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Ansys携手NVIDIA 推动生成式AI辅助工程新世代 (2024.03.26)
Ansys日前宣布,与NVIDIA合作 ,共同开发由加速运算和生成式AI驱动的下一代模拟解决方案。扩大的合作将融合顶尖技术以推进6G技术,透过NVIDIA GPU增强Ansys求解器,将NVIDIA AI整合到Ansys软体产品中
一款音频处理应用程序为基础合成的工具包---C + +(STK)开源项目。-AudioBoard (2011.06.08)
一款音频处理应用程序为基础合成的工具包---C + +(STK)开源项目。
为一款震波讯号处理的图形界面工具-STK - Seismic ToolKit (2011.02.04)
Stykz 是 stickfigure动画程序,灵感来自于流行的透视 Stickfigure 动画软件。-Stykz 1.0.2 (2011.02.01)
Stykz 是 stickfigure动画程序,灵感来自于流行的透视 Stickfigure 动画软件。
元太劉思誠:iPad擴大市場 E-reader仍是主流 (2010.04.22)
元太劉思誠:iPad擴大市場 E-reader仍是主流
Atmel与PGC合力推出JPEG图像观察器参考设计 (2009.03.23)
爱特梅尔公司 (Atmel)与巨有科技(PGC) 宣布推出一款JPEG图像观察器参考设计,它可移植 (port) 到AT91CAP9S客制化微控制器的低成本AT91CAP9A-STK入门工具组。当经由其USB设备埠连接主PC时,CAP-STK成为JPEG图像的大容量内存
Atmel为ARM7客制化MCU推出开发工具 (2008.09.14)
Atmel(爱特梅尔)推出 AT91CAP7A-STK入门级开发工具组,这是一款专为评估其以ARM7处理器为基础的CAP客制化(customizable)微控制器系列而设计之入门级工具。CAP7客制化MCU可以让设计人员从ARM7加FPGA设计转移到一次性研发费用(NRE)较低的单芯片解决方案,单位件的成本约降30%,而且性能提高8倍,静态功耗和工作功耗分别减少98%和70%
-STK - Seismic ToolKit stk_0.62 (2008.07.03)
STK (Seismic Tool Kit) is a tool for seismic signal processing in graphical interface: various filters, spectral analysis, polarisation, time-frequency, Hilbert transform, instrumental response...etc. Signals processed in STK must be in SAC format
爱特梅尔获《今日电子》2007年度产品奖 (2008.04.23)
爱特梅尔(Atmel Corporation)宣布其CAP可订制式微控制器获《今日电子》杂志评选为2007年的年度产品之一。此一评审小组是由编辑和业界专家所组成,评审的标准则包括显著的应用技术进步、开创性的设计和大幅提升的价格性能比
-STK - Seismic ToolKit stk_0.60 (2008.03.25)
STK (Seismic Tool Kit) is a tool for seismic signal processing in graphical interface: various filters, spectral analysis, polarisation, time-frequency, Hilbert transform, instrumental response...etc. Signals processed in STK must be in SAC format
Atmel推ARM7微控制器系列适合功耗限制应用 (2008.03.14)
Atmel Corporation(爱特梅尔)推出ARM7TDMI核心的全新微控制器系列AT91SAM7L。此一系列产品嵌入了控制多个power island的功率开关,以及可编程的电压调节器,以便降低工作和待机模式下的功耗
Atmel和Trango合作客制化微控制器虚拟IP (2008.03.10)
爱特梅尔(Atmel Corporation)和嵌入式虚拟IP供货商Trango Virtual Processors宣布,为爱特梅尔AT91CAP9可客制化微控制器的用户推出Trango的虚拟IP产品Hypervisor。因为开发出多个与硬件无关的基础性CAP架构之虚拟实例,Trango的Hypervisor能显著缩短CAP应用软件的开发时间,而且只要对现有软件进行最少的修改即可重新使用
实现完整的近距离无线通信体系 (2008.01.30)
-STK - Seismic ToolKit STK_0.57 (2008.01.08)
STK (Seismic ToolKit) is a tool for seismic signal processing in graphical interface: filtering, spectral analysis, polarisation, time-frequency, Hilbert transform, and singular value decomposition.. Signals must be in SAC format
-Mobile STK MobileSTK 0.2 (2007.11.23)
Mobile STK is a port of the Synthesis Toolkit originally developed by Perry Cook and Gary Scavone to mobile devices (Symbian OS and Windows CE). STK is a set of audio signal processing and algorithmic synthesis classes.
-STK - Seismic ToolKit stk_0.54 (2007.11.02)
STK (Seismic ToolKit) is a tool for seismic signal processing in graphical interface: filtering, spectral analysis, polarisation, time-frequency, Hilbert transform, and singular value decomposition.. Signals must be in SAC format
-STK - Seismic ToolKit stk_0.51.tar.bz2 (2007.08.31)
STK (Seismic ToolKit) is a tool for seismic signal processing in graphical interface: filtering, spectral analysis, polarisation, time-frequency, Hilbert transform, and singular value decomposition.. Signals must be in SAC format
-STK - Seismic ToolKit stk_0.48.tgz (2007.05.12)
STK (Seismic ToolKit) is a tool for seismic signal processing in graphical interface: filtering, spectral analysis, polarisation, time-frequency, Hilbert transform, and singular value decomposition.. Signals must be in SAC format
-Simple ToolKit STK 3.2 (2007.04.24)
SimpleTK is an open source Simple ToolKit (set of graphical user interface components or widgets) for the X Window System. It's aims is to be Light, Simple, Ergonomic and Fast. It is writen in C/C++ language.
-Simple ToolKit STK 3.0 (2007.02.17)
SimpleTK is an open source Simple ToolKit (set of graphical user interface components or widgets) for the X Window System. It's aims is to be Light, Simple, Ergonomic and Fast. It is writen in C/C++ language.

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1 捷扬光电首款双镜头声像追踪 PTZ 摄影机上市
2 英飞凌全新边缘AI综合评估套件加速机器学习应用开发
3 意法半导体新车规单晶片同步降压转换器让应用设计更弹性化
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5 恩智浦新一代JCOP Pay提供支付卡客制化服务
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10 Diodes新款12通道LED驱动器可提升数位看板和显示器效能

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