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泓格推出24位元高精度力感測器輸入卡 (2020.08.12)
泓格宣布推出PCIe-LM4 24位元高精度力感測器輸入卡。泓格表示,PCIe-LM4是一張強大功能多樣化的PCI Express多功能卡片,專為材料測試系統(拉力測試機)所開發設計。 PCIe-LM4配置四個應變規換能器輸入通道、四個常規類比輸入通道、二個類比輸出通道、十六個隔離數位輸入通道、十六個隔離數位輸出通道及一個二軸運動控制器
敏捷型模型化基礎設計:Simulink模擬加速整合工作流程 (2020.08.11)
泓格推出新型可程式化數位輸出入多功能高速擷取卡 (2014.11.13)
泓格科技日前宣布一項新的Universal PCI匯流排高速多功能板卡 ─ PCI-2602U。PCI-2602U提供一張板子架構了16位元16通道單端或8通道差分類比輸入通道搭配8K FIFO,16位元2通道單端類比輸出內建512個點數FIFO及32個符合TTL規範的可程式化數位輸出入通道內建512個Byte數位輸出FIFO
-DFASTAR: fast DFA lexer generator (2011.04.26)
DFA lexer generator, reads regular expressions, creates table-driven lexical analyzers in C, (similar to FLEX, but twice as fast). Very scalable, handles 250,000-word dictionaries! Works with Microsoft Visual C++, and LRSTAR.
一款創建直接代碼和驅動表的DFA詞法分析器C/ C + +,為Flex創建詞法分析器的速度兩倍。-DFAC: fastest lexical analyzer (2011.03.26)
一款創建直接代碼和驅動表的DFA詞法分析器C/ C + +,為Flex創建詞法分析器的速度兩倍。
Win32的變異版本。這二進制文件是建立,使用Visual C++ 6.0。-Subversion for Windows (2011.03.15)
Win32的變異版本。這二進制文件是建立,使用Visual C++ 6.0。
Windows X伺服器的基礎,Xorg git的來源(如xming或Cygwin xwin),但編譯的Visual C + + 2010-VcXsrv Windows X Server (2011.02.03)
Windows X伺服器的基礎,Xorg git的來源(如xming或Cygwin xwin),但編譯的Visual C + + 2010
OpenGL的樣品包是集合Open GL示例代碼文件使用的OpenGL API工具。-OpenGL Samples Pack (2011.01.28)
OpenGL的樣品包是集合Open GL示例代碼文件使用的OpenGL API工具。
-OWLNext: C++ Object-Oriented Framework (2010.09.17)
The successor to Borland's Object Windows Library (OWL). Supports C++Builder, Visual C++ and Linux/Wine. Based on Standard C++. Brings sockets, threads, STL, Unicode, OLE/OCX; Win64 planned. cross platform threads socket
-sf4viewer (2010.08.31)
CAPCOM's Street Fighter 4 character models C++ viewer. Uses DirectX9 and pure Win32 API. Animation code courtesy of revelation @ Xentax board. Original mxtk win32 layer by chUmbaLum sOft DirectX9 Win32 API Small footprint (<100k) Pixel shaders Vertex shaders Animation Weird (Coded in c++ header files for a C#/java feel) Visual C++ Express 2008 uses zlib-1
-DFAC: fast lexer generator (2010.07.31)
Creates direct-code and table-driven DFA lexical analyzers in C/C++ that are twice the speed of lexers created by FLEX. Reads lexical BNF grammars, more powerful than regular expressions. Works well with Visual C++ and the LRSTAR parser generator
M Systems (2010.02.23)
About Us Founded in 1996 and headquartered in the Research Triangle Park area (Durham) of North Carolina, M Systems is a fast growing solutions provider specializing in e-commerce and database applications
-Geko Chess Engine 1.0 alpha (2008.07.31)
Geko is a chess engine for winboard, Bitboard and AEL algorithm. it is written in C language and it can be compiled in Windows (visual C++) or in linux (gcc) 32 and 64 bit.
-VBoxVmService 20080728 (2008.07.28)
The open source virtualization software VirtualBox was lacking an option to run virtual machines as a Windows NT/XP/2003 service entity. VBoxVmService does the trick! VBoxVmService requires Microsoft's Visual C++ Runtime 2005 and the Dotnet Framework 2
Accounting computers, devices and subnets in you network. Use MySQL for store data.
-QtBuilder QtBuilder-0.6.1 (Beta) (2008.04.30)
QtBuilder ?臬捆?瑽??€icrosoft Visual C 2005 ??Trolltech ?????潦??胯???嫘??芥??Qt 4 ??喋??扎??????賬???扼?扼??
-mcpp V.2.7 (2008.03.24)
MCPP is a portable C/C++ preprocessor, supporting GCC, Visual C++, etc. Its source is highly configurable and can generate executables of various specs. It accompanies a validation suite to check preprocessor's conformance and quality exhaustively
-PreTimer 0.2.1 (2008.02.27)
PreTimer is an application built in Visual C++ for timed oral presentations with custom time settings and specific colors when approaching deadline. This application requires Net Framework 3.5.
-getdep 1.0.0 (2008.01.23)
Makefile dependency generator for Visual C++. Provides functionality similar to gcc's -M option and allows makefile based projects to include accurate dependencies on header files and rebuild only what is needed when a header file changes
跨平台與跨程式語言的軟體編製(make)工具程式-Bakefile 0.2.3_rc1 (2008.01.07)

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