鯧뎅꿥ꆱ藥 10
R&S推出LTE联机测试的通讯测试仪 (2009.11.11)
LTE在未来几年将会是通讯网络中重要的技术,R&S(罗德史瓦兹)是市场上最早提供LTE TDD与FDD 测试解决方案的厂商。R&S能够提供完整的LTE信号产生与信号分析量测解决方案,针对不同的应用,可弹性选配所需的硬/体来满足不同的量测需求
为电子产品安全把关 (2009.04.30)
专访:UL台湾区总经理汤家德 (2009.04.30)
UL与LTL测试实验室策略结盟 (2009.04.02)
全球产品安全测试及认证领域厂商UL(Underwriters Laboratories),宣布与为照明产业提供亮度测试报告的独立组织Luminaire Testing Laboratory(LTL)展开策略结盟。此合作关系使UL成为第一个可为LED产品提供「能源之星」节能测试的国家认可测试实验机构
-LTL3 tools 0.0.3 (2008.07.17)
A collection of tools that can be used to generate monitors ("watchdogs") from LTL formulae.
-ltl3tools 0.0.2 (2008.07.10)
A collection of tools that can be used to generate monitors ("watchdogs") for LTL formulae.
-Triple-A 1.4.1 (2007.05.14)
Triple-A (Automatic Analysis with Automata) is a full-featured library for (finite) automata written in Java with two powerful analysis tools (dealing with LTL model checking and Presburger arithmetics) and a graphical user interface built around it
-Triple-A 1.3 (2007.02.24)
Triple-A (Automatic Analysis with Automata) is a full-featured library for (finite) automata written in Java with two powerful analysis tools (dealing with LTL model checking and Presburger arithmetics) and a graphical user interface built around it
-Triple-A triple-a-1.0 (2006.10.17)
Triple-A (Automatic Analysis with Automata) is a full-featured library for (finite) automata written in Java with two powerful analysis tools (dealing with LTL model checking and Presburger arithmetics) and a graphical user interface built around it
Avant!提供SiberCore HerculesII作0.15微米IC设计的实体验证 (2001.02.15)
日前Avant!(前达科技)发展出领先实体验证产品市场的第二代Hercules,以进阶的内容可寻址内存(Content Addressable Memory, CAM)技术为基础,为SiberCore完成0.15微米全芯片高效能的进阶封装转送(Packet Forwarding Engine, PFE)方案

1 Microchip推出全新Switchtec PCIe 4.0 16通道交换器系列产品,?汽车和嵌入式计算应用提供多功能性
2 意法半导体推出 STM32WL33 低功耗长距离无线微控制器及专属生态系扩充方案
3 贸泽电子即日起供货能为工业应用提供精准感测的 Analog Devices MAX32675C微控制器
4 凌华科技携手锐能智慧科技 打造电动车社区充电最隹EMS能源管理系统
5 桓达FSE集尘节能粒子浓度侦测器可即时监测粉尘状态
6 意法半导体推出的安全防护比较器具备稳定启动时间设计 提升系统可靠性并降低电力消耗
7 意法半导体推出灵活、因应未来的智慧电表通讯解决方案,协助能源转型
8 雅特力AT32F421遥控攀爬车电子调速新方案,助力征服极端地形
9 泓格PET-2255U:灵活接线与简易控制,工业自动化的全能利器
10 安勤全新高效节能伺服器HPS-SIEU4A/HPS-SIEUTA解码绿色运算


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