鯧뎅꿥ꆱ藥 37
NVIDIA发表功能安全性AI自驾平台 (2018.01.12)
NVIDIA(辉达)宣布针对其 AI 自驾车平台NVIDIA DRIVE 所发表之功能安全性架构的细节,该平台采用冗馀配置与多元功能的设计,让车辆即使在行驶、环境或系统层面出现差错时,依然能安全行驶
德国研究计划让电磁炉价格更经济、更节能 (2014.03.31)
电磁炉的价格将更经济,且更具节能效益,这是为时三年的「InduKOCH」研究计划的成果。此研究团队的成员包括 E.G.O. 集团、德国不莱梅大学「电机驱动及电力电子与装置学会」(IALB),以及该计划领导者,半导体制造商英飞凌科技股份有限公司
布局2020,抢占科技蓝海新商机 (2012.01.06)
全球经济正陷入不见底的低迷衰退, 电子科技产业也仿佛泄了气的皮球, 台湾正需要一盏能指引方向的明灯 带领我们走过这场宛如灾难般的黑暗期…
网络控制机器人移动通讯---Ego Secundus-网络控制机器人移动通讯---Ego Secundus (2011.01.21)
网络控制机器人移动通讯---Ego Secundus
细分为文件管理器 (ego) 和虚拟文件系统(libferris/ferrisui)-witme (2010.10.28)
细分为文件管理器 (ego) 和虚拟文件系统(libferris/ferrisui)
节能烹调研究项目 省下高达25%电力 (2010.10.13)
-witme bonnie-to-chart (2008.06.17)
Broken down into the file manager (ego) and the virtual filesystem (libferris/ferrisui). the VFS libferris is the core of the project, ego uses GTK+2 and gevas to present info from libferris and allow management using gfmv, gfcp
-witme fedora8miq (2008.04.07)
Broken down into the file manager (ego) and the virtual filesystem (libferris/ferrisui). the VFS libferris is the core of the project, ego uses GTK+2 and gevas to present info from libferris and allow management using gfmv, gfcp
-witme 0.3.0 (2008.02.01)
Broken down into the file manager (ego) and the virtual filesystem (libferris/ferrisui). the VFS libferris is the core of the project, ego uses GTK+2 and gevas to present info from libferris and allow management using gfmv, gfcp
-Egotistics 0.9.0 (2007.12.28)
Egotistics is a social network analysis program that allows users to simultaneously explore multiple personal networks (called 'ego networks').
-Dzienniczek 3 dzienniczek-svn-20071220 (2007.12.24)
Dzienniczek Ucznia 3 jest kontynuacj? moich aplikacji ze szczeni?cych lat. Docelowo ma on pe?ni? rol? ma?ego centrum sterowania nauk? - zarz?dza terminarzem, i ocenami uczni籀w.
-witme rsync (2007.11.19)
Broken down into the file manager (ego) and the virtual filesystem (libferris/ferrisui). the VFS libferris is the core of the project, ego uses GTK+2 and gevas to present info from libferris and allow management using gfmv, gfcp
-Dzienniczek 3 Dzienniczek3-win32-installer (2007.09.05)
Dzienniczek Ucznia 3 jest kontynuacj? moich aplikacji ze szczeni?cych lat. Docelowo ma on pe?ni? rol? ma?ego centrum sterowania nauk? - zarz?dza terminarzem, i ocenami uczni籀w.
-ReViSy test (2007.09.02)
ReViSy is a filesystem(+other resources) visualisation tool that gives you the possibility to navigate through your system in a 3d environment in ego perspective
-witme 1.1.108 (2007.08.23)
Broken down into the file manager (ego) and the virtual filesystem (libferris/ferrisui). the VFS libferris is the core of the project, ego uses GTK+2 and gevas to present info from libferris and allow management using gfmv, gfcp
-witme 0.1.0 (2007.06.13)
Broken down into the file manager (ego) and the virtual filesystem (libferris/ferrisui). the VFS libferris is the core of the project, ego uses GTK+2 and gevas to present info from libferris and allow management using gfmv, gfcp
-witme 0.0.1 (2007.03.15)
Broken down into the file manager (ego) and the virtual filesystem (libferris/ferrisui). the VFS libferris is the core of the project, ego uses GTK+2 and gevas to present info from libferris and allow management using gfmv, gfcp
-Maze3D-net 1.0 (2007.02.20)
Maze3D is an application which provides the creation of random mazes with different algorithms. In OpenGL fullscreen mode the player runs in ego perspective through the maze. All walls can be displayed as mirrors. NOW Multiplayer is possible
商用网格运算的导入困难与挑战 (2007.01.26)
「网格运算(Grid Computing)」的发明,号称是第三次的资讯革命。然而,时至今日,网格运算却依然停留在学术殿堂,仅仅需要庞大计算资源的大型研究计画采用外,甚少企业愿意部署这「俗阁大碗」的技术
-witme 1.1.103 (2006.12.20)
Broken down into the file manager (ego) and the virtual filesystem (libferris/ferrisui). the VFS libferris is the core of the project, ego uses GTK+2 and gevas to present info from libferris and allow management using gfmv, gfcp

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1 Bourns全新薄型高爬电距离隔离变压器适用於闸极驱动和高压电池管理系统
2 Basler全新小型高速线扫描相机适合主流应用
3 宇瞻智慧物联展示ESG监控管理与机联网创新方案
4 Littelfuse推出首款用於SiC MOSFET栅极保护的非对称瞬态抑制二极体系列
5 宜鼎推出DDR5 6400记忆体,具备同级最大64GB容量及全新CKD元件,助力生成式AI应用稳定扎根
6 Pilz多功能工业电脑IndustrialPI适用於自动化及传动技术
7 SCIVAX与Shin-Etsu Chemical联合开发全球最小的3D感测光源装置
8 瑞萨与英特尔合作为新款Intel Core Ultra 200V系列处理器提供最隹化电源管理
9 意法半导体新款750W马达驱动叁考板适用於家用和工业设备
10 意法半导体整合化高压功率级评估板 让马达驱动器更小且性能更强


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