MVP社群集结全台各方开源好手 研讨会直播专业分享零时差 (2016.08.29) 自微软执行长Satya Nadella宣布「拥抱开放」的企业宗旨以来,微软一系列的开源与开放计画不断,从作业系统、Azure智慧云端、到开发工具的跨平台开源计画等,开源平台日趋完善,致力为开发者们创造更便利、更多元的软体平台 |
一款分享 Outlook 日历,电子邮件,联络人,任务,日记...等,而不需要运行 Microsoft Exchange Server 的工具。-WinPST Share Outlook 1.97 (2010.11.24) 一款分享 Outlook 日历,电子邮件,联络人,任务,日记...等,而不需要运行 Microsoft Exchange Server 的工具。 |
一款共享Microsoft Outlook日历,邮件,联系人,任务,日志在您的组织,而不需要依赖Microsoft Exchange服务器-WinPST Share Outlook 1.90 (2010.10.16) 一款共享Microsoft Outlook日历,邮件,联系人,任务,日志在您的组织,而不需要依赖Microsoft Exchange服务器 |
-SQL Server Service Manager v1.0 (2007.12.17) SQL Server Service Manager for MS SQL 2005 : Look & feel of the SQL 2000 Service Manager, Discover SQL Instances and SQL Services and Start, Pause & Stop SQL Services |
-Data Tier Generator Data Tier Generator 4.3 (2007.11.12) Microsoft .NET project that generates SQL Server 2000 scripts for stored procedures and C# classes used to access those stored procedures. The stored proecedures generated are as follows:
Insert, Update, Delete, Select, SelectByPK |
以资料库中的物件为标的来自动产生.NET架的原始程式码。-TDO - Typed Data Object 2.0.50727.30 (2007.09.21) 以资料库中的物件为标的来自动产生.NET架的原始程式码。 |
-ADAL - Auto Database Access Layer ADAL 1.0.8 (2007.08.29) ADAL (Automatic Database Access Layer) creates VB.NET classes and SQL Server 2000 stored procedures that remove a lot of the redundant code required when building a new .NET application. |
-jTDS - SQL Server and Sybase JDBC driver 1.2.1 (2007.07.13) Open source JDBC 3.0 Type 4 driver for Microsoft SQL Server (6.5, 7.0, 2000 and 2005) and Sybase. jTDS is the fastest JDBC driver for MS SQL Server and is a complete implementation of the JDBC spec. For more information see http://jtds |
以资料库中的物件为标的来自动产生.NET架的原始程式码。-TDO - Typed Data Object 2.0.50727.29 (2007.06.28) 以资料库中的物件为标的来自动产生.NET架的原始程式码。 |
-ADAL - Auto Database Access Layer 1.0.4 (2007.03.16) ADAL (Automatic Database Access Layer) creates VB.NET classes and SQL Server 2000 stored procedures that remove a lot of the redundant code required when building a new .NET application. |
以资料库中的物件为标的来自动产生.NET架的原始程式码。-TDO - Typed Data Object 2.0.50727.25 (2007.03.07) 以资料库中的物件为标的来自动产生.NET架的原始程式码。 |
-wutoo SQL pre-alpha (2007.01.19) wutoo SQL is Blind SQL Script based on AJAX technology. it's use browser engine to trace inside SQL hole. it's support MS SQL server 2000, postgreSQL and many more on next stage. |
以资料库中的物件为标的来自动产生.NET架的原始程式码。-TDO - Typed Data Object 2.0.50727.19 (2007.01.05) 以资料库中的物件为标的来自动产生.NET架的原始程式码。 |
专家﹕微软SQL Server比甲骨文10g安全 (2006.11.27) 据外电消息报导,数据库安全专家David Litchfield日前在一份报告中指出,微软的SQL Server数据库比甲骨文的10g数据库还要来得安全。
Litchfield表示,微软的SQL Server 2005是目前最安全的数据库 |
以资料库中的物件为标的来自动产生.NET架的原始程式码。-TDO - Typed Data Object 2.0.50727.17 (2006.10.21) 以资料库中的物件为标的来自动产生.NET架的原始程式码。 |
Microsoft Windows SBS 2003 R2上市 (2006.09.15) 台湾微软公司宣布推出Microsoft Windows Small Business Server 2003 R2(SBS 2003 R2)发表产品多项创新功能,协助中小企业永续经营,以更少资源完成更多的工作。微软为了协助中小企业客户轻松达成这项目标,推出Microsoft Windows Small Business Server 2003 R2,提供安全、可靠、有效率的IT解决方案 |
-Data Tier Generator Data Tier Generator 4.0 (2006.07.22) Microsoft .NET project that generates SQL Server 2000 scripts for stored procedures and C# classes used to access those stored procedures. The stored proecedures generated are as follows:
Insert, Update, Delete, Select, SelectByPK |
-Data Tier Generator Version 3.0 (2006.05.22) Microsoft .NET project that generates SQL Server 2000 scripts for stored procedures and C# classes used to access those stored procedures. The stored proecedures generated are as follows:
Insert, Update, Delete, Select, SelectByPK |
日立Albirey电子纸日本上市贩卖 (2006.05.16) iThome报导,由日立制作所开发的电子纸Albirey,开始正式贩卖,即将以套装产品方案提供给公司企业。该套装产品包含图像处理程序、数据传送服务器等,整套依数量不同要价400万到2000万日圆 |
-.NET Sql Authorization Manager Beta 1 (2006.05.09) The .NET Sql Authorization Manager allows you to set "Item-based" permissions for Authorization Manager-enabled Microsoft .NET applications (Smart client & Web apps). Storage reside on a DataBase MS Sql Server (2000/MSDE/2005/Express) |