防范骇客攻击 世界和平会强化资安布局护捐款个资 (2024.01.08) 有监於许多公益单位的捐款系统遭到骇客攻击,造成捐款个资外泄。世界和平会为防范骇客入侵与攻击,决定导入 资通电脑的Comodo 端点防护,并且提升工作人员更有资安意识与敏感度,对捐款作业的安全性更谨慎,加以阻挡骇客攻击与商业勒索威胁,保护珍贵的捐款个资 |
用端点管理远离APT攻击! (2023.03.24) 为了避免连网装置遭受骇客针对性目标进阶持续性渗透攻击(APT),保护端点不受到恶意程式或未授权者入侵的威胁,造成资料外泄与其他损失,进行妥善的端点管理有其必要性 |
阻挡恶意程式攻击 资通电脑携手Comodo防护端点安全管理 (2023.03.06) 为协助企业做好端点安全保护,杜绝商业勒索与APT(Advanced Persistent Threat,进阶持续性渗透攻击)等事件发生,资通电脑与 Comodo合作提供先进的恶意程式攻击防护与系统安全管理方案 |
一款结合防病毒软件与个人防火墙的工具,迁入和传出流量过滤器在您的PC上。-Comodo Internet Security 5.3.50343.1237 (2011.03.02) 一款结合防病毒软件与个人防火墙的工具,迁入和传出流量过滤器在您的PC上。 |
一款系统清理工具,是一套实用程序,让您的Windows XP/Vista计算机更快,更有效率及更安全。-Comodo System Cleaner 3.0.172695.53 (2010.12.11) 一款系统清理工具,是一套实用程序,让您的Windows XP/Vista计算机更快,更有效率及更安全。 |
一款优化和清理Windows XP及Vista操作系统的软件,包含其各式软件缓冲区的无用文件-Comodo System Cleaner 3.0.167886.37 (2010.11.02) 一款优化和清理Windows XP及Vista操作系统的软件,包含其各式软件缓冲区的无用文件 |
您可以自动备份您的重要文件和活页夹到本地驱动装置,FTP位置或刻录到您的CD / DVD-Comodo Backup 3.0.164972.96 (2010.10.15) 您可以自动备份您的重要文件和活页夹到本地驱动装置,FTP位置或刻录到您的CD / DVD |
一款免费并提供网络安全的软件工具-Comodo Internet Security 5.0 (2010.09.16) 一款免费并提供网络安全的软件工具 |
-Comodo Memory Firewall (2008.10.15) Comodo Memory Firewall protects your application from buffer overflow attacks by malicious scripts or programs. It runs continuously in the background and alerts you if an attack is detected. You can then choose to terminate the compromised application, send an email alert or launch a command-line |
-Comodo Registry Cleaner (2008.10.14) Comodo Registry Cleaner enables you to scan your Windows registry for invalid entries that can potentially slow down your computer. You can then browse the list of errors that were found and choose to fix (delete) all of them or just selected entries |
-Comodo Firewall 3.0 (2007.11.22) Comodo Firewall is a personal firewall that filters ingoing and outgoing traffic on your computer. It alerts you of any applications that attempts to connect to the Internet and allows you to permanently or temporarily allow or block the connection |
-Comodo Firewall 2.4 (2007.01.21) Comodo Firewall is a personal firewall that filters ingoing and outgoing traffic on your computer. It alerts you of any applications that attempts to connect to the Internet and allows you to permanently or temporarily allow or block the connection |