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Google TV遙控程式介面:showy (2012.03.23)
先前,當Google註冊網路域名(The Domain Name)為googleshowy.com時,便帶給外界很多的猜測,但沒有具體的證明,到底Google的葫蘆裡賣什麼膏藥?如今最新獲得的具體訊息是,Google近日提交了一款名稱為“showy”,在美國商標和專利局的商標註冊提出申請
一款網路工具:使您可以檢索任何給區域或域名列表中的DNS記錄(MX,NS,A,SOA)。-DNSDataView 1.35 (2011.09.17)
可以查看和登記任何域名資料的工具。它支援通用域名以及國家代碼域名等。-WhoisThisDomain 1.63 (2011.04.03)
一款DNS伺服器轉換域名成網路IP位址的工具軟體-Simple DNS Plus 5.2.118 (2011.02.20)
CountryWhois 使您能夠確定 IP 位址或網址的真實地理位置之工具。-CountryWhois 2.0.37 (2010.12.14)
CountryWhois 使您能夠確定 IP 位址或網址的真實地理位置之工具。
是一個簡單的擴展為Firefox火狐集成與404錯誤頁面之工具-404 Register 0.22 (2010.11.09)
一款優秀的網路IP節點偵測器軟體工具-Visual IP Trace 5.0e (2010.08.13)
IPv4位址將耗盡 台灣應加速IPv6過渡步伐 (2010.07.26)
IPv4位址將耗盡 台灣應加速IPv6過渡步伐
一款可以識別IP 位址或者URL地理位置的工具-CountryWhois 2.0.36 (2010.07.24)
一款可以識別IP 位址或者URL地理位置的工具
一款不錯的DNS加速工具-Simple DNS Plus 5.2.117 (2010.07.10)
-WhoisThisDomain 1.45 (2010.06.19)
WhoisThisDomain enables you to view owner and registration information for any domain name. It supports generic domains as well as country code domains, and you can look up multiple domain names at once by pasting the domain names or URLs into the input window
-Scrollout F1 (2010.06.17)
F1 e-mail firewall is designed to secure any existing e-mail server in few minutes. Unlike complex systems, it is already configured and assembled ready to be connected in front of any email server using virtual platforms. 10 predefined security levels and one simple web interface Protect unlimited domain names Protect against viruses, malicious content, scripts and even password encrypted archives, using ClamAV through Amavisd
補一刀!Godaay停止註冊.cn域名 (2010.03.25)
可以幫助您找到可用域名:可以手動輸入域名,並檢查是否已辦理登記,也可以自動找或用關鍵字指定-DomainInspect 1.7 (2010.02.03)
優秀的網路IP節點偵測器軟體-Visual IP Trace 2008 5.0b (2009.07.31)
可以找到可用域名(根據您的自定義關鍵字),您可以生成文本或HTML的結果報告-AnalogX WHOIS Ultra 3.03 (2009.03.25)
互通性網域「.tel」兩周後開放登記 (2009.01.22)
新頂級域名 .tel的登記時間即將在兩周後開放,目前已有120多家經ICANN認證的註冊商與Telnic簽署了協議,預註冊的數量超乎預期,甚至有些註冊商指出,此熱銷的狀況是史無前例的
-Available Domains Professional 4.1.3 (2008.10.05)
Available Domains is a program that allows you to find available domain names based on your preferences. Domain names to check are created automatically, just enter keywords to be included in your domain name and the program will create a list of matching names and then check their availability
-Expired Domain Sleuth 5.7.5r2 (2008.08.21)
Expired Domain Sleuth allows you to search for for on-hold or deleted domain names. In addition, you can check if the domain name is indexed in (8) popular search engines, filter the list based on various criteria and track domains for future changes
-HS Domain Manager DomainManager-End-User (2008.06.12)
This is a domain manager based on DevNOC Brain System. It allows you to start selling domain names to your end-users and also it allows you to create unlimited Sub Members who in turn can resell to their own end-users and other Sub Members

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1 Microchip推出全新Switchtec PCIe 4.0 16通道交換器系列產品,為汽車和嵌入式計算應用提供多功能性
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7 施耐德電機TeSys馬達控制與保護產品系列不斷創新 見證台灣工業自動化邁向智慧製造與永續發展
8 意法半導體推出的安全防護比較器具備穩定啟動時間設計 提升系統可靠性並降低電力消耗
9 意法半導體推出 IO-Link 致動器電路板 提供工業監控與家電應用的一站式參考設計
10 意法半導體推出靈活、因應未來的智慧電表通訊解決方案,協助能源轉型


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