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富邦证券携手富果打造全新Python API (2025.01.21)
为了满足投资人在程式交易时对於速度的高标准要求,富邦证券携手金融科技新创公司富果打造全新Python API,以简单、高速、稳定的特性,使得程式交易投资人只要以一行程式码即可开始下单,顺畅的在MacOS、Linux等跨平台作业系统运作
NVIDIA TensorRT-LLM增强了H100 GPU上大型语言模型推论能力 (2023.09.11)
大型语言模型提供极为出色的新功能,扩大人工智慧潜在的应用领域。不过其庞大规模与独特的执行特性,很难用具成本效益的方式来使用它们。 NVIDIA 不断与 Meta、AnyScale、Cohere、Deci、Grammarly、Mistral AI、MosaicML(现已成为 Databricks 的一员)、OctoML、Tabnine及Together AI等重点企业密切合作
Aerotech开发Automation1运动控制平台新功能 (2022.06.07)
全球精密运动控制和自动化行业供应商 Aerotech Inc. 持续为Automation1精密机器和运动控制平台开发新产品和功能。最近的升级影响了Automation1技术堆叠的所有部分从伺服马达驱动器的改进到核心运动控制技术的增强,再到全新的应用程式功能和程式设计API支援
使机器学习推论满足实际效能需求 (2019.09.18)
使用Alveo 加速器卡加速DNN (2019.01.24)
Xilinx 深度神经网路(xDNN)引擎使用 Xilinx Alveo资料中心加速器卡提供高效能、低延迟的 DNN 加速。通过保持较低能源成本以及最大限度地减少运行过程中所需的特定加速器的数量,可以显著降低总体拥有成本
-Python Milter (2011.03.20)
Python API for Sendmail Milters. Related modules provide features such as content filtering, SPF, and reputation tracking.
-pyFoam (2010.11.05)
pyFoam is a Python extension to the OpenFOAM (Open Source CFD Toolbox). It provides a Python API for OpenFOAM C++ functionality.
-depikt (2010.10.06)
Python-3-API to GTK. Simplicity first - just suited for UI-building of apps, in no way for widget-building. Currently 1500 lines for 15 widgets, 130 methods. View all files for some documentation and tests (METHOD-GUIDE.html gives hints for compilati Python-API to gtk in one
-PythonKML (2010.06.18)
A python API for Google's KML file. Placemark Point LineString
-Python Milter pyspf-2.0.5 (2008.07.29)
Python API for Sendmail Milters, plus related libraries for content filtering, SPF, and reputation tracking.
-Nucular Fielded Full Text Indexing nucular_0.3 (2008.02.15)
Nucular Archiving System for creating full text indices for fielded data. Python API, web, and command line interfaces. Fast. Very light weight. Concurrent read/writes with no possible locking issues. No server process. Proximity
-Python API documentation generation tool 3.0 (2008.01.30)
Epydoc is a tool for generating API documentation for Python modules, based on their docstrings. Epydoc supports two output formats (HTML and PDF), and four markup languages for docstrings (Epytext, Javadoc, ReStructuredText, and plaintext)
-Python Milter pygossip-0.4 (2007.11.15)
Python API for Sendmail Milters, plus related libraries for content filtering, SPF, and reputation tracking.
-Nucular Fielded Full Text Indexing nucular_0.2 (2007.10.24)
Nucular Archiving System for creating full text indices for fielded data. Python API or command line interfaces. Fast. Very light weight. Arbitrary concurrent read/writes with no possible locking issues. No server process.
-Nucular Fielded Freetext Indexing nucular0.1 (2007.10.09)
Nucular Archiving System for creating free text indices for fielded data. Python API or command line interfaces. Fast. Very light weight. Arbitrary concurrent read/writes with no possible locking issues. No server process
针对Python开发者提供的雅虎搜寻引擎之应用软体介面。-Yahoo Search API for Python 3.1 (2007.09.12)
-Python Milter pyspf-2.0.4 (2007.07.31)
Python API for Sendmail Milters, plus related libraries for content filtering, SPF, and reputation tracking.
世界CCPN组织有关核磁共振协同运算的专案内容, 读者可自行去下载一个Python API来研究-Collaborative Computing Project for NMR CCPN Python API 1.0.12 (2007.07.03)
世界CCPN组织有关核磁共振协同运算的专案内容, 读者可自行去下载一个Python API来研究
-Python Milter pygossip-0.3 (2007.04.02)
Python API for Sendmail Milters, plus related libraries for content filtering, SPF, and reputation tracking.
针对Python开发者提供的雅虎搜寻引擎之应用软体介面。-Yahoo Search API for Python 3.0 (2007.02.28)

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