NEC與聯合國WFP共同開發物流資訊管理平台 (2017.04.17) 聯合國世界糧食計畫署(以下簡稱聯合國WFP)與日本電氣株式會社(以下簡稱NEC),作為參與「世界規模流行性疾病對策之支援物資物流網(Global Pandemic Supply Chain Network,簡稱PSC Network)」之成員 |
安捷倫於國際無線研討會中發表全新的北斗GNSS衛星信號模擬選項 (2013.04.29) 安捷倫科技(Agilent Technologies Inc.)日前宣布旗下的Signal Studio for Global Navigation Satellite Systems(GNSS)軟體,現在提供更多增強功能,同時還增加了支援中國北斗衛星系統的即時多衛星模擬功能 |
是一款基於Web的地理元數據目錄系統開發:由糧農組織,聯合國糧食計劃署和環境規劃署設施。-GeoNetwork - Geographic Metadata Catalog (2010.11.17) 是一款基於Web的地理元數據目錄系統開發:由糧農組織,聯合國糧食計劃署和環境規劃署設施。 |
-GeoNetwork - Geographic Metadata Catalog GeoNetwork opensource 2.2.0 RC0 (2008.01.15) GeoNetwork is a web based Geographic Metadata Catalog System developed by FAO-UN, WFP and UNEP. The system implements the ISO19115/19139 Geographic Metadata, Z39.50, CSW 2.0 and OGC-WMS standards among others. Server and Desktop are now combined |
-GeoNetwork - Geographic Metadata Catalog GeoNetwork opensource v2.1.0 RC (2007.08.21) GeoNetwork is a web based Geographic Metadata Catalog System developed by FAO-UN, WFP and UNEP. The system implements the ISO19115/19139 Geographic Metadata, ISO 23950 (Z39.50), CSW 2.0 and OGC-WMS standards among others. |
-GeoNetwork - Geographic Metadata Catalog GeoNetwork opensource v2.1.0 beta-3 (2007.06.07) GeoNetwork is a web based Geographic Metadata Catalog System developed by FAO-UN, WFP-UN and UNEP.
The system implements the ISO 19115 Geographic Metadata and ISO 23950 (Z39.50) standards.
Technical details: Java, XML/XSL, JDBC compliant |
-GeoNetwork - Geographic Metadata Catalog GeoNetwork opensource v2.1.0 alpha-2 (2007.01.05) GeoNetwork is a web based Geographic Metadata Catalog System developed by FAO-UN, WFP-UN and UNEP.
The system implements the ISO 19115 Geographic Metadata and ISO 23950 (Z39.50) standards.
Technical details: Java, XML/XSL, JDBC compliant |
-GeoNetwork - Geographic Metadata Catalog GeoNetwork opensource v2.1.0 alpha-1 (2006.10.21) GeoNetwork is a web based Geographic Metadata Catalog System developed by FAO-UN, WFP-UN and UNEP.
The system implements the ISO 19115 Geographic Metadata and ISO 23950 (Z39.50) standards.
Technical details: Java, XML/XSL, JDBC compliant |
-GeoNetwork - Geographic Metadata Catalog GeoNetwork 2.0.0 RC2 (2005.11.08) GeoNetwork is a web based Geographic Metadata Catalog System developed by FAO-UN, WFP-UN and UNEP.
The system implements the ISO 19115 Geographic Metadata and ISO 23950 (Z39.50) standards.
Technical details: Java, XML/XSL, JDBC compliant |
-GeoNetwork - Geographic Metadata Catalog GeoNetwork 2.0.0 Beta2 (2005.08.25) GeoNetwork is a web based Geographic Metadata Catalog System developed by FAO-UN, WFP-UN and UNEP.
The system implements the ISO 19115 Geographic Metadata and ISO 23950 (Z39.50) standards.
Technical details: Java, XML/XSL, JDBC compliant |
-GeoNetwork - Geographic Metadata Catalog GeoNetwork 2.0.0 Beta1 (2005.06.03) GeoNetwork is a web based Geographic Metadata Catalog System developed by FAO-UN, WFP-UN and UNEP.
The system implements the ISO 19115 Geographic Metadata and ISO 23950 (Z39.50) standards.
Technical details: Java, XML/XSL, JDBC compliant |