鯧뎅꿥ꆱ藥 19
先进整合触控技术 开创行动装置新局面 (2015.06.17)
触控萤幕在使用者体验中扮演着深具影响力的角色, 在设计方面的选择可能成为产品最终成功的决定性因素, 其中,电容式触控萤幕技术为智慧型手机和平板电脑带来崭新局面
智能型手机与平板计算机最先进的触控及显示整合技术 (2015.05.05)
Synaptics整合RSP优势 TDDI抢中阶手机市场 (2014.10.30)
自日前宣布收购日商Renesas SP Drivers(RSP)后,至目前为止,Synaptics表示已完成对RSP的收购,预期此一收购动作将会扩展其触控125%的市场规模,同时也加速TDDI解决方案的推动,Synaptics营销与业务发展资深副总裁Bret Sewell指出,最快在一年内将会推出整合RSP技术的TDDI产品
Synaptics收购Renesas SP Drivers 拓展1.5倍市场 (2014.06.12)
身为人机介面领导厂商的Synaptics近几年来不断的积极拓展其市场,除了在去年收购Validity,踏入指纹辨识市场后,近日又再度宣布将收购日商Renesas SP Drivers。此次的收购,将有机会为其触控萤幕导入指纹辨识的愿景带来帮助
Synaptics主打单层外挂式SLOC触控技术 (2013.09.27)
IP摄影不延迟 SLOC混合架构突破限制 (2012.12.05)
在过去,数字的IP摄影机会因为网络带宽、视讯译码暂存等原因产生影像传输延迟,再加上电线电缆多以CCTV同轴电缆为主,因此在应用上有相当限制。Intersil为此所推出同轴电缆安全链路技术(Security Link Over Coax
Lattice ECP3 Video Protocol Board (2012.04.13)
The LatticeECP3™ FPGA family includes many features for video applications. For example, DisplayPort, SMPTE standards (SD-SDI, HD-SDI and 3G-SDI) and DVB-ASI can be implemented with 16 channels of embedded SERDES/ PCS. 7:1 LVDS video interfaces like ChannelLink and CameraLink can be supported by the generic DDRX2 mode on the I/O pins
Intersil、Sony与Altronix结盟混合视讯技术 (2012.04.03)
Intersil日前宣布已与Sony及Altronix公司结盟,共同致力于加速视讯监控市场的混合IP(hybrid IP-based)监控系统的普及。 Intersil模拟暨混合信号产品部门资深副总裁Susan Hardman表示:「Intersil的同轴电缆安全链路技术(SLOC)是开发混合IP视讯监控方案的关键技术,并且为客户提供更高等级的价值
MachXO2 Control Development Kit (2011.05.16)
The MachXO2 Control Development Kit provides a full featured development platform to prototype system control designs using MachXO2 PLDs. The kit features the MachXO2-1200HC device, a Power Manager II ispPAC-POWR1014A, 128Mbit LPDDR memory, 4Mbit SPI Flash and a microSD card socket
Intersil与Sony合作,将视讯技术带入安控市场 (2011.04.26)
Intersil近日宣布,Sony将采用Intersil同轴电缆安全链路技术(Security Link Over Coax;SLOC),整合到该公司网络视讯监控产品系列的多款2011年IP摄影机。此SLOC技术与Sony网络摄影机的结合,将进一步加速网络视讯监控方案的推动
安全监控成长力道强 Intersil跃升武林盟主 (2011.04.22)
Power Manager II Hercules Development Kit (2011.03.22)
Get started integrating multiple power management ICs fast with the ProcessorPM Development Kit. The kit is a versatile, ready to use hardware platform for evaluating and designing with ProcessorPM power management devices. The kit is based on a 2
Processor PM Development Kit (2011.03.22)
Get started integrating multiple power management ICs fast with the ProcessorPM Development Kit. The kit is a versatile, ready to use hardware platform for evaluating and designing with ProcessorPM power management devices. The kit is based on a 2
ispMACH 4000ZE Evaluation Board (2011.03.22)
This board is designed to help you quickly evaluate the ispMACH 4000ZE, prototype your designs, check performance and verify power consumption.
ECP3 PCI Express Development Kit (2011.03.22)
The Lattice PCI Express Development Kit is a complete hardware/software development environment to help accelerate the evaluation of PCI Express technology, get to a known good starting point for a design, and then easily transition to design exploration
ECP3 Video Protocol Board (2011.03.22)
The LatticeECP3™ FPGA family includes many features for video applications. For example, DisplayPort, SMPTE standards (SD-SDI, HD-SDI and 3G-SDI) and DVB-ASI can be implemented with 16 channels of embedded SERDES/ PCS. 7:1 LVDS video interfaces like ChannelLink and CameraLink can be supported by the generic DDRX2 mode on the I/O pins
生成一款从 markdown 文件和其他内容的静态内容树的工具。-rawk - rage against web frameworks (2011.02.02)
生成一款从 markdown 文件和其他内容的静态内容树的工具。
Intersil新SLOC解决方案 拓展数字网络视讯监控运用 (2010.10.10)
Intersil近日宣布,推出能于单一同轴电缆上同时传输模拟CVBS视讯与数字IP视讯的先进调制解调器解决方案。独特的Intersil Techwell SLOC(Security Link over Coax)解决方案让今日百万相素的网络摄影机不需更换新的电线电缆,便能于现存的CCTV同轴电缆设备上操作,明显节省资源与成本
-PHPSLOC - Source Lines of Code Analyzer v1.1.1 (2006.03.01)
A PHP CLI tool to analyze PHP scripts and count their SLOC (source lines of code) as defined in the COCOMO II standard. Will analyze all scripts in a given directory. SLOCs are used as base for software cost estimations using the function point analysis

1 Microchip推出全新Switchtec PCIe 4.0 16通道交换器系列产品,?汽车和嵌入式计算应用提供多功能性
2 意法半导体推出 STM32WL33 低功耗长距离无线微控制器及专属生态系扩充方案
3 意法半导体推出网页工具,加速搭载智慧感测器的AIoT专案开发
4 Bourns推出全新高效能 超紧凑型气体放电管 (GDT) 浪涌保护解决方案
5 贸泽电子即日起供货能为工业应用提供精准感测的 Analog Devices MAX32675C微控制器
6 Bourns 全新推出 500 安培系列数位分流传感器
7 Bourns 推出符合 AEC-Q200 标准 车规级高隔离驰返式变压器系列
8 桓达FSE集尘节能粒子浓度侦测器可即时监测粉尘状态
9 施耐德电机TeSys马达控制与保护产品系列不断创新 见证台湾工业自动化迈向智慧制造与永续发展
10 凌华科技携手锐能智慧科技 打造电动车社区充电最隹EMS能源管理系统


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