鯧뎅꿥ꆱ藥 15
采用DSC和MCU确保嵌入式系统安全 (2024.02.22)
本文介绍嵌入式安全原理,还有开发人员如何使用高效能数位讯号控制器(DSC)和低功率 PIC24F 微控制器单元(MCU),以及专用安全装置,以满足严格的嵌入式安全新兴需求
快速实现Microchip 16位元处理器之韧体更新 (2021.09.22)
Xilinx推全方位功能安全设计套件 实现Smarter工厂与医疗设备 (2013.12.03)
美商赛灵思(Xilinx, Inc.) 今日宣布针对工业、汽车、医疗、航天和国防应用推出符合IEC 61508 、ISO 26262安全标准的全方位功能安全设计套件。赛灵思的功能安全设计套件内含经全球知名的验证、测试及认证机构TUV SUD验证的设计方法和工具,可提升设计生产力和降低各种后续的认证风险
Android对台湾SoC产业的商机与挑战 (2009.08.05)
IVT推首款支持Moblin和Android的蓝牙3.0协议栈 (2009.04.29)
蓝牙软件供货商IVT日前宣布,已推出全球第一款支持英特尔Moblin和Google Android平台的蓝牙3.0 +HS的协议栈(Protocol Stack)。该协议可支持多种无线标准,并能在多种作业平台上运作
蓝牙技术联盟首次参与台北国际计算机展 (2008.05.21)
亚洲最大的计算机展-台北国际计算机展(Computex),今年即将于六月三日到六月七日展开。蓝牙技术联盟(Bluetooth Special Interest Group, SIG)将于今年首度参展,以「蓝牙技术延伸个人无线生活」为主题,打造蓝牙殿堂(Bluetooth Pavilion)
-Integrating Vision Toolkit ivt-1.1.3 (2008.05.09)
The ?ntegrating Vision Toolkit??(IVT) allows anybody to start developing vision applications with almost any common camera under Windows, Linux, and Mac OS within less than one hour. As an option, QT and OpenCV are integrated with clean interfaces
-Integrating Vision Toolkit ivt-1.1.0 (2008.01.17)
The ?ntegrating Vision Toolkit?? (IVT) allows anybody to start developing vision applications with almost any common camera under Windows, Linux, and Mac OS within less than one hour. As an option, QT and OpenCV are integrated with clean interfaces
-Integrating Vision Toolkit ivt-1.0.6 (2007.06.09)
The ?ntegrating Vision Toolkit??(IVT) allows anybody to start developing vision applications with almost any common camera under Windows, Linux, and Mac OS within less than one hour. As an option, QT and OpenCV are integrated with clean interfaces
-Integrating Vision Toolkit ivt-1.0.5 (2007.03.09)
The 鈥濱ntegrating Vision Toolkit鈥 (IVT) allows anybody to start developing vision applications with almost any common camera under Windows, Linux, and Mac OS within less than one hour. As an option, QT and OpenCV are integrated with clean interfaces
-Integrating Vision Toolkit ivt-1.0.4 (2006.12.14)
The 鈥濱ntegrating Vision Toolkit鈥 (IVT) allows anybody to start developing vision applications with almost any common camera under Windows, Linux, and Mac OS within less than one hour. As an option, QT and OpenCV are integrated with clean interfaces
-Integrating Vision Toolkit ivt-1.0.3 (2006.10.05)
The 鈥濱ntegrating Vision Toolkit鈥 (IVT) allows anybody to start developing vision applications with almost any common camera under Windows, Linux, and Mac OS within less than one hour. As an option, QT and OpenCV are integrated with clean interfaces
-Integrating Vision Toolkit ivt-1.0.1 (2006.01.10)
The 鈥濱ntegrating Vision Toolkit鈥 (IVT) allows anybody to start developing vision applications with almost any common camera under Windows, Linux, and Mac OS within less than one hour. As an option, QT and OpenCV are integrated with clean interfaces
CSR/IVT合作固定网络与移动电话整合方案 (2004.06.13)
CSR PLC和蓝芽软件及ODM产品厂商IVT宣布,将在蓝芽设计上进行合作,以推进用于无线技术的蜂窝/无绳应用程序组合电话。此一设计将使制造商能够在蓝芽技术内部用无线电话(CTP)取代诸如DECT这样的现有模拟或数字技术,为家庭生产出低成本的蓝芽启动组合蜂窝和无线电话
擎亞 (2003.09.11)
擎亚国际科技股份有限公司』,以发展系统单芯片解决方案 (System On a Chip Solution)之业务为营业宗旨,为韩国三星在国内IC设计服务之独家合作伙伴。 面对全球消费市场来对个人行动通讯与多媒体影音整合功能产品的热切需求

1 捷扬光电首款双镜头声像追踪 PTZ 摄影机上市
2 英飞凌全新边缘AI综合评估套件加速机器学习应用开发
3 意法半导体新车规单晶片同步降压转换器让应用设计更弹性化
4 ROHM推出车电Nch MOSFET 适用於车门、座椅等多种马达及LED头灯应用
5 恩智浦新一代JCOP Pay提供支付卡客制化服务
6 Cincoze德承全新基础型工业电脑DV-1100适用於边缘运算高效能需求
7 意法半导体新款车规直流马达预驱动器可简化EMI优化设计
8 Diodes新款10Gbps符合车规的主动交叉多工器可简化智慧座舱连接功能
9 宜鼎率先量产CXL记忆体模组 为AI伺服器与资料中心三合一升级
10 Diodes新款12通道LED驱动器可提升数位看板和显示器效能


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