鯧뎅꿥ꆱ藥 61
意法推与机顶盒芯片紧密整合智能家庭平台,支持创新型能源管理、舒适性功能和安全服务 (2013.10.03)
一款 OSGi 为基础的软件基础设施为未来的智能家居-一款 OSGi 为基础的软件基础设施为未来的智能家居 (2011.11.09)
一款 OSGi 为基础的软件基础设施为未来的智能家居
-acapulco (2011.08.12)
Java OSGI-based framework for building modular Swing applications. It provides a clear separation of concerns based on MVC pattern. This is not another OSGI implementation, but rather an attempt to build on OSGi provided functionality
一款实施提供和请求服务的最有名模式,生产和消费数据数据工具。-OSGi Patterns (2011.06.25)
WSNWARE 是一款开源的 Java / OSGi 的中间层件,无线传感器网络监测,控制和规范设计工具。-wsnware (2011.06.17)
WSNWARE 是一款开源的 Java / OSGi 的中间层件,无线传感器网络监测,控制和规范设计工具。
一款基于 OSGi 的人机界面网络化车辆-一款基于 OSGi 的人机界面网络化车辆 (2011.04.22)
一款基于 OSGi 的人机界面网络化车辆
-OSGi-based ECM and Frameworks (2011.04.20)
Morpho project provides an open source enterprise content management infrastructure and OSGi-based application frameworks. Its component-based and service-oriented architecture makes it easy to customize and extend. Morpho project provides an open source enterprise content management infrastructure and OSGi-based application frameworks
TranSwitch千兆通讯处理器获CaffeineMark最高评比 (2011.01.05)
传威公司(TranSwitch)4日宣布,其Atlanta 2000处理器系列与竞争对手的解决方案相比,达到了最高的性能评分。Atlanta 2000的CaffeineMark评分达到了7000分。CaffeineMark是一个衡量Java性能水平的测试基准,允许更多软件应用同时运行在内含Atlanta 2000的家用网关、综合存取设备(IADs)和IP-PBX上,同时满足家用网关计划(HGI)的软件模块化测试标准
-mxHero (2010.08.31)
Complete mail business rules processor with drools and guvnor. Also provides antivirus (ClamAV) and anti spam (Spamassassin) solutions. Based in Java and OSGI with Spring DM and MySQL data base for statistics. Can be easily extended
-Agile RCP agilercp_1.0RC1 (2008.08.19)
The framework for agile development of user interfaces with Eclipse RCP. Agile RCP is a Presenter First framework for RCP making use of OSGi services and dependency injection delivered by Spring Dynamic Modules leading to fully unit-testable UIs
-DOG (Domotic OSGi Gateway DOG-0.9 (2008.06.20)
DOG is an OSGi based residential gateway able to inter-operate different domotic networks (Konnex, BTcino, X10, LonWorks, ...).
-Concierge OSGi concierge-1.0.0.RC3 (2008.06.10)
Concierge OSGi is an OSGi (Open Service Gateway Initiative) R3 framework implementation optimized for resource-constrained devices like mobile and embedded systems.
-R-OSGi remote-1.0.0.RC2 (2008.04.29)
R-OSGi provides a transparent way to access services on remote OSGi platforms. Additionally, it can interact with the EventAdmin service to deliver events between distributed frameworks.
-Agile RCP agilercp_0.5.0 (2008.04.17)
The framework for agile development of user interfaces with Eclipse RCP. Agile RCP is a Presenter First framework for RCP making use of OSGi services and dependency injection delivered by Spring Dynamic Modules leading to fully unit-testable UIs
-osgi-deployment-maven-plugin 0.1.3 (2008.04.02)
This project realizes a Maven2 Plug-In that supports creating an OSGi Deployment-Package (conform to the OSGi Deployment Admin Specification Version 1.0) from a Maven Project.
Telematics资通讯平台整合无线通信智能上路 (2008.03.25)
-maven-deployment-package-plugin 0.1.0 (2008.03.20)
This project realizes a Maven2 Plug-In that supports creating an OSGi Deployment-Package (conform to the OSGi Deployment Admin Specification Version 1.0) from a Maven Project.
-easyC firstglimpse (2008.03.20)
easyC provides a couple of services you can use to write your own OSGi applications (for example, user and roles management) and an application infrastructure (client/server) to which you can add your own bundles.
-OSGi-based ECM and frameworks 2.5.14 (2008.03.10)
Morpho is an open source enterprise content management infrastructure and OSGi-based application frameworks. Its component-based and service-oriented architecture makes it easy to customize and extend.
-Java Persistent Objects (JPOX) 1.2.0 (2008.03.02)
JPOX is an Apache2 licensed standards-driven Java persistence implementation, currently implementing the JDO1, JDO2 and JPA1 specifications. JPOX supports persistence to RDBMS and DB4O datastores. JPOX is extensible, using OSGi technology

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