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讨论专栏主题﹕Android威胁iPhone 苹果祭出专利诉讼手段

Only Chen
来自: 台北縣
文章: 1024

发 表 于: 2010.06.28 12:02:59 PM
文章主题: Re: Android威脅iPhone 蘋果祭出專利訴訟手段



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Only Chen
来自: 台北縣
文章: 1024

发 表 于: 2010.06.29 11:33:56 AM
文章主题: Re : Re: Android威脅iPhone 蘋果祭出專利訴訟手段
Only Chen 提到:

 Motorola and Verizon Droid X 將是iPhone 4強勁對手 !!


智慧型手機的水果大戰也很有看頭...蘋果 v.s. 草莓

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Only Chen
来自: 台北縣
文章: 1024

发 表 于: 2010.06.29 11:39:24 AM
文章主题: Re: Android威脅iPhone 蘋果祭出專利訴訟手段

Apple iPhone銷售速度取決於生產速度,難怪趕工時瑕疵品就多,但Apple真是賺翻了

(Photo from weiphone)

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Only Chen
来自: 台北縣
文章: 1024

发 表 于: 2010.06.29 11:51:33 AM
文章主题: Re: Android威脅iPhone 蘋果祭出專利訴訟手段

Hitler Reacts to the iPhone 4 Antenna Issues


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Tommy Chung
来自: 美加
文章: 1102

发 表 于: 2010.06.29 03:54:23 PM
文章主题: Re: Android威脅iPhone 蘋果祭出專利訴訟手段
市場研究業者iSuppli在拆解蘋果最新產品iPhone 4後估計,這款新智慧手機的零組件成本最低約188美元,其中以3.5吋的液晶螢幕最貴,要價逾28美元。


iSuppli在拆解售價199美元的iPhone 4 16G基本款後指出,iPhone 4的零組件成本最低約187.51美元,略高於上一代iPhone 3GS的179美元左右。蘋果發言人凱莉絲則拒絕對iSuppli的估算置評。研究機構常對消費性電子產品進行「拆解分析」,以確定材料價格與供應商、並推估產品利潤,不過iSuppli估計的成本不包括勞工、運送、預算、廣告行銷、軟體開發及專利授權等費用。


iSuppli說,iPhone 4的零組件成本中,以被蘋果稱為「視網膜顯示器」的3.5吋液晶螢幕最貴,約28.5美元,可能由樂金顯示器公司(LG Display)製造。


iSuppli指出,覆蓋在螢幕上的玻璃觸控面板則可能由兩家廠商製造,包括台灣的勝華科技和TPK-Balda 。後者是台灣宸鴻與德國Balda的合資公司。


較特別的是,iPhone 4內部新增陀螺儀晶片,可用來偵測手機的翻轉方向,並使遊戲畫面更真實。iSuppli指出,陀螺儀晶片供應商可能是意法半導體公司(STMicroelectronics),成本約2.6美元。


iPhone 4共推出兩款機型,除了16G基本款外,還有32G版本(售價299美元)。iSuppli拆解服務分析師拉斯威勒認為,蘋果過去總會把最新型 iPhone的快閃記憶體容量增加一倍,但這回停在32G,並積極創新顯示技術、採用陀螺儀控制技術,顯示蘋果已把開發焦點轉往使用者介面,不再視記憶體的儲存容量為其重要特色。


此外,蘋果也以博通(Broadcom)取代英飛凌(Infineon)成為iPhone 4的全球定位系統(GPS)衛星訊號接收晶片供應商。


iSuppli指出,iPhone 4的處理器和iPad相似,也是採用蘋果自行設計、三星電子製造的A4處理器,成本約10.75美元。iPhone 4的A4處理器最大執行速度可能是每秒800百萬赫茲(MHz),並可能加入額外的加速核心。


(出處 : 經濟日報)

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Only Chen
来自: 台北縣
文章: 1024

发 表 于: 2010.06.30 10:29:41 AM
文章主题: Re : Re: Android威脅iPhone 蘋果祭出專利訴訟手段
Only Chen 提到:
iPhone 4天線收訊減弱的問題,日前傳Apple將釋出新版本OS及Pack,以解決此問題...

Apple's Internal iPhone 4 Antenna Troubleshooting Guidelines Leak

Keep all of the positioning statements in the BN handy – your tone when delivering this information is important.

a. The iPhone 4's wireless performance is the best we have ever shipped. Our testing shows that iPhone 4's overall antenna performance is better than iPhone 3GS.

b. Gripping almost any mobile phone in certain places will reduce its reception. This is true of the iPhone 4, the iPhone 3GS, and many other phones we have tested. It is a fact of life in the wireless world.

c. If you are experiencing this on your iPhone 3GS, avoid covering the bottom-right side with your hand.

d. If you are experiencing this on your iPhone 4, avoid covering the black strip in the lower-left corner of the metal band.

e. The use of a case or Bumper that is made out of rubber or plastic may improve wireless performance by keeping your hand from directly covering these areas.

Do not perform warranty service. Use the positioning above for any customer questions or concerns.

Don't forget YOU STILL NEED to probe and troubleshoot. If a customer calls about their reception while the phone is sitting on a table (not being held) it is not the metal band.

ONLY escalate if the issue exists when the phone is not held AND you cannot resolve it.

We ARE NOT appeasing customers with free bumpers – DON'T promise a free bumper to customers.


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Only Chen
来自: 台北縣
文章: 1024

发 表 于: 2010.06.30 10:55:29 AM
文章主题: Re: Android威脅iPhone 蘋果祭出專利訴訟手段

iPhone 4材料(質)運用也很重要!!

說起iPhone 4的設計,我們不由自主的想到一個人,那就是蘋果公司的首席設計師Jonathan Ive(喬納森)。如果說喬布斯是眾人崇拜的偶像,那麼喬納森就是大家敬仰的幕後英雄。

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Only Chen
来自: 台北縣
文章: 1024

发 表 于: 2010.07.01 10:09:33 AM
文章主题: Re: Android威脅iPhone 蘋果祭出專利訴訟手段



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Only Chen
来自: 台北縣
文章: 1024

发 表 于: 2010.07.01 10:13:33 AM
文章主题: Re : Re: Android威脅iPhone 蘋果祭出專利訴訟手段
Only Chen 提到:




iPhone 4於一公尺高摔落,Panel即會破碎

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Tommy Chung
来自: 美加
文章: 1102

发 表 于: 2010.07.01 11:18:46 AM
文章主题: Re: Android威脅iPhone 蘋果祭出專利訴訟手段

Android 3.0 將於2010年第四季發佈

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Tommy Chung
来自: 美加
文章: 1102

发 表 于: 2010.07.01 11:25:03 AM
文章主题: Re : Re : Re: Android威脅iPhone 蘋果祭出專利訴訟手段
Only Chen 提到:
Only Chen 提到:
iPhone 4天線收訊減弱的問題,日前傳Apple將釋出新版本OS及Pack,以解決此問題...

Apple's Internal iPhone 4 Antenna Troubleshooting Guidelines Leak

Keep all of the positioning statements in the BN handy – your tone when delivering this information is important.

a. The iPhone 4's wireless performance is the best we have ever shipped. Our testing shows that iPhone 4's overall antenna performance is better than iPhone 3GS.

b. Gripping almost any mobile phone in certain places will reduce its reception. This is true of the iPhone 4, the iPhone 3GS, and many other phones we have tested. It is a fact of life in the wireless world.

c. If you are experiencing this on your iPhone 3GS, avoid covering the bottom-right side with your hand.

d. If you are experiencing this on your iPhone 4, avoid covering the black strip in the lower-left corner of the metal band.

e. The use of a case or Bumper that is made out of rubber or plastic may improve wireless performance by keeping your hand from directly covering these areas.

Do not perform warranty service. Use the positioning above for any customer questions or concerns.

Don't forget YOU STILL NEED to probe and troubleshoot. If a customer calls about their reception while the phone is sitting on a table (not being held) it is not the metal band.

ONLY escalate if the issue exists when the phone is not held AND you cannot resolve it.

We ARE NOT appeasing customers with free bumpers – DON'T promise a free bumper to customers.



整體來說 :iPhone 4的天線比3GS改善許多,至於出現訊號減弱問題可改變握法或使用保護套來改善。

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