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讨论新闻主题﹕我不是鸡肋! 2D转3D解决内容不足燃眉之急
3D话题延烧,在本届Computex发挥得淋漓尽致。而为了解决3D内容不足的隐忧,参展厂商纷纷使出浑身解数,展示导入「2D转3D」技术的产品,藉解决现阶段3D影片来源不足问题来抢攻市场。 3D内容不足是3D电视的发展限制之一,因此发展2D转3D的影像转换技术已成为解决问题的快捷方式...

Tommy Chung
来自: 美加
文章: 1102

发 表 于: 2010.12.08 11:22:36 AM
文章主题: Re: 我不是雞肋! 2D轉3D解決內容不足燃眉之急
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Only Chen
来自: 台北縣
文章: 1024

发 表 于: 2010.12.09 11:18:28 AM
文章主题: Re: 我不是雞肋! 2D轉3D解決內容不足燃眉之急
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Only Chen
来自: 台北縣
文章: 1024

发 表 于: 2010.12.10 11:38:58 AM
文章主题: Re: 我不是雞肋! 2D轉3D解決內容不足燃眉之急

Rumors: RIM working on 3D displays for future blackberries?

RIM has acquired The Astonishing Tribe (TAT) studio, to help them with their QNX OS user interface. There are some rumors that RIM are also interesting in 3D displays and TAT has some experience in such designs. For example, check out these new 2D-to-3D maps with the TAT Cascades:


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Only Chen
来自: 台北縣
文章: 1024

发 表 于: 2010.12.10 11:43:41 AM
文章主题: Re: 我不是雞肋! 2D轉3D解決內容不足燃眉之急

New gadget promises 3D without the headaches


A perceptual trick could improve 3D vision (Image: Sean Gallup/Getty)

In 1907 a Polish optical scientist named Moritz von Rohr unveiled a strange device named the Synopter, which he claimed could make two-dimensional images appear 3D. By looking through the arrangement of lenses and mirrors, visitors to art galleries would be drawn into the paintings, as if the framed canvas had become a window to a world beyond. But the Synopter – heavy and prohibitively expensive – was a commercial failure, and the device vanished almost without trace.

A century later, Rob Black is hoping to rekindle interest in von Rohr's creation. A psychologist specialising in visual perception at the University of Liverpool, UK, Black has designed and built an improved version he calls "The I". Unlike some 3D glasses, the device uses no electronics, and works on normal 2D images or video.

Playing tricks on your eyes

The device works in the opposite way to the 3D systems employed in cinemas. There, images on the screen are filtered so that each eye sees a slightly different perspective – known as binocular disparity – fooling the brain into perceiving depth. "The I" ensures that both eyes see an image or computer screen from exactly the same perspective. With none of the depth cues associated with binocular disparity, the brain assumes it must be viewing a distant 3D object instead of looking at a 2D image. As a result, the image is perceived as if it were a window the viewer is looking through, and details in the image are interpreted as objects scattered across a landscape.

The perceptual trick, called synoptic vision, is apparent on any nearby two-dimensional image, but is especially marked where other depth cues exist. For instance, the brain will naturally assume an animal in the 2D image is in the foreground if it is large, and far away if it is small.

No more headaches

Black says that the device also avoids the headaches associated with other 3D technologies. In movie theatres, the eyes need to focus on the screen itself to see objects in focus, but the 3D effects can force the viewer to try to focus several metres in front of or behind the screen instead. "Even with if you use the world's best 3D kit, it can still present conflicting perceptual information," Black told New Scientist.

Because his device uses no binocular disparity the viewer isn't forced to attempt such impossible feats of focusing – instead, they can focus naturally on any object in the image, using other cues such as size to 'decide' what depth the object occupies. "By turning off that conflicting information, you can enjoy the scene in the way the artist depicted."

Currently the device is still a prototype, but Black hopes that his synoptic viewer will one day be incorporated into existing 3D systems. "I think 3D is impressive at the moment, but with this we can get significantly closer to reality simulation."


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Tommy Chung
来自: 美加
文章: 1102

发 表 于: 2010.12.13 10:55:16 AM
文章主题: Re: 我不是雞肋! 2D轉3D解決內容不足燃眉之急

Tegra 2自豪的3D效能在Android上並未如預期技壓群雄?


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Only Chen
来自: 台北縣
文章: 1024

发 表 于: 2010.12.13 11:23:53 AM
文章主题: Re: 我不是雞肋! 2D轉3D解決內容不足燃眉之急

Minox PX3D concept camera produces 3D images viewable sans glasses

The doors of Photokina open in a matter of hours, and we'll most definitely be venturing over to Minox's booth in order to have a look at the PX3D. According to the barebones teaser release, this here concept camera will be able to capture 3D images that are viewable sans glasses. It should be noted that the world's first consumer-oriented 3D cameras haven't exactly seen the fondest of reviews, but tossing the glasses requirement may just flip things on its head. It's still unclear what kind of display / digital photo frame will be required to view the effect (we're guessing a parallax barrier panel will be thrown up for display), but we'll be barging in soon in order to get the full skinny.


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Only Chen
来自: 台北縣
文章: 1024

发 表 于: 2010.12.13 11:31:37 AM
文章主题: Re: 我不是雞肋! 2D轉3D解決內容不足燃眉之急

惟妙惟肖的三維紙質肖像 運用了數位化三維掃描技術


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Only Chen
来自: 台北縣
文章: 1024

发 表 于: 2010.12.13 11:42:31 AM
文章主题: Re: 我不是雞肋! 2D轉3D解決內容不足燃眉之急

Toshiba's new glasses-free 3D display tilts images and viewing angles your way (video)

Autostereoscopic (read: glasses-free) 3D screens sound like all the rage, but the narrow zones from which you can comfortably view their images have made them a dubious proposition. That's not stopping Toshiba Mobile Display, however, which recently came up with a novel idea for a self-adjusting display. By sticking a six-axis accelerometer in this 12.1-inch slate, the company can tilt the tablet's viewing angle as the tablet itself is tilted, letting viewers effectively look around 3D objects on screen, using software algorithms rather than the fancy lens-and-camera assembly that Microsoft's been prototyping. Toshiba figures it'll make a splash with e-tailers -- because who doesn't want to play with a prospective purchase in 3D space? -- but is mostly talking up the tech as a way to extend the limited 3D viewing angles of these sorts of displays. But enough jabber: see it for yourself after the break.

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Tommy Chung
来自: 美加
文章: 1102

发 表 于: 2010.12.13 12:06:02 PM
文章主题: Re: 我不是雞肋! 2D轉3D解決內容不足燃眉之急


(Chinatimes News)

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Tommy Chung
来自: 美加
文章: 1102

发 表 于: 2010.12.14 10:51:21 AM
文章主题: Re: 我不是雞肋! 2D轉3D解決內容不足燃眉之急

Dialog releases the first 2D-to-3D video conversion hardware

Dialog Semiconductors releases the first 2D-to-3D video conversion IC for mobile phones or tablet PCs, the DA8223. The IC also integrates a display driver that supports parallax-barrier (glasses-free) 3D screens for both OLED and LCD based displays. The DA8223 supports both 3D images and video (up to 60fps), and can control displays from 3.8" to 10" in size.

The IC analyzes each 2D video frame and creates a layered depth map, isolating foreground and background objects. From this, each original image pixel is mapped into left and right eye pixels that, when viewed through a parallax barrier filter on the display module, renders the 3D image directly.

The DA8223 will be available in samples in early 2011, and mass production will be begin in the second half of 2011.

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Tommy Chung
来自: 美加
文章: 1102

发 表 于: 2010.12.15 10:47:25 AM
文章主题: Re: 我不是雞肋! 2D轉3D解決內容不足燃眉之急

Diy 3d printer: straight out of science fiction into your basement

Amazingly, this beautiful 3D printer was built by some guy named Jim in New York. Just like normal printers, 3D printers allow you to print stuff but in 3D. No glasses required! Although this seems straight out of science fiction, the technology has been used since 2003 in the manufacturing segment.

diy make 3d printer printing future

This reminds me of the book Makers by Cory Doctorow, where a Maker revolution was started using 3D printers. I don’t know much about how he made it, but it’s pretty cool that he was able to cobble together this good-looking machine, DIY-style.

diy make 3d printer printing future

It took Jim about 2 years to complete this 3D printer, which he actually designed himself as well. It’s been operational since this summer. Check out more photos and a full description here.

[via Make:]


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