相關物件共 172
F5新款AI驅動應用和API安全功能 提供跨分散式環境保護 (2023.04.11)
F5發表全新的安全功能,客戶在管理本地、雲端和邊緣位置的應用程式和 API 時,提供全面的保護和控制。全新的機器學習強化功能為 F5 的雲端安全產品組合提供了先進 API 端點發現、異常檢測、遙測和行為分析
Red Hat擴大合作夥伴培訓和認證服務 (2022.04.25)
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西門子落實數位轉型 打造工業先鋒 (2019.08.27)
西門子(Siemens)參加具亞洲代表性之「2019台北國際自動化工業大展(2019 Taipei International Industrial Automation Exhibition )」,近日在台北南港展覽館展示應用於工業領域的最新未來科技趨勢,為全館最大展示攤位,完整呈現全方位的智能製造解決方案
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摘要 ‧ 邁向工業4.0,數位企業(Digital Enterprise)解決方案升級 ‧ 適用於各產業及各種企業規模的「數位企業」解決方案 ‧ 整合虛擬與現實世界,構建更靈活、更具實用性及連結度的生態系統(Eco System) 西門子(Siemens)積極推動產業數位化
WatchGuard MSSP方案提供更佳的部署彈性 (2012.12.07)
全球企業安全方案廠商WatchGuard Technologies推出優化安全委外管理服務供應商(Managed Security Services Provider; MSSP)方案。該方案從第四季開始讓MSSP客戶們能在支出與營收之間建立更嚴謹的控管,並省下許多年度服務合約的前置成本
-Liferay Portal (2011.04.01)
Liferay Portal is the world's leading enterprise open source portal framework, offering integrated Web publishing and content management, an enterprise service bus and service-oriented architecture, and compatibility with all major IT infrastructures
可以方便地連接人員,系統,Web服務和Web 2.0應用的企業自動化,混搭和wiki協作,維基服務(WOA)...等-MindTouch (frmly deki wiki) (2011.01.26)
可以方便地連接人員,系統,Web服務和Web 2.0應用的企業自動化,混搭和wiki協作,維基服務(WOA)...等
一款桌面生產力工具軟體。-eXo Collaboration (2010.11.26)
M Systems (2010.02.23)
About Us Founded in 1996 and headquartered in the Research Triangle Park area (Durham) of North Carolina, M Systems is a fast growing solutions provider specializing in e-commerce and database applications
可應用於Web個性化介面與應用程式及提升內部網路性能的工具...-Portaneo portals Posh 2.1 patch 2 (2009.06.23)
-Liferay Portal 5.1.0 (2008.07.18)
Liferay Portal is the world's leading enterprise open source portal framework, offering integrated Web publishing and content management, an enterprise service bus and service-oriented architecture, and compatibility with all major IT infrastructures
-Liferay Portal 5.0.0 (2008.04.10)
Liferay Portal is the world's leading enterprise open source portal framework, offering integrated Web publishing and content management, an enterprise service bus and service-oriented architecture, and compatibility with all major IT infrastructures
AT&T宣佈投資10億美元發展全球網路與服務 (2008.03.07)
AT&T Inc.宣佈將於2008年挹注10億美元拓展網路系統及旗下一系列的解決方案,以服務在全球主要市場營運與推展應用之跨國企業。 隨著高速網路及設備日益普及,資料、語音和視訊資料流量呈爆炸性成長
-Liferay Portal 4.4.1 (2008.02.08)
Liferay Portal is the world's leading enterprise open source portal framework, offering integrated Web publishing and content management, an enterprise service bus and service-oriented architecture, and compatibility with all major IT infrastructures
-Liferay Portal 4.3.5 (2007.12.05)
Liferay Portal is the world's leading enterprise open source portal framework, offering integrated Web publishing and content management, an enterprise service bus and service-oriented architecture, and compatibility with all major IT infrastructures
-Portal based framework LEBAH Portal Demo with embedded HSQL (2007.10.10)
Light and Easy Business ArcHitecture (LEBAH) which was previously known as MECCA (Modular Enterprise Content Collaboration Architecture), is a web portal application and also a Content Management System. This will provide a f

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1 安勤擴展EMS系列新品 搭載英特爾最新處理器開拓AI應用
2 Basler全新AI影像分析軟體符合複雜應用需求
3 Nordic的Wi-Fi 6模組具有無線連接高通量和低功耗性能
4 Toshiba推出1200 V第三代碳化矽肖特基柵極二極體新產品
5 Littelfuse推出高頻應用的雙5安培低壓側MOSFET柵極驅動器
6 Diodes新款12通道LED驅動器可提升數位看板和顯示器效能
7 瑞薩第四代R-Car車用SoC瞄準大量L2+ ADAS市場
8 恩智浦整合超寬頻安全測距與短距雷達推動自動化IIoT應用
9 恩智浦全新i.MX RT700跨界MCU搭載eIQ Neutron NPU打造AI邊緣
10 Molex多功能VaporConnect光饋通模組可解決AI資料中心熱管理需求


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