-Avis event router Release 1.0.0 (2008.08.02) Avis is a multicast event bus. It provides a fast, publish/subscribe event routing service compatible with the commercial Elvin implementation developed by Mantara Software. |
-Avis event router Release 0.1.0 (2008.06.28) Avis is a multicast event bus. It provides a fast, publish/subscribe event routing service compatible with the commercial Elvin implementation developed by Mantara Software. |
-Avis event router Release 1.1.0 (2008.01.22) Avis is a multicast event bus. It provides a fast, publish/subscribe event routing service compatible with the commercial Elvin implementation developed by Mantara Software. |
-SmartChapter Player V1.1.0 Beta (2008.01.06) SmartChapter Player is used to open BeyondTV videos (with chapter files) or add chapters to AVIs. Users can manipulate the chapter points in order to more accurately designate the start/end of commercials. Also, cut commercials out to create a new video |
-Avis event router Release 1.0.3 (2007.10.20) Avis is a multicast event bus. It provides a fast, publish/subscribe event routing service compatible with the commercial Elvin implementation developed by Mantara Software. |
-Avis event router Release 1.0.1 (2007.08.15) Avis is a wide-area event router service compatible with the commercial Elvin implementation produced by Mantara Software. Avis provides a general-purpose, high performance publish/subscribe message bus using content-based subscriptions |
-Avis event router Release 0.2 (2007.06.12) Avis is a flexible event router service compatible with the commercial Elvin implementation produced by Mantara Software. Avis provides a general-purpose, high performance publish/subscribe message bus using content-based subscriptions |
Hughes推出高速BGAN行动卫星终端设备 (2007.03.16) 全球宽带卫星网络解决方案及服务供货商Hughes Network Systems, LLC宣布,新一代Hughes 9250行动卫星终端设备,已获准在Inmarsat的宽带全球局域网络(Broadband Global Area Network;BGAN)上运行 |
-Avis event router Release 0.7 (2006.12.28) Avis is a flexible event router service compatible with the commercial Elvin implementation produced by Mantara Software. Avis provides a general-purpose, high performance publish/subscribe message bus using content-based subscriptions |
-CamStudio - Desktop Screen Recorder camstudio-2.0 (2005.04.07) CamStudio records activity from your screen and audio from a microphone into AVI video files and can also convert the AVIs into Streaming Flash videos (SWFs) using its built-in SWF Producer. |
一个可将软体分解成各个独立的物件,包括 dlls, Icons, cursors等等-Resource Capture 1.0.7 (2005.04.04) 一个可将软体分解成各个独立的物件,包括 dlls, Icons, cursors等等 |
Palm OS迟不授权 业者拟自寻出路 (2000.08.01) 由于Palm公司迟迟不愿将Palm OS授权给台湾有意进军PDA产业的厂商,让台湾PDA业者在开发非强调高性能的PDA产品时,必须转而投入在应用软体等发展层面皆未完全成熟的AVIS,及互慧科技的Penbex OS等作业系统的怀抱 |
信息家电操作系统 微软难独大 (1999.12.08)