-AdWords Clever Wizard 2.3 (2008.08.05) AdWords Clever Wizard is a keyword research tool that can help you find targeted keywords that are in high demand. This information can be useful for people that are using search engine advertising like Google AdWords or Overture
-AdWords Clever Wizard 2.2 (2008.04.07) AdWords Clever Wizard is a keyword research tool that can help you find targeted keywords that are in high demand. This information can be useful for people that are using search engine advertising like Google AdWords or Overture
Acer eDC運用Google Apps推新一代企業應用服務 (2007.12.24) 宏碁電子化資訊管理中心(Acer e-Enabling Data Center,簡稱Acer eDC)宣佈,將運用Google以網路架構為基礎的應用平台—Google應用服務(Google Apps),並結合本身既有豐富資訊服務與資源,領先推出新一代企業應用服務,滿足台灣中小企業資訊化基礎建置需求
-AdWords Clever Wizard 2.0 (2007.06.11) AdWords Clever Wizard is a keyword research tool that can help you find targeted keywords that are in high demand. This information can be useful for people that are using search engine advertising like Google AdWords or Overture
-APIlitAx - An Ajax GUI for AdWords 1.7.0 (2006.12.01) APIlitAx is an AJAX application based on the APIlity PHP library (http://google-apility.sourceforge.net/) and allows users to manage their Google AdWords accounts in an interactive way.
-AdWords Clever Wizard 1.8 (2006.11.05) AdWords Clever Wizard is a keyword research tool that can help you find targeted keywords that are in high demand. This information can be useful for people that are using search engine advertising like Google AdWords or Overture