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CloneDVD mobile 是一款能夠讓您快速,輕鬆地轉換視訊格式的軟體工具。-CloneDVD Mobile (2010.09.23)
CloneDVD mobile 是一款能夠讓您快速,輕鬆地轉換視訊格式的軟體工具。
-HW+ / DXR3 device driver for Linux 0.17.1 (2008.07.26)
This project is an attempt to provide the Linux community with kernel drivers for two hugely popular DVD playback cards namely DXR3 from Creative Labs and Hollywood Plus from Sigma Designs.
-HW+ / DXR3 device driver for Linux 0.17.0 (2008.04.20)
This project is an attempt to provide the Linux community with kernel drivers for two hugely popular DVD playback cards namely DXR3 from Creative Labs and Hollywood Plus from Sigma Designs.
-HW+ / DXR3 device driver for Linux 0.16.4 (2008.02.05)
This project is an attempt to provide the Linux community with kernel drivers for two hugely popular DVD playback cards namely DXR3 from Creative Labs and Hollywood Plus from Sigma Designs.
-HW+ / DXR3 device driver for Linux 0.16.3 (2007.08.18)
This project is an attempt to provide the Linux community with kernel drivers for two hugely popular DVD playback cards namely DXR3 from Creative Labs and Hollywood Plus from Sigma Designs.
Computex Taipei 2007展後報導 (2007.06.20)
全球IT界年度盛事Computex Taipei 2007圓滿落幕。今年展會共有1333家廠商參展,使用了2926個攤位。在國內大廠方面,有宏碁、華碩、鴻海、威盛、技嘉、精英、神達、中環、錸德、英業達、正文、威達電及麗臺等廠商參展
-HW+ / DXR3 device driver for Linux 0.16.2 (2007.05.07)
This project is an attempt to provide the Linux community with kernel drivers for two hugely popular DVD playback cards namely DXR3 from Creative Labs and Hollywood Plus from Sigma Designs.
-HW+ / DXR3 device driver for Linux 0.16.1 (2007.03.01)
This project is an attempt to provide the Linux community with kernel drivers for two hugely popular DVD playback cards namely DXR3 from Creative Labs and Hollywood Plus from Sigma Designs.
聽覺享受新體驗 ADI音訊技術強化PC聽覺環境真實感 (2006.12.01)
-HW+ / DXR3 device driver for Linux 0.16.0 (2006.11.28)
This project is an attempt to provide the Linux community with kernel drivers for two hugely popular DVD playback cards namely DXR3 from Creative Labs and Hollywood Plus from Sigma Designs.
可攜式產品進化事件簿 (2006.06.02)
-HW+ / DXR3 device driver for Linux 0.15.3 (2006.04.10)
This project is an attempt to provide the Linux community with kernel drivers for two hugely popular DVD playback cards namely DXR3 from Creative Labs and Hollywood Plus from Sigma Designs.
漫談日漸成熟的USB技術 (2006.03.01)
Apple削價iPod策略引發市場震動 (2006.02.09)
Apple近日宣佈於既有數位音樂消費產品ipod系列之外,再推出最新一款低階1GB版本的 iPod Nano。先前原本已屬最低價、容量512M的iPod Shuffle,也將從99美元調降價格為69美元;1GB的iPod Shuffle從129美元降至99美元
美商亞德諾SHARC處理器獲創巨採用 (2006.01.20)
高性能信號處理半導體廠商,美商亞德諾公司(Analog Devices,Inc.,ADI),20日宣佈SHARC處理器被新加坡創巨公司(CREATIVE LABS)採用於Home Theater Connect DTS-610產品。此獨立的自行供電(self-powered)硬體編碼裝置能夠將將媒體中心或普通個人電腦(PC)內的音訊
-HW+ / DXR3 device driver for Linux 0.15.2 (2005.11.24)
This project is an attempt to provide the Linux community with kernel drivers for two hugely popular DVD playback cards namely DXR3 from Creative Labs and Hollywood Plus from Sigma Designs.
「可攜式多媒體播放器PMP系統設計挑戰」研討會實錄 (2005.07.14)
從MP3 Player的高度發展開始,可攜式多媒體播放器(Portable Multimedia Player;PMP)的發展就逐漸受到市場的注意,隨著Apple iPod的大受歡迎與Sony PSP的多樣化功能,PMP引發越來越多廠商的興趣
-HW+ / DXR3 device driver for Linux 0.15.0 (2005.06.01)
This project is an attempt to provide the Linux community with kernel drivers for two hugely popular DVD playback cards namely DXR3 from Creative Labs and Hollywood Plus from Sigma Designs.
時勢所趨的PMP個人媒體播放器 (2004.09.27)
RealNetworks發表統合性DRM技術 (2004.07.28)
RealNetworks在26日公佈了可將音樂文件轉換爲數位版權管理(DRM)格式的技術“Harmony”。由於該技術支援蘋果的FairPlay、微軟的DRM技術Windows Media以及RealNetworks的Helix等DRM技術,因此,RealNetworks 表示消費者可以在所有主要攜帶型音樂設備上播放所購買的音樂

     [1]  2   [下一頁]

1 Microchip推出全新Switchtec PCIe 4.0 16通道交換器系列產品,為汽車和嵌入式計算應用提供多功能性
2 意法半導體推出 STM32WL33 低功耗長距離無線微控制器及專屬生態系擴充方案
3 貿澤電子即日起供貨能為工業應用提供精準感測的 Analog Devices MAX32675C微控制器
4 Bourns 全新推出 500 安培系列數位分流傳感器
5 桓達FSE集塵節能粒子濃度偵測器可即時監測粉塵狀態
6 凌華科技攜手銳能智慧科技 打造電動車社區充電最佳EMS能源管理系統
7 意法半導體推出的安全防護比較器具備穩定啟動時間設計 提升系統可靠性並降低電力消耗
8 施耐德電機TeSys馬達控制與保護產品系列不斷創新 見證台灣工業自動化邁向智慧製造與永續發展
9 意法半導體推出 IO-Link 致動器電路板 提供工業監控與家電應用的一站式參考設計
10 意法半導體推出靈活、因應未來的智慧電表通訊解決方案,協助能源轉型


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