鯧뎅꿥ꆱ藥 44
甲骨文发布Oracle云端基础设施的硬体和运算产品蓝图 (2020.10.06)
DMTCP(分布式多线程检查点工具)检查状态集中或分布式计算。-Distributed MultiThreaded Checkpointing (2011.07.23)
改进的检查点/重启使用固态磁盘驱动器-改进的检查点/重启使用固态磁盘驱动器 (2011.06.02)
-Regexp Testing Tool (2010.10.01)
Regexp testing tool allows to apply group of regexps to huge arrays of data (millions or so) in order to investigate search or search/replacement possibilities of regexp group. Works fast on huge arrays of data (millions o
-nipper - network infrastructure parser Nipper 0.11.10 (2008.08.16)
Nipper processes network device configuration files, performs a security audit and outputs a security report with recommendations and a configuration report. Nipper supports a variety of devices from Cisco, Juniper, CheckPoint, Nortel and SonicWALL
-nipper - network infrastructure parser Nipper 0.11.9 (2008.07.29)
Nipper processes network device configuration files, performs a security audit and outputs a security report with recommendations and a configuration report. Nipper supports a variety of devices from Cisco, Juniper, CheckPoint, Nortel and SonicWALL
-nipper - network infrastructure parser Nipper 0.11.7 (2008.05.11)
Nipper processes network device configuration files, performs a security audit and outputs a security report with recommendations and a configuration report. Nipper supports a variety of devices from Cisco, Juniper, CheckPoint, Nortel and SonicWALL
-nipper - network infrastructure parser Nipper 0.11.4 (2008.02.21)
Nipper processes network device configuration files, performs a security audit and outputs a security report with recommendations and a configuration report. Nipper supports a variety of devices from Cisco, Juniper, CheckPoint, Nortel and SonicWALL
-Content Inspection library Release 1.0 (2007.09.13)
The library implements generic content inspection protocol API compatible with Sendmail Milter, thus allowing various applications and proxies to use Milter-compatible filters without running sendmail itself. It is here to re
-Checkpoint Commander 6.0.1 (2007.06.09)
Protect your data from prying eyes! Use Checkpoint Commander, our cross-platform Java tool, to manage and view your data while it is stored in secure archives using 256-bit AES encryption (AES-CBC-HMAC-SHA1). Full documentation is on the project website
TI芯片已由10家镶嵌片制造商采用 (2007.04.02)
德州仪器(TI)宣布,已有10家镶嵌片(inlay)制造商采用TI无线射频辨识(FRID)芯片开发一系列电子卷标,支持零售供应链、资产追踪和验证应用。这些客户包括北美、欧洲及亚洲的老牌厂商和新的RFID镶嵌片供货商,皆使用TI以卷带 (strap) 和晶圆形式供应的EPC Generation 2(Gen 2)极高频(UHF)芯片,以及TI的高频(HF)ISO/IEC 15693芯片
TI与10家卷标厂商合作应用新款高频RFID技术 (2007.03.30)
-Checkpoint Commander 5.7.1 (2006.04.09)
Checkpoint Commander is a cross-platform file management, viewing, and archiving / security tool written in Java. Includes optional archive encryption using AES (AES-CBC-HMAC-SHA1).
电子商务带动网络资安,组合国际由服务器下手 (2006.01.13)
-Checkpoint Commander 5.7.0 (2006.01.07)
Checkpoint Commander is a cross-platform file management, viewing, and archiving / security tool written in Java. Includes optional archive encryption using AES (AES-CBC-HMAC-SHA1).
-netfilter tracker prealpha-0.0.1 (2005.12.31)
Netfilter tracker is a tracking tool for iptables logs, similar to Checkpoint(tm) smartviewer tracker. Includes storage in an embedded SQL database and a graphical application (viewer) to access filtered data.
Check Point全线安全产品采纳入侵预防系统 (2005.11.28)
近年来快速蔓延的网络攻击行为,打得被动式防御机制越来越难以招架,安全软件厂商Check Point计划将在全产品线加入入侵预防功能,所谓IPS(Intrusion Prevention System,入侵预防系统),主要是做为侦测网络上不正常流量行为,以得知并预防网络攻击事件的发生,提供主动式的拦截功能,使计算机具备主动式防护能力
-Checkpoint Commander 5.6.0 (2005.10.26)
Checkpoint Commander is a cross-platform file management, viewing, and archiving / security tool written in Java. Includes optional archive encryption using AES (AES-CBC-HMAC-SHA1).
影响重大的RFID安全性问题 (2005.08.05)
-AuRoRa BETA (2005.07.17)
AuRoRa ist eine elektronische Variante des 黚eraus coolen Brettspiels RoboRally. Ein kleiner Roboter muss so programmiert werden, dass er m??lichst schnell von einem Checkpoint zum anderen kommt.

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1 Microchip推出全新Switchtec PCIe 4.0 16通道交换器系列产品,?汽车和嵌入式计算应用提供多功能性
2 意法半导体推出 STM32WL33 低功耗长距离无线微控制器及专属生态系扩充方案
3 贸泽电子即日起供货能为工业应用提供精准感测的 Analog Devices MAX32675C微控制器
4 凌华科技携手锐能智慧科技 打造电动车社区充电最隹EMS能源管理系统
5 桓达FSE集尘节能粒子浓度侦测器可即时监测粉尘状态
6 意法半导体推出的安全防护比较器具备稳定启动时间设计 提升系统可靠性并降低电力消耗
7 意法半导体推出灵活、因应未来的智慧电表通讯解决方案,协助能源转型
8 雅特力AT32F421遥控攀爬车电子调速新方案,助力征服极端地形
9 泓格PET-2255U:灵活接线与简易控制,工业自动化的全能利器
10 安勤全新高效节能伺服器HPS-SIEU4A/HPS-SIEUTA解码绿色运算


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