[评析]天秤的两端 - SONY与联想 (2014.02.09) 自2014年一月底开始到现在,全球科技产业一直接连丢出震撼弹,先是联想先后并购IBM x86服务器部门与摩托罗拉手机事业部,其后SONY也决定出脱PC部门与VAIO品牌,出售给日本投资基金「Japan Industrial Partners Inc.(JIP)」,意欲摆说连年亏损的窘境 |
笔电出货跌不休 SONY狠心断尾 (2014.02.07) 日本消费电子大厂SONY正式出售VAIO品牌的PC事业给予「日本产业伙伴」(JIP)投资基金,未来就将停止生产、销售VAIO系列笔电。在此同时,SONY也同时提出一波新的人事计划,将在今年底前裁员5000人,包括日本的1500人,与海外的3500人 |
SONY新计划 出售PC脱离电视业务 (2014.02.06) Sony在今(6)日终于确认,要将不断亏损的PC部门以及VAIO品牌以500亿日币的价格卖给投资基金「Japan Industrial Partners Inc. (JIP)」,此外SONY也正在考虑要退出海外的PC市场。同时SONY也决定重整电视部门,将其独立成立一间单独的子公司,而后全力专注于智能手机市场 |
-Java Interactive Profiler 1.1.1 (2008.01.10) JIP is a high performance, low overhead profiler that is written entirely in Java. JIP gives the developer the ability to turn the profiler on and off while the VM is running. You can also filter out classes and packages as well as control the output |
-Java Interactive Profiler 1.1 Beta 1 (2007.04.11) JIP is a high performance, low overhead profiler that is written entirely in Java. JIP gives the developer the ability to turn the profiler on and off while the VM is running. You can also filter out classes and packages as well as control the output |
-Java Interactive Profiler 1.0.7 final (2006.06.26) JIP is a high performance, low overhead profiler that is written entirely in Java. JIP gives the developer the ability to turn the profiler on and off while the VM is running. You can also filter out classes and packages as well as control the output |
-Java Interactive Profiler 1.0.4 (2006.04.21) JIP is a high performance, low overhead profiler that is written entirely in Java. JIP gives the developer the ability to turn the profiler on and off while the VM is running. You can also filter out classes and packages as well as control the output |
Java手机浏览器软件问世 (2004.10.08) 日本手机的应用始终领先全球,日前(10/1)又有厂商率先推出在手机上运行的浏览器软件 - jig浏览器。这是由日本手机应用程序公司Jip所开发的,该软件为手机Java平台上的Java应用程序,可直接显示i-mode和EZweb的标准浏览器 |