相關物件共 27
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UL:5G應用起飛 安全標準存在必要性 (2019.07.16)
人工智慧浪潮下,日本的研發危機感 (2018.03.21)
SoftKinetic更名為Sony Depthsensing Solutions (2017.12.20)
在被收購兩年後,SoftKinetic更名為Sony Depthsensing Solutions。 Sony Depthsensing Solutions行政總裁Akihiro Hasegawa表示:「此次更名為我們過去幾年來作為索尼 (Sony)子公司開展的工作畫上了圓滿的句號
[專欄]2016 Zenbo vs. 2006 Pleo (2016.06.07)
2016年COMPUTEX展最熱話題,除了虛擬實境(Virtual Reality, VR)外可能就是華碩的家庭服務機器人Zenbo了,售價599美元,但要接近2016年底聖誕節才能供貨。 事實上每年華碩都會利用COMPUTEX展提出創新產品
機器人走入尋常百姓家 (2014.10.23)
(刊頭) 圖片來源:FASTCOMPANY @引言: 近日在網路上流傳的一段影片, 一家刀削麵的攤位上,是一個機器人快速在削麵, 削麵速度不僅較真人快,且節能省電又永遠不喊累
打不過,玩具開發向手機靠攏 (2013.06.13)
由於少子化的衝擊,日本玩具產業照理說應該走下坡, 但日本玩具協會的資料卻顯示了玩具市場正逆向地成長中, 究竟是為什麼呢?
[評析]打不過! 玩具開發向手機靠攏 (2013.04.20)
電腦不再是科技產品的中心。 科技產品個人化漸成主流,智慧手機、平板電腦、智慧手錶、眼鏡、電視、行動照護,甚至是玩具等領域,才是今後有辦法帶動銷售的新方向
-URBI contrib 1.5.0 (2008.04.08)
Applications contributed for URBI (Universal RealTime Behoavior Interface). URBI is a scripted command language used to control robots (AIBO pioneer..) as well as a robot-independant execution and developpement plateform. www
-Cognitive Vision Ubuntu/Edgy (for version 0.4.2) (2007.08.21)
Main goal is to improve the cognitive vision in artificial intelligence. Camera calibration, object recognition etc. will be implemented and all results can be used by webcams or AIBO robotdog. Project is based on OpenCV and own source codes
-URBI contrib 0.1 (2007.06.13)
Applications contributed for URBI (Universal RealTime Behoavior Interface). URBI is a scripted command language used to control robots (AIBO pioneer..) as well as a robot-independant execution and developpement plateform. www
-Cognitive Vision Ubuntu/Dapper (for version 0.4.1) (2007.02.27)
Main goal is to improve the cognitive vision in artificial intelligence. Camera calibration, object recognition etc. will be implemented and all results can be used by webcams or AIBO robotdog. Project is based on OpenCV and own source codes
-Cognitive Vision Debian/Stable (2006.12.10)
Main goal is to improve the cognitive vision in artificial intelligence. Camera calibration, object recognition etc. will be implemented and all results can be used by webcams or AIBO robotdog. Project is based on OpenCV and own source codes
外接硬碟盒多元化應用發展趨勢 (2006.11.09)
-URBI Project 1.0-beta2 (2006.10.08)
URBI: Universal Robotic Body Interface. URBI is a scripted command language used to control robots (AIBO, pioneer,...). It is a robot-independant API based on a client/server architecture. Liburbi C++/Java/Matlab are available here
-URBI Project 1.1-jp (2006.08.02)
URBI: Universal Robotic Body Interface. URBI is a scripted command language used to control robots (AIBO, pioneer,...). It is a robot-independant API based on a client/server architecture. Liburbi C++/Java/Matlab are available here
-AIBO Pal AIBO Pal Alpha 1 (2006.05.22)
A speech recognition application. It uses Microsoft Speech SDK to recognize and speak words. It can Play Music, Read the News, Tell the Time, Open Apps and many other cool things only with voice commands.
-URBI Project 1.0-beta1 (2006.05.07)
URBI: Universal Robotic Body Interface. URBI is a scripted command language used to control robots (AIBO, pioneer,...). It is a robot-independant API based on a client/server architecture. Liburbi C++/Java/Matlab are available here
-Cognitive Vision 0.3 (2006.04.09)
Main goal of project is improvement of cognitive vision in artificial intelligence. There is many subproject under this approach. Camera calibration, color constancy, object recognition etc. and in the future all results will be used by AIBO robotdog
-URBI Project 0.9.8 (2006.01.15)
URBI: Universal Robotic Body Interface. URBI is a scripted command language used to control robots (AIBO, pioneer,...). It is a robot-independant API based on a client/server architecture. Liburbi C++/Java/Matlab are available here
-Cognitive Vision, AiBO 0.2 (2005.11.24)
Main goal of project is improvement of cognitive vision in artificial intelligence. There is many subproject under this approach. Camera calibration, color constancy, object recognition etc. and in the future all results will be used by AIBO robotdog

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1 英飛凌XENSIV PAS CO2 5V感測器提高建築效能及改善空氣品質
2 Bourns全新薄型高爬電距離隔離變壓器適用於閘極驅動和高壓電池管理系統
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5 Sophos新款XGS系列桌上型防火牆及防火牆軟體更新版
6 Littelfuse推出首款用於SiC MOSFET柵極保護的非對稱瞬態抑制二極體系列
7 瑞薩與英特爾合作為新款Intel Core Ultra 200V系列處理器提供最佳化電源管理
8 宜鼎推出DDR5 6400記憶體 同級最大64GB容量及全新CKD元件
9 SCIVAX與Shin-Etsu Chemical聯合開發全球最小的3D感測光源裝置
10 三菱電機新型MelDIR品牌80×60像素熱二極管紅外線感測器


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