-GCC toolchain for MSP430 (2010.09.23) This is a port of the GNU C Compiler (GCC) and GNU Binutils (as, ld) for the embedded processor MSP430. Tools for debugging and download are provided (GDB, JTAG and BSL) |
-Luna C/C++ (2010.07.25) The Luna project provides a convenient setup package for installing the MinGW GNU GCC C/C++ toolchain on Windows. |
-Piklab (2010.06.23) Piklab is an integrated development environment for applications based on PIC and dsPIC microcontrollers. The GNU PIC Utilities, SDCC, PICC, PIC30 toolchain, ICD2 debugger, PICkit1, PICkit2, PicStart+, GPSim and most direct programmers are supported |
專訪:Altera亞太區市場產品經理王冬剛 (2009.04.02) 在嵌入式設計中,Linux是最受開發者青睞的作業系統,因其開放源碼的特質具備極佳的設計彈性,同時在價格上也很具競爭力。而看好Linux的發展潛力,FPGA方案供應商Altera也決定與Linux軟體方案供應商Wind River合作,在其Altera Nios II嵌入式處理器中提供Linux支援 |
Atmel為ARM處理器提供主線Linux內核支援 (2008.11.19) 愛特梅爾(Atmel)推出為ARM926EJ-S 的400 MHz AT91SAM9G20 嵌入式微處理器,以及AT91SAM9 系列中的其它產品提供最新的Linux 主線版(mainline release)v2.6.27 支援。此一軟體問世的時間與正式在Linux內核發表的時間相隔很近,是因為Atmel為AT91SAM9嵌入式MPU,以及用於整個產品系列的周邊提供了完備的Linux支援 |
MIPS推出突破性Linux開發工具 (2008.09.18) MIPS宣布推出全新MIPS Navigator Integrated Component Suite(ICS),協助嵌入式系統開發人員更容易在MIPS-Based SoCs和嵌入式系統上設計程式、除錯和分析Linux系統。Navigator ICS將MIPS開發工具與技術整合為一款相互結合的實際產品,其中亦包含了創新的Linux開發元件 |
-gnu-efi gnu-efi-3.0e2 (2008.08.02) Develop EFI applications for IA-64(IPF), IA-32(x86) , and (x86_64) platforms using the GNU toolchain and the EFI development environment. |
以GNU為基礎 MIPS推出核心最佳化版本 (2008.07.10) MIPS Technologies公司宣布,CodeSourcery公司已推出針對MIPS最佳化的Sourcery G++版本,該套件是以GNU Toolchain與Eclipse IDE為基礎的完整C/C++開發環境。該版本支援所有MIPS核心,包括MIPS32 24K核心與超純量(superscalar)MIPS32 74K核心的效能提升,以及其他最佳化措施 |
-GCC toolchain for MSP430 20080521 (2008.05.22) This is a port of the GNU C Compiler (GCC) and GNU Binutils (as, ld) for the embedded processor MSP430. Tools for debugging and download are provided (GDB, JTAG and BSL) |
-Revolution-FX revolution-fx v1.0 for Renesas (2008.05.18) The Revolution-FX project goal is to provide the best platform for developing applications for the CASIO fx-9860G graphing calculator. Revolution-FX components include addheader, code editor, a hardware library, and works with the GNU toolchain |
-YAGARTO 20080408 (2008.04.10) YAGARTO is a cross development environment for the ARM architecture,
running on a Windows host. It includes the GNU C/C++ toolchain and the
Eclipse IDE. |
-Piklab 0.15.3 (2008.03.25) Piklab is an integrated development environment for applications based on PIC and dsPIC microcontrollers. The GNU PIC Utilities, SDCC, PICC, PIC30 toolchain, ICD2 debugger, PICkit1, PICkit2, PicStart+, GPSim and most direct programmers are supported |
-BCU SDK bcu1driver- (2008.03.09) BCU SDK is a C based, high level development system for creating programs for EIB/KNX BCU devices. It includes the GNU toolchain for the m68hc05 architecture (m68hc05-gcc, m68hc05-gdb, newlib). Bus access is possible using multiple methods |
-YAGARTO 20080201 (2008.02.03) YAGARTO is a cross development environment for the ARM architecture,
running on a Windows host. It includes the GNU C/C++ toolchain and the
Eclipse IDE. |
-gnu-efi gnu-efi-3.0e (2008.01.31) Develop EFI applications for IA-64(IPF), IA-32(x86) , and (x86_64) platforms using the GNU toolchain and the EFI development environment. |
-YAGARTO 20071117 (2007.12.02) YAGARTO is a cross development environment for the ARM architecture,
running on a Windows host. It includes the GNU C/C++ toolchain and the
Eclipse IDE. |
-Revolution-FX revolution-fx v0.3.2 for Renesas (2007.11.23) The Revolution-FX project goal is to provide the best platform for developing applications for the CASIO fx-9860G graphing calculator. Revolution-FX components include addheader, code editor, a hardware library, and works with the GNU toolchain |
-BCU SDK sdkdoc-0.0.3 (2007.11.19) BCU SDK is a C based, high level development system for creating programs for EIB/KNX BCU devices. It includes the GNU toolchain for the m68hc05 architecture (m68hc05-gcc, m68hc05-gdb, newlib). Bus access is possible using multiple methods |
-Piklab 0.15.0 (2007.10.21) Piklab is an integrated development environment for applications based on PIC and dsPIC microcontrollers. The GNU PIC Utilities, SDCC, PICC, PIC30 toolchain, ICD2 debugger, PICkit1, PICkit2, PicStart+, GPSim and most direct programmers are supported |
-GNUARM Eclipse Plugin org.eclipse.cdt.gnuarm_0.1.3.jar (2007.10.12) Eclipse CDT Manged Build Extension for GNU ARM Toolchain. |