鯧뎅꿥ꆱ藥 9
完美世界成为中国Enlighten全域光照技术授权的游戏开发商 (2015.12.09)
ARM旗下公司,Geometrics日前宣布将授权中国游戏开发商?完美世界Enlighten先进全域光照技术,为其手机游戏提供更丰富的图像体验。 完美世界为中国行动游戏开发商,曾推出《完美世界》和《武林外传》等畅销游戏
微软正计划将Xbox游戏整合到Windows Mobile (2010.01.03)
外电消息报导,微软可能将其Xbox在线游戏整合到Windows Mobile平台上,让Xbox 360的在线游戏玩家可以在行动中继续使用。 据报导,微软已刊登广告招聘能把Xbox Live游戏引进到Windows Mobile平台的项目经理
Xbox 720和PS4可能在2011年或2012年推出 (2008.08.25)
外电消息报导,德国知名游戏开发商Crytek执行长Cevat Yerli日前透露,下一代的微软与新力游戏机,将于2011年或2012年上市。 Cevat Yerli对媒体表示,根据彼此的合作进程推断,预计微软的Xbox 720和新力的PS4游戏机,最快将于2011年或2012年时上市
-tjger - the java game engine to reuse Trap the Wizard 0.10 (2006.07.27)
Framework to implement board and card games easier. Typical elements of such games are offered by the framework. So game developer have to take care just on the essential aspects that differs game by game. Games created with tjger are also hosted
-Elrador Engine 0.6.1 (2006.07.01)
Elrador Engine is a game engine targeted at online games. It aims to provide the technical infrastructure that a game developer needs, letting him concentrate on more enjoyable things like game logic and user experience.
-Elrador Engine 0.5.2 (2006.02.10)
Elrador Engine is a game engine targeted at online games. It aims to provide the technical infrastructure that a game developer needs, letting him concentrate on more enjoyable things like game logic and user experience.
-Elrador Engine 0.5.1 (2005.12.11)
Elrador Engine is a game engine targeted at online games. It aims to provide the technical infrastructure that a game developer needs, letting him concentrate on more enjoyable things like game logic and user experience.
-Game Developer Man version-0.1 (2005.02.18)
Game Developer Man was once only about a sidescroller, but now is a series of experimental technologies that should make GBA and SNES development a little easier, while still having the code look impressive. This is in a very experimental state
Maya 3D超世代电玩游戏设计技术研讨会 (2000.07.10)
Alias Wavefront Maya 3D动画软件代理商将于7月18日举办「计算机动画应用新观念暨Maya 3产品发表会」,会中邀请名家以实例个案分享动画应用新观念的流程变更,如何以创新改善动画制作的绩效和成果,并请西基动画公司及影响营销管理顾问公司,以3D虚拟角色「e-Mar」说明未来趋势及品牌生命力之创造

1 Bourns全新薄型高爬电距离隔离变压器适用於闸极驱动和高压电池管理系统
2 Basler全新小型高速线扫描相机适合主流应用
3 宇瞻智慧物联展示ESG监控管理与机联网创新方案
4 Littelfuse推出首款用於SiC MOSFET栅极保护的非对称瞬态抑制二极体系列
5 宜鼎推出DDR5 6400记忆体,具备同级最大64GB容量及全新CKD元件,助力生成式AI应用稳定扎根
6 SCIVAX与Shin-Etsu Chemical联合开发全球最小的3D感测光源装置
7 瑞萨与英特尔合作为新款Intel Core Ultra 200V系列处理器提供最隹化电源管理
8 Bourns SA2-A系列GDT高浪涌电流等级提升电气性能和浪涌保护
9 Pilz多功能工业电脑IndustrialPI适用於自动化及传动技术
10 意法半导体新款750W马达驱动叁考板适用於家用和工业设备


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