鯧뎅꿥ꆱ藥 3
-blight 1.2 (2005.10.21)
Python scripts for importing and exporting OpenFlight files to and from Blender. OpenFlight is the native format of Creator, a 3D modelling package from MultiGen-Paradigm Inc. with a feature set that focuses on the real-time needs of the vis sim industry
-blight 1.0 (2005.08.21)
Python scripts for importing and exporting OpenFlight files to and from Blender. OpenFlight is the native format of Creator, a 3D modelling package from MultiGen-Paradigm Inc. with a feature set that focuses on the real-time needs of the vis sim industry
CA购并Multigen-Paradigm强化电子商务可视化领导地位 (2000.02.18)
组合国际(CA) 宣布,已和3D视觉仿真科技供应者MultiGen-Paradigm, Inc.(MPI)公司达成协议,将购并这家未上市公司,以延伸CA在运用可视化科技与专业建构强大功能电子商务方案的领导地位,但双方并未透露并购的财务细节

1 安勤扩展EMS系列新品 搭载英特尔最新处理器开拓AI应用
2 Basler全新AI影像分析软体符合复杂应用需求
3 Nordic的Wi-Fi 6模组具有无线连接高通量和低功耗性能
4 Toshiba推出1200 V第三代碳化矽肖特基栅极二极体新产品
5 Littelfuse推出高频应用的双5安培低压侧MOSFET栅极驱动器
6 Diodes新款12通道LED驱动器可提升数位看板和显示器效能
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10 Molex多功能VaporConnect光??通模组可解决AI资料中心热管理需求


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