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Bureau Veritas立德國際助上尚科技 取得IEC 62443-4-1認證 (2022.04.07)
工業通訊與網路廠商上尚科技(ATOP)在今年藉由Bureau Veritas(立德國際)的協助,成功取得工業控制領域IEC 62443-4-1認證。 因應資安威脅的快速變化,對製造商以及系統整合商而言,資安對策是致勝關鍵,推動重點著重在建立且落實資安制度,強化資安技術,設計並實作出安全的產品或系統提升整體競爭力
被動聲傳感追踪於大型互動展覽上面-被動聲傳感追踪於大型互動展覽上面 (2012.04.13)
元太劉思誠:iPad擴大市場 E-reader仍是主流 (2010.04.22)
元太劉思誠:iPad擴大市場 E-reader仍是主流
NXP北京大中華區創新日(Innovation Day)特別報導 (2009.10.21)
恩智浦半導體(NXP)特於中國北京首度舉辦大中華區創新日(Innovation Day)活動,會中不但具體的闡述了NXP在各個領域的創新應用,同時也實際展出相關的產品與系統應用,以下就是活動的報導內容
專訪:恩智浦NXP台灣區總裁王俊堅 (2009.01.10)
集中火力拓展家庭娛樂、汽車電子和智慧識別半導體應用市場 (2009.01.10)
NXP與西門子攜手研發自用車收費系統 (2008.05.16)
恩智浦半導體(NXP Semiconductors)和西門子運輸(Siemens Mobility)達成一項技術合作協議,在以GPS和GSM為基礎的單晶片車用單元系統中整合恩智浦的新型車用通訊及訊息服務車用單元平台(Automotive Telematics On Board Unit Platform; ATOP),上市後將主要應用於自用車
NXP和Siemens合作GPS結合GSM之汽車收費系統 (2008.05.14)
根據國外媒體報導,NXP半導體和德國西門子(Siemens AG)共同宣佈,將在開發利用GPS和GSM的汽車收費系統領域進行更深入的技術合作協定。 這個整合GPS以及GSM無線通訊的汽車收費系統
-Offscreen Gecko Prerelease 2008-02-27 (2008.02.28)
OffscreenGecko is a library for rendering HTML etc content to offscreen buffers, sitting atop of the Mozilla Gecko rendering engine. The goal is to simplify embedding of Gecko into environments were its output is needed as pixel data, such as 3D engines
-L-dom FlashBSD-ldom-v1.3 (2007.12.24)
LDOM is aiming to provide a LDAP back-ended simple / easy to administer web based POSIX user & group account management system running atop a custom built FreeBSD OS booted from a compact flash card.
-Offscreen Gecko Prerelease 2007-11-24 (2007.11.24)
OffscreenGecko is a library for rendering HTML etc. content to offscreen buffers, sitting atop of the Mozilla Gecko rendering engine. The goal is to simplify embedding of Gecko into environments were its output is needed as pixel data
-L-dom FlashBSD-buildroot-v1.0 (2007.08.24)
LDOM is aiming to provide a LDAP back-ended simple / easy to administer web based POSIX user & group account management system running atop a custom built FreeBSD OS booted from a compact flash card.
-grid@home 20061001 (2006.10.05)
Grid@home project has one purpose: bring grid computing to the end users, either as providers of resources or as consumers. Aim is to build atop the existing LCG/EGEE infrastructure serving plenty of scientific disciplines: physics
-jabber.el 0.7 (2005.12.28)
a jabber (instant messaging) client running atop emacs.
-OpenRM Scene Graph 1.6.0 (2005.08.08)
2D/3D Scene Graph rendering engine for Linux/Unix/Win32 layered atop OpenGL. Supports stereoscopy, volume rendering, 2D/3D texture mapping, picking, LOD and view-dependent operations, cross-platform text, constant-rate rendering and image-based data
-ROS-Linux 0.2-prealfa01 (2005.07.02)
ROS-Linux is Rational OS for x86 PMC - Personal Mobile Computer platform, that for now can be represented as Flyer Midget with Xeye head monitor. ROS-Linux is Opie environment on Qt/E atop uClibc Linux system.

1 Basler全新小型高速線掃描相機適合主流應用
2 意法半導體三相馬達驅動器整合評估板加速強化性能
3 Pilz開放式模組化工業電腦適用於自動化及傳動技術
5 宜鼎E1.S固態硬碟因應邊緣伺服器應用 補足邊緣AI市場斷層
6 SCIVAX與Shin-Etsu Chemical聯合開發全球最小的3D感測光源裝置
7 Microchip支援NIDIA Holoscan感測器處理平台加速即時邊緣AI部署
8 Flex Power Modules為AI資料中心提供高功率密度 IBC 系列
9 瑞薩全新RA8 MCU系列將Arm Cortex-M85處理器高效引入成本敏感應用
10 Power Integrations推1700V氮化鎵切換開關IC


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