瑞士晶片商Kandou:看好AI引領高速傳輸需求 (2024.06.11) 人工智慧(AI)正在重朔電子科技的發展輪廓,除了邏輯處理單元與記憶體開始改朝換代,相關的I/O傳輸技術也必須跟著推陳出新。看準這個趨勢,一家瑞士晶片商Kandou也現身今年的COMPUTEX展場上,以獨家的高速傳輸技術要在AI世代中一展拳腳 |
是德與Kandou Bus攜手開發高速數位應用Chord信令技術 (2019.09.09) 是德科技(Keysight Technologies Inc.)日前宣布與Kandou Bus展開合作,雙方將運用是德科技測試解決方案,分析Chord信令發射器和接收器的設計,以增進高速數位信號應用的效能 |
2017年5月(第25期)EtherCAT啟動 未來工廠成型 (2017.05.08) 德國在2012年喊出工業4.0,至今已將近5年,這5年來工業4.0所帶動的智慧製造浪潮,熱度持續攀升,智慧製造成長不斷加速的原因,除了外在因素如消費型態改變、缺工…之外,製造系統中各環節技術與相關廠商的不斷投入也是主因之一,近年來已成工業通訊主流趨勢的EtherCAT就是其一 |
我的著迷成就聲音的浪漫 (2012.12.26) 他說:「我想創造一件『從無到有的好東西』。
他,是台灣原創耳機品牌CHORD總監-陳冠宏。 |
NEXT DISPLAY 眼球爭奪新戰局 (2012.12.18) 展望2013,
[獨賣價值] 做出好音質 成就好耳機 (2012.11.07) 當前科技產品的打造,注重的已經不再是硬體規格本身、或是拼價錢,而是一種「有質感、有溫度、有觸感」的體驗和感覺。CTIMES本月的專訪,邀請到台灣原創耳機品牌-CHORD耳機創辦人陳冠宏,從「研發耳機」的角度,來看研發科技產品應該注重的面向,以及後續品牌經營的關鍵 |
設計與實現模組集成轉換器,用於系列光電弦-設計與實現模組集成轉換器,用於系列光電弦 (2011.08.15) 設計與實現模組集成轉換器,用於系列光電弦 |
一款以相當不錯的方式來儲存和編輯歌詞與和弦的工具軟體。-softChord lyrics editor (2011.04.10) 一款以相當不錯的方式來儲存和編輯歌詞與和弦的工具軟體。 |
-jDHTUQ (2010.07.22) jDHTUQ is a peer-to-peer DHT system based in Chord algorithm, but built like API to generalize the implementation of peer-to-peer DHT systems. jDHTUQ have two fundamental services , put and get of resource.
Layered Architecture
Lower coupling
Easily adaptable to any routing algorithm
Easily adaptable to any resources management
Independent communication module configurable
Implementation of two forms of communication |
-Impro-Visor (2010.06.22) See http://www.impro-visor.com. Music notation, advice, and play-back tool for helping musicians learn to improvise. Melody generator, Leadsheet, Auto-Accomp, MIDI, MusicXML export. User group http://launch.groups.yahoo.com/group/impro-visor/ |
BlackBerry Storm2 & BlackBerry App World上市記者會 (2010.05.11) 智慧型手機市場正熱,手機線上軟體商店也跟著發燒,台灣大哥大提供最完整智慧型手機平台,5月再推出新一代BlackBerry中文觸控螢幕智慧型手機BlackBerry Storm2,BlackBerry App World同時將在台開張!
5月11日台灣大哥大個人用戶事業群賴弦五營運長、企業用戶事業群周鐘麒營運長、RIM亞太區副總裁勞偉強(Mr |
可以轉換音頻輸入的MIDI文件,它可以轉換WAV或MP3文件到MIDI,抓住音樂從音頻CD,或使用投入樂器(通過錄音)-intelliScore Polyphonic 8.0 (2010.05.05) 可以轉換音頻輸入的MIDI文件,它可以轉換WAV或MP3文件到MIDI,抓住音樂從音頻CD,或使用投入樂器(通過錄音) |
可以轉換音頻輸入的MIDI文件,它可以轉換WAV或MP3文件到MIDI,抓住音樂從音頻CD,或使用投入樂器(通過錄音)-intelliScore Polyphonic 7.3 (2009.06.19) 可以轉換音頻輸入的MIDI文件,它可以轉換WAV或MP3文件到MIDI,抓住音樂從音頻CD,或使用投入樂器(通過錄音) |
-NChord nchord_src_1.0.0.0 (2008.08.07) NChord is a C# implementation of the Chord distributed hash table. The project provides a library containing the routing, lookup, and maintenance routines specified in the MIT Chord paper, and is quite stable including under heavy load and churn |
-tune tune-0.4 (2008.07.12) Tune is a note/chord detecting program for use with guitars, pianos, or voices. |
-GuitarTex2 GuitarTeX2-3.1.3 (2008.06.18) GuitarTeX is based on the idea of Chord. It takes a Chord file containing Chordpro directives to produce good-looking and easy-to-play song sheets for guitarists in PostScript or PDF format. GuitarTex2 is a further development of GuitarTex |
-Chordii 4.2 (2008.06.15) Chordii, formerly known as Chordie, creates elegant, printable stafless lead sheets for musicians needing only chords and lyrics. It processes plain text input in ChordPro format and it is the successor to the old though still popular Chord program |
-Overlay Weaver 0.8.7 (2008.05.25) A P2P overlay constructiion toolkit, which supports routing algorithm researchers in addition to application developers. It provides multiple routing (DHT) algorithms such as Chord, Kademlia, Koorde, Pastry and Tapestry, and |
-Open Chord 1.0.5 (2008.04.12) OpenChord is an open source implementation of the Chord distributed hash table as described in the paper by Ion Stoica et al. "Chord: A scalable peer-to-peer lookup service for internet applications". It is available under GNU GPL |
-tune tune-0.3 (2008.03.31) Tune is a note/chord detecting program for use with guitars, pianos, or voices. |