[专栏]4G Small Cell晶片与软体发展分析 (2013.05.23) Small Cell在大型业者主导下,经营模式与过去有所不同,台湾厂商此时有更弹性的选择空间,从晶片商的产品特征、软体业者的支援程度等构面选择适合的业者进行合作,为新世代的行动宽频产品进行布局
TI 最新低成本多核心 DSP (2012.08.10) TI 日前宣布推出一款包含开发软件与 TI 强大 Code Composer Studio™ 集成开发环境的高密度、高扩展性解决方案,可实现前所未有的系统级低功耗与低成本,是会谈边界控制器 (session border controller) 与 IP PBX 网关等企业用网关应用的理想选择
-cyberhotel pbx (2011.03.28) Cyberhotel is a complet IPBX and Hotspot system it work on linux server with asterisk pbx and chillispot Administrative phones use a freepbx GUI and Hotel administration with our special GUI.
-jpbxlite (2011.01.24) jPBXLite is a Java-based PBX. Requires MySQL and Tomcat. Still in VERY early stages of development. Supports SIP extensions (voicemail), trunks and an IVR system.
-Obelisk PBX (2010.10.06) Obelisk is a Buinsess Phone System based on Asterisk. With Subprojects: app_cbpgsql cbmysql port to postgresql. obelisk taglib JSP Taglib to create Phone Application for Snom,Polycom,Aastra