服務 (SMS) 提供MSN Hotmail電子郵件服務
MSN網站推出 最新Messenger Service 4.5版 (2001.10.24)
MSN網站昨日宣佈,推出最新的MSN Messenger Service 4.5版,提供國內的網際網路用戶更先進的即時傳訊服務,除了保有原有的傳輸檔案與語音交談的功能,4.5版並提供群組的功能,也提供全新的立體造型表情符號
MSN Messenger Service 躍居全球用戶最多的即時傳訊服務 (2001.03.19)
根據Media Metrix公佈於12個國家的調查報告顯示,今年2月份MSN Messenger Service共有2,950萬個用戶(unique users),成為全球最多人使用的即時傳訊服務,超越AOL Instant Messenger與ICQ等
Hotmail中文版與即時傳訊服務新版先後問世 (2000.11.20)
台灣MSN網站近來積極擴充新功能,除在日前宣佈推出MSN Hotmail繁體中文版以服務本土網友的免費電子郵件服務外,也推出了最新的MSN Messenger Service 3.5版,提供台灣的網際網路用戶更先進的即時傳訊服務
AOL失去了即時傳訊市場的龍頭寶座 (2000.11.17)
長久以來,美國線上(AOL)在即時傳訊(Instant Messaging;IM)市場上的優勢地位是無庸置疑的,然而最近一項新的研究報告指出,AOL在此市場上的地已不如從前了。 在一項調查美國即時訊息使用狀況的研究中
台灣微軟推新軟體 Messenger Service 3.0 (2000.08.04)
微軟最近與美國的網路電話公司Net2Phone合作,將Net2Phone的網路電話技術整合在新版的Messenger Service中,使用者除了可透過本軟體互通訊息交談外,還可透過微軟的中繼站, 直接打免費的國際電話到美加等地區
微軟推出MSN Messenger Service 3.0中文版 (2000.07.21)
台灣微軟(Microsoft)宣佈,該公司推出MSN Messenger Service 3.0版,提供國內的網際網路用戶更先進的即時傳訊服務,包括傳輸檔案與語音交談的功能,自即日起用戶將可免費自MSN台灣網站(msn.com.tw)下載,微軟也宣佈將透過Internet Explorer Administration Kit (IEAK) 5.5的自訂功能提供MSN Messenger Service聯名服務
微軟推出新版即時訊息軟體 (2000.07.20)
台灣微軟(Microsoft)宣佈,該公司推出MSN Messenger Service 3.0中文版,提供國內的網際網路用戶即時傳訊服務,包括傳輸檔案與語音交談的功能,微軟表示,自即日起用戶將可免費自MSN台灣網站下載,微軟也宣佈將透過Internet Explorer Administration Kit(IEAK) 5.5的自訂功能提供MSN Messenger Service聯名服務

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