相關物件共 20
-infinispan 4.0.0.ALPHA5 (2009.06.14)
Infinispan is an open source, Java based data grid platform. Infinispan is a high performance, distributed and highly concurrent data structure. JTA transactions, eviction, and passivation/overflow to disk are also supported.
-Coadunation 1.0.RC1 (2007.10.23)
Coadunation is an open source Java Based Daemon Server. It provides an easy to use distributed, container based environment, with JNDI,JTA, RMI/IIOP, Web Services, Web Applications and much more.
-Beanlet - JSE Application Container beanlet-1.0-rc2 (2007.10.11)
Inspired by EJB3 and Spring, the Beanlet specification delivers an (embeddable) IOC container offering the best of both worlds. The Beanlet architecture supports JTA transactions, JMX, the Java Persistence API, Scripting (Mustang) and Spring integration
-Coadunation Coadunation 1.0.B3 (2007.08.13)
Coadunation is an open source Java Based Daemon Server. It provides an easy to use distributed, container based environment, with JNDI,JTA, RMI/IIOP, Web Services, Web Applications and much more.
-Transactional Application Famework 1.0.0 (2007.07.29)
Taf implements end-to-end and concurrent transaction branches of global transactions. It is based on JTA and aims to support different resource manager of JDBC, JMS and JCA. End-to-end transactions ease the integration while guaranteeing ACID properties
-Beanlet - JSE Application Container beanlet-1.0-rc1 (2007.06.22)
Inspired by EJB3 and Spring, the Beanlet specification delivers an (embeddable) IOC container offering the best of both worlds. The Beanlet architecture supports JTA transactions, JMX, the Java Persistence API, Scripting (Mustang) and Spring integration
-Coadunation Coadunation B1 (2007.03.08)
Coadunation is an open source Java Based Daemon Server. It provides an easy to use distributed, container based environment, with JNDI,JTA, RMI/IIOP, Web Services and much more.
-SimpleJTA 1.06 (2007.02.25)
The SimpleJTA project implements a standalone JTA compliant Transaction Manager. It is primarily designed to be used when a J2EE server is not available, for example, in Servlet applications, or standalone Java programs.
-TransXTrail TransXTrail 1.0 (2006.04.21)
TransXTrail is the simplest database transaction controller API for Java. JTA, Springs and Tyrex has too many issues/problems. This API is intended to be used in small applications. It also helps you to build a distributed transaction system
-The Kava Telnet Application 1.1 (2006.01.20)
The Kava Telnet Application is complete telnet and SSH application featuring pluggable modules for easy customization. This is an up-to-date "fixed-and-patched" fork of the fantastic JTA project by Matthias Jugel and Marcus Meissner
-The Kava Telnet Application 1.0 (2005.10.11)
The Kava Telnet Application is complete telnet and SSH application featuring pluggable modules for easy customization. This is an up-to-date "fixed-and-patched" fork of the fantastic JTA project by Matthias Jugel and Marcus Meissner
親愛的,我把J2EE變簡單了!! (2004.11.01)
超義推出Power Process BPM企業版本 (2004.07.08)
家庭網路產品進階開發 (2002.03.05)
美商虹軟針對企業發表數位媒體管理方案 (2002.01.15)
美商虹軟科技(ArcSoft)目前更針對企業客戶發表最新數位媒體管理方案 - ArcWare,它能為企業建置一套安全且能不斷昇級的線上影像系統,讓各種形式的數位多媒體,在各式智慧型手機、手持裝置、網際網路應用裝置及個人電腦上直接被儲存、瀏覽、編輯並且進一步上載到伺服端
Sybase推出新版應用伺服器EAServer 4.0 (2001.11.27)
應用伺服器已成為企業資訊整合的重要軟體工具之一,賽貝斯公司為因應國內市場對於企業資訊整合的需求,昨(27)日正式宣佈在台推出EAServer 4.0應用伺服器產品。新版的EAServer 4.0除了全面支援J2EE 1.3及各種軟體元件標準之外,亦支援Linux平台,讓企業能部署一個開放標準的電子商務整合應用環境
新一代的Web應用標準競爭(二) (2001.08.01)
.NET與J2EE 在技術架構的相似度上,似乎蠻符合觀察家與評論家的預期,正好給了我們一個機會,好好地檢視這兩大陣營的伺服軟體架構。 參考資料:(作者聯絡信箱:warren@nceasy
新一代的Web應用標準競爭 (2001.07.01)
一通力推IBM最新資料庫DB2 7.1版 (2000.08.10)
IBM DB2在台獨家代理商一通科技(ATC)表示,隨著DB2 UDB 7.1的上巿,該公司所力推的DB2 7.1版,除繼承DB2資料庫6.1版同一核心程式可跨大小型統外,DB2 7.1為因應XML資料格式應用的趨勢,最大的特色在於提昇XML資料格式的儲存與整合能力,提供在XML平台上開發的B2B應用軟體運作的環境
DVD/CD-ROM光碟量測技術 (2000.08.01)

1 安勤擴展EMS系列新品 搭載英特爾最新處理器開拓AI應用
2 Basler全新AI影像分析軟體符合複雜應用需求
3 Nordic的Wi-Fi 6模組具有無線連接高通量和低功耗性能
4 Toshiba推出1200 V第三代碳化矽肖特基柵極二極體新產品
5 Littelfuse推出高頻應用的雙5安培低壓側MOSFET柵極驅動器
6 Diodes新款12通道LED驅動器可提升數位看板和顯示器效能
7 瑞薩第四代R-Car車用SoC瞄準大量L2+ ADAS市場
8 恩智浦整合超寬頻安全測距與短距雷達推動自動化IIoT應用
9 恩智浦全新i.MX RT700跨界MCU搭載eIQ Neutron NPU打造AI邊緣
10 Molex多功能VaporConnect光饋通模組可解決AI資料中心熱管理需求


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