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開始時間﹕ 十一月十七日(四) 09:00 結束時間﹕ 十一月十八日(五) 15:00
主辦單位﹕ IEDMS
活動地點﹕ 國立台灣科技大學
聯 絡 人 ﹕ Ms. Lo (EDMA) 聯絡電話﹕ 886-3-572-2830
報名網頁﹕ http://iedms2011.ntust.edu.tw/


The International Electron Devices and Materials Symposium (IEDMS) held its inaugural conference on electronics and semiconductors in 1972. Initially it was known as the Electron Devices and Materials Symposium (EDMS) and took place on different Taiwan campuses annually, serving for domestic academic and scientific exchange. The conference was first held on an international scale at the National Tsing Hua University in 1984 and thus was renamed the International Electron Devices and Materials Symposium.

IEDMS has had a long-existing influence on promoting domestic electronics research. While the Taiwan electronics industry was in the fledging stage, IEDMS started playing a pivotal role in boosting industry growth and enhancing cooperation between university and industrial researches. Now the semiconductor industry is one of the main electronics streams in Taiwan, which has become a world giant in terms of wafer manufacturing. In order to lead and thrive in the 21st century, continuous efforts in research and development are expected in electronics exploration.

IEDMS 2011 will continue a tradition of high quality discourse, and will provide a forum for academic and industrial professionals worldwide to exchange state-of-the-art knowledge of electronic materials and devices. The main themes of IEDMS 2011 are Green Technology and Optoelectronic Integrated Circuits and the conference has designated four sessions:

Sustainable Energy Devices

Integrated Circuits and Packaging Technologies

Compound Semiconductor Materials and Electronic and Photonic Devices

Novel Nanostructure Materials, Devices and Sensors

We sincerely invite you to IEDMS 2011, which will be held Thursday and Friday, 17-18 November 2011 at Taiwan Tech ( National Taiwan University of Science and Technology [NTUST] ) in Taipei, Taiwan. The cultural kaleidoscope of Taiwan’s capital city pulses wherever you go. This vibrant city of Taipei is where historic sites, tourist attractions, modern skyscrapers, and people from different cultures all reside in harmony. Attendees will have a memorable trip and also will enjoy a warm climate and social experience in Taipei. We look forward to your attendance at IEDMS 2011.

Link to submission page: IEDMS 2011 submission URL

Important Dates

Full Paper Submission: 9/14/2011

Notification of Acceptance: 9/30/2011

Revised Paper Upload Deadline: 10/14/2011

Early-Bird Registration Deadline: 10/31/2011

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