相關物件共 38
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Android技術變革及開源社群應用趨勢 (2009.01.06)
以Android為首開放手機概念的出現,也宣告「Mobile 2.0」時代正式來臨。Mobile 2.0 與網路服務(web service)的整合也將會是相當重要的項目。如何將社群上大量的使用者意見與討論,轉化成更貼近或更符合消費者需要的產品,將是決定性的能力
-q4wine q4wine-0.099 (2008.07.04)
Q4Wine is an qt4 (http://www.trolltech.com/) GUI for W.I.N.E. (http://winehq.org/) It will helps you to manage wine prefixes and installed applications.
-qwt 5.1.0 (2008.05.02)
Qwt is a graphics extension to the Qt GUI application framework from Trolltech AS of Norway. It provides a 2D plotting widget and more.
-QtBuilder QtBuilder-0.6.1 (Beta) (2008.04.30)
QtBuilder ?臬捆?瑽??€icrosoft Visual C 2005 ??Trolltech ?????潦??胯???嫘??芥??Qt 4 ??喋??扎??????賬???扼?扼??
Nokia併購挪威軟體商Trolltech欲介入網路服務 (2008.01.29)
根據國外媒體報導,全球手機大廠Nokia宣佈為加強軟體研發實力,將斥資1.53億美元併購挪威軟體研發廠商Trolltech。 Nokia希望收購Trolltech的軟體研發架構和應用平台之後,能夠強化自身的研發人員在PC和手機產品的網路應用程式能力,並且可橫跨多個手機作業系統的應用軟體
-Qt Extension Library libqxt-0.3 (2008.01.04)
Qxt, the Qt eXTension library, provides a suite of cross-platform utility classes to add functionality not readily available in the Qt toolkit by Trolltech, Inc.
-Log4Qt - Logging for C++/Qt 0.1 (2008.01.03)
Log4Qt is a C++ port of the Apache Software Foundation Log4j package using the Trolltech Qt Framework.
-MRS - Mobile Robot Software mrs-snap-2007-12-30 (2007.12.31)
MRS is a Software to control a self-made robot like the orginal "ER1". Programming languages is C / C++. The supported OS platforms are Linux and Windows. The software uses the Qt4-Framework from Trolltech.
以Linux快速開發低功耗手持設備 (2007.10.09)
開放原始碼的Linux在嵌入式的應用中愈來愈被重視,它具有穩定的核心(Kernel)以及即時操作能力,而且相較於Window Mobile,能以更小的記憶體容量來達成高可靠性及低功耗的設計,而且具有免授權費的優勢
-MRS - Mobile Robot Software CVS Snapshot (Source) (2007.10.08)
MRS is a Software to control a self-made robot like the orginal "ER1". Programming languages is C / C++. The supported OS platforms are Linux and Windows. The software uses the Qt4-Framework from Trolltech.
2007 ESC-Taiwan及EDA&T-Taiwan特別報導 (2007.09.03)
-Qt Extension Library libqxt-0.2.4 (2007.09.02)
Qxt, the Qt eXTension library, provides a suite of cross-platform utility classes to add functionality not readily available in the Qt toolkit by Trolltech, Inc.
-qwt 5.0.2 (2007.06.11)
Qwt is a graphics extension to the Qt GUI application framework from Trolltech AS of Norway. It provides a 2D plotting widget and more.
Wind River 行動裝置技術論壇 (2007.05.14)
免除商業版權困擾,針對Qt在Win32環境下執行的函式庫。-Q../Free for 4.3.x (2007.03.29)
-SXM++ sxm++v0.14.4.rc (2007.03.18)
This project provides a program for the capturing, editing and saving data from a SXM scanning tunneling microscope (http://sxm4.uni-muenster.de/stm-en/). The program is developed in C++ and based on a Qt library from TrollTech and libusb library
-Qt Extention Library libqxt-0.2.2 (2007.02.21)
qxt was started as a simple of collection of a few convenience classes for use with the Qt application framework (http://trolltech.com/products/qt). The qxt now incorporates several different useful features that can be used in Qt programs
-qwt 5.0.0 (2007.01.19)
Qwt is a graphics extension to the Qt GUI application framework from Trolltech AS of Norway. It provides a 2D plotting widget and more.
免除商業版權困擾,針對Qt在Win32環境下執行的函式庫。-Q../Free qt-win-3.3.7-7 (2007.01.17)
-rospell 2007.00 (2007.01.15)
rospell is a UTF-8 programming editor with spelling support for Romanian and English languages. It requires QT library from Trolltech (http://www.trolltech.com). It is supported on Linux and FreeBSD/PC-BSD

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1 意法半導體三相馬達驅動器整合評估板加速強化性能
2 Pilz開放式模組化工業電腦適用於自動化及傳動技術
4 宜鼎E1.S固態硬碟因應邊緣伺服器應用 補足邊緣AI市場斷層
5 Microchip支援NIDIA Holoscan感測器處理平台加速即時邊緣AI部署
6 Flex Power Modules為AI資料中心提供高功率密度 IBC 系列
7 瑞薩全新RA8 MCU系列將Arm Cortex-M85處理器高效引入成本敏感應用
8 Power Integrations推1700V氮化鎵切換開關IC
9 ROHM第4代1200V IGBT實現頂級低損耗和高短路耐受能力
10 英飛凌首款20 Gbps通用USB周邊控制器提供高速連接效力


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