厌祝人类首次登月50周年 「天文太空知识充电站」阅读书展全台登场 (2019.07.22) 今年适逢人类首次登月50周年,国家实验研究院国家太空中心特於人类踏上月球的7月20日这天,与台北市立天文馆及台南市南瀛天文馆合作,在南北两地同步办理「天文太空知识充电站」阅读书展,以沈浸书香增广见闻的方式,来厌祝人类登月50周年暨福卫七号发射成功 |
Peta级高速计算主机排名:计算能量95th、能源效率12th (2017.11.15) 国家实验研究院高速网路与计算中心(国网中心)已建置完成新一代Peta级高速计算主机,计算能量在11月最新公布的全球500大高速计算主机(TOP500)中,排名第95名(请见表一),能源效率(Green500)排名第31名(请见表二);若仅计算前百大高速计算主机之能源效率,国网中心Peta级高速计算主机更可排至第12名 |
恩智浦突破性的车用数字广播应用解决方案将大展身手 (2014.01.13) 随着数字广播在全球各个主要市场强势增长,越来越多的汽车OEM厂商和一级供货商开始提供车用数字广播系统。作为汽车娱乐半导体产品厂商,恩智浦半导体 (NXP Semiconductors N |
CISSOID引入新系列P信道高温功率MOSFET晶体管 (2010.03.01) 高温半导体解决方案的CISSOID,引进VENUS的新系列高温30V的P信道功率MOSFET晶体管,其保证操作在摄氐负55度到225度之间。P信道功率MOSFETs的VENUS系列命名为CHT-PMOS3002,CHT-PMOS3004及CHT-PMOS3008,其最大漏电流额定分别为2A、4A及8A |
-Yabause 0.9.6 (2008.06.30) Yabause is a portable Sega Saturn emulator. |
-ISS sun & moon transit prediction ISS Transit Prediction 4.3 (2008.02.24) Java software that predicts transits of the International Space Station across the moon and sun, and close encounters with Mercury thru Saturn. |
-Saturn Tools 0.22 (2007.12.30) Tools for working with the Saturn Camcorder, a $25 one-time-use camcorder from CVS. Also included utilities for use with other Zoran COACH based camcorders, such as the multi-time-use camcorders available from Target. |
-Yabause 0.9.1 (2007.11.05) Yabause is a portable Sega Saturn emulator. |
-ISS sun & moon transit prediction ISS Transit Prediction 4.0 (2007.09.09) Java software that predicts transits of the International Space Station across the moon and sun, and close encounters with Mercury thru Saturn. |
-Yabause 0.8.6 (2007.08.19) Yabause is a portable Sega Saturn emulator. |
-Saturn Tools v0.15-enigma (2007.08.16) Tools for working with the Saturn Camcorder, a $25 one-time-use camcorder from CVS. Also included utilities for use with other Zoran COACH based camcorders, such as the multi-time-use camcorders available from Target. |
-ISS sun & moon transit prediction ISS Transit Prediction 3.5 (2007.06.07) Java software that predicts transits of the International Space Station across the moon and sun, and close encounters with Mercury thru Saturn. |
-Saturn Tools 0.21 (2007.04.19) Tools for working with the Saturn Camcorder, a $25 one-time-use camcorder from CVS. |
-ISS sun & moon transit prediction ISS Transit Prediction 3.3 (2007.03.26) Java software that predicts transits of the International Space Station across the moon and sun, and close encounters with Mercury thru Saturn. |
-Saturn Tools 0.15 (2007.01.02) Tools for working with the Saturn Camcorder, a $25 one-time-use camcorder from CVS. |
-Yabause 0.8 (2006.12.26) Yabause is a portable Sega Saturn emulator. |
-Yabause 0.7.0 (2006.08.22) Yabause is a portable Sega Saturn emulator. |
-Saturn Tools 1.4 (2006.07.24) Tools for working with the Saturn Camcorder, a $25 one-time-use camcorder from CVS. |
-Saturn Tools 18 (2006.05.12) Tools for working with the Saturn Camcorder, a $25 one-time-use camcorder from CVS. |
-Saturn Tools 17 (2006.02.27) Tools for working with the Saturn Camcorder, a $25 one-time-use camcorder from CVS. |