积极布局AIoT 嵌入式电脑模组越来越智慧 (2021.12.28) 嵌入式电脑模组(COM)兼顾设计时程与成本,目前主流趋势为COM Express规范,可分基本型、紧凑型与迷你型,符合少量多样客制化需求。本文特别专访研华科技,从其市场布局与转型一窥嵌入式模组电脑的未来发展 |
压注Windows 8 微软能否再起? (2012.04.17) 回顾微软近10年的发展,除了Xbox 360外,
若由此预测未来,则Windows的新发展仍不容乐观。 |
-Enchanted Keyfinder (2011.01.24) The Magical Jelly Bean Keyfinder is a freeware utility that retrieves your Product Key (cd key) used to install windows from your registry. It works on Windows 95, 98, ME, 2000, XP, Server 2003, Windows Vista, Office XP, Office 2003, and Office 2007 |
一款项目项目工具,没有很多MMO,有趣与高质量2D在线RPG(MOG风格)为首要目标。-The Legend of Mazzeroth (2010.11.24) 一款项目项目工具,没有很多MMO,有趣与高质量2D在线RPG(MOG风格)为首要目标。 |
一款提供可靠的网域迁移到Windows NT/2000/2003 OS,整合和管理您的域名工具。-Ideal Migration 5.1 (2010.11.17) 一款提供可靠的网域迁移到Windows NT/2000/2003 OS,整合和管理您的域名工具。 |
理想的升级提供了可靠的区域迁移到Windows NT,2000和2003,和巩固管理您的域名-Ideal Migration 5.0 (2010.10.26) 理想的升级提供了可靠的区域迁移到Windows NT,2000和2003,和巩固管理您的域名 |
提供个人使用的电子邮件伺服软件工具,支持SMTP与POP3,无限制的邮件地址可使用,也可用来发送大量邮件。-Mail Enable Standard 4.25 (2010.08.21) 提供个人使用的电子邮件伺服软件工具,支持SMTP与POP3,无限制的邮件地址可使用,也可用来发送大量邮件。 |
-Magical Jelly Bean Keyfinder (2010.08.04) The Magical Jelly Bean Keyfinder is a freeware utility that retrieves your Product Key (cd key) used to install windows from your registry. It works on Windows 95, 98, ME, 2000, XP, Server 2003, Windows Vista, Office XP, Office 2003, and Office 2007 |
iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫? (2010.07.14) iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫? |
樂高機器人知道怎樣在短時間玩出魔術方塊來 (2010.06.21) 樂高機器人知道怎樣在短時間玩出魔術方塊來 |
-ConceptBase.cc (2010.06.15) ConceptBase is a multi-user deductive and object-oriented database system for metamodeling and method engineering. The system includes a graphical client that builds upon the logic-based features of the ConceptBase server. The data model is O-Telos |
Android威脅iPhone 蘋果祭出專利訴訟手段 (2010.05.10) Android威脅iPhone 蘋果祭出專利訴訟手段 |
Google綠能投資 首購風力發電廠 (2010.05.05) Google綠能投資 首購風力發電廠 |
黑客强力攻击Google 兼顾资安与人权费苦心 (2010.01.27) 近日Google真是多事之秋,继Google事件演变成美、中的国际角力战后,Google账号也遭黑客恶意入侵,并侵犯到GMail信箱内容的隐私与言论自由、以及窃取Google核心程序机密事件...等等 |
可让你同时监督多台 NT/2000 服务器执行效率的工具软件-Performance Monitoring Protocol 9.4.1 (2009.05.08) 可让你同时监督多台 NT/2000 服务器执行效率的工具软件 |
-AnalogX TSDropCopy 1.03 (2009.03.25) AnalogX TSDropCopy is a simple, yet extremely useful tool for server administrators that access a remote Windows 2000 server via Terminal Services. While Terminal Services is great, it does not offer any file transfer features, and even the optional ResourceKit add-on only provides very basic functionality |
台湾微软发布九月份四个重大安全更新 (2008.09.11) 台湾微软公司发布2008年9月的信息安全公告,本次安全公告有4个新的安全性补充程序MS08-052~MS08-055。同时,台湾微软也呼吁民众,因恶意软件层出不穷且不易立即察觉,民众应随时利用Microsoft Windows恶意软件移除工具,为自己的计算机做健检,避免计算机遭受恶意攻击 |
-Magical Jelly Bean Keyfinder CFG - 070208 (2008.07.03) The Magical Jelly Bean Keyfinder is a freeware utility that retrieves your Product Key (cd key) used to install windows from your registry. It works on Windows 95, 98, ME, 2000, XP, Server 2003, Windows Vista, Office XP, Office 2003, and Office 2007 |
太阳计算机xVM VirtualBox下载量突破五百万次 (2008.06.20) 太阳计算机(Sun Microsystems)发布新版之Sun xVM VirtualBox,为一款高效能、免费、与开放原始码之桌面虚拟软件,其在仅仅十八个月内,就创下超过五百万次的下载量。用户可以透过xVM VirtualBox软件 |
-Nofeel FTP Server 3.6.3520 (2008.06.17) Nofeel FTP Server is an FTP server program specially written for Windows 2000/XP. It offers all the standard FTP server features, as well as user specific transfer limits, real-time monitoring, virtual directories and more. Security features include the option to limit access by IP address, support for anti-hammering, upload/download throttling, command size limits, file type restrictions and more |