鯧뎅꿥ꆱ藥 23
-Orion Secure Message Gateway VS 2008 (2008.04.11)
A secure message gateway for transporting ebXML, SOAP and custom message formats. Compliant with the OASIS ebXML 2.0 specification and can act in both intermediary and processing MHS roles to provide end-to-end reliable messaging
-Webswell Connect 2.1.1 (2007.10.03)
Webswell Connect is a business integration tool based on WS web services, ebXML and AS2 standards. Installer includes ebXML Registry/Repository, universal Message Service Handler and Dispatcher and supporting software. Tech support at www
-Orion Secure Message Gateway 3.0.353 (2007.06.07)
A secure message gateway for transporting ebXML, SOAP and custom message formats. Compliant with the OASIS ebXML 2.0 specification and can act in both intermediary and processing MHS roles to provide end-to-end reliable messaging
-Webswell Connect 2.1 beta 2 (2007.05.31)
Webswell Connect is a business integration tool based on WS web services, ebXML and AS2 standards. Installer includes ebXML Registry/Repository, universal Message Service Handler and Dispatcher and supporting software. Tech support at www
-Orion Secure Message Gateway v3.0.x (2007.02.27)
A secure message gateway for transporting ebXML, SOAP and custom message formats. Compliant with the OASIS ebXML 2.0 specification and can act in both intermediary and processing MHS roles to provide end-to-end reliable messaging
-Webswell Connect 2.0.6 (2007.02.22)
Webswell Connect is a business integration tool based on WS web services, ebXML and AS2 standards. Installer includes ebXML Registry/Repository, universal Message Service Handler and Dispatcher and supporting software. Tech support at www
-freeb-ubl 0.4.0 (2007.01.13)
Free opensource software for the Universal Business Language and the ebXML framework including XSLT stylesheets to generate XForms for creating, editing and viewing UBL and ebXML documents.
-freebxforms 0.0.1 (2007.01.05)
Free Electronic Business XForms for the ebXML Framework and XSLT Stylesheets to Generate XForms
-Webswell Connect 2.0.1 (2006.10.03)
Webswell Connect is business integration tool based on WS web services, ebXML and AS2 standards.
-Webswell Connect 1.4 (2006.02.20)
ebXML business integration software with easy installation and configuration. It is based on existing progressive open source components.
-Webswell Connect 1.3.2 (2005.08.28)
ebXML business integration software with easy installation and configuration. It is based on existing progressive open source components.
-Webswell Connect 1.2.2 (2005.02.06)
ebXML business integration software with easy installation and configuration. It is based on existing progressive open source components.
从Web Services看行动运算 (2004.02.25)
行动装置虽多样化却有其先天上的限制,如何提供不同硬件资源客制化的应用程序益显重要。Web Services技术拥有开放且轻质量(lightweight)的标准,能快速开发多样化的客户端程序,也支持行动装置上应用程序的开发,在未来的行动运算将扮演重要的角色
从Web Services看行动运算 (2004.02.25)
行动装置虽多样化却有其先天上的限制,如何提供不同硬体资源客制化的应用程式益显重要。 Web Services技术拥有开放且轻质量(lightweight)的标准,能快速开发多样化的用户端程式,也支援行动装置上应用程式的开发,在未来的行动运算将扮演重要的角色
电子商务自动化标准– ebXML (2004.01.15)
NII:国内ebXML展开测试计划 (2003.12.29)
在推广ebXML标准多年后,国家信息基本建设产业发展协进会(NII)在上(11)月展开测试计划的说明及招募,目前已有包括精密工业、金属、机械及营建业等表示高度兴趣。 据CNET消息
电子书-进入阅读新体验时代 (2003.09.25)
OASIS日前宣布了通用商用语言计划 (2003.02.06)
Com2B、NII加入APEC「全球B2B 互通专案」 (2003.01.28)
首席电子商务公司(Com2B) 与推动台湾资通讯基础建设的中华民国国家资讯基本建设产业发展协进会(NII),日前共同加入亚太经合会议(APEC)「全球B2B 互通专案」(Global B2B Interoperability Project)
HP 发表全新Web Services平台 (2002.04.25)
HP惠普科技24日在台湾发表Web Services新平台,包含了 "HP Web Services Platform "、"HP Web Services Registry"及"HP Web Services Transaction" 等产品,可支持XML、SOAP、UDDI 2.0、WSDL、BTP、RosettaNet、ebXML及BizTalk等业界标准,并兼容于Microsoft .NET平台

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